174 research outputs found

    Opinion attribution improves motivation to exchange subjective opinions with humanoid robots

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    In recent years, the development of robots that can engage in non-task-oriented dialogue with people, such as chat, has received increasing attention. This study aims to clarify the factors that improve the user’s willingness to talk with robots in non-task oriented dialogues (e.g., chat). A previous study reported that exchanging subjective opinions makes such dialogue enjoyable and enthusiastic. In some cases, however, the robot’s subjective opinions are not realistic, i.e., the user believes the robot does not have opinions, thus we cannot attribute the opinion to the robot. For example, if a robot says that alcohol tastes good, it may be difficult to imagine the robot having such an opinion. In this case, the user’s motivation to exchange opinions may decrease. In this study, we hypothesize that regardless of the type of robot, opinion attribution affects the user’s motivation to exchange opinions with humanoid robots. We examined the effect by preparing various opinions of two kinds of humanoid robots. The experimental result suggests that not only the users’ interest in the topic but also the attribution of the subjective opinions to them influence their motivation to exchange opinions. Another analysis revealed that the android significantly increased the motivation when they are interested in the topic and do not attribute opinions, while the small robot significantly increased it when not interested and attributed opinions. In situations where there are opinions that cannot be attributed to humanoid robots, the result that androids are more motivating when users have the interests even if opinions are not attributed can indicate the usefulness of androids

    Improving Quality of Life with a Narrative Robot Companion: II - Creating Group Cohesion via Shared Narrative Experience

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    One of the most difficult things for social robots is to enter the realm of human social relations. Here, we exploit recent advances in natural language processing (NLP) that provide robots access to human experience, which can allow them to enter into human social relations. When people are put together in arbitrary conditions, as in a home for the elderly, it can be difficult for them to share experience. To address this, we use recent advances in NLP to allow the robot to discover shared narratives between such group members. Our narrative companion extends the human capability to make social narrative links for building group coherence through sharing experience.Requirements are identified for a narrative companion to allow individuals within a group to focus their interactions on shared experiences and interests, to improve group coherence. The system should collect and organize members' experiences, and should discover semantic similarity between different members' experiences in order to create a group narrative. It should then accompany the group in their cohesion-enhancing experience of this narrative. Based on these requirements, and extending our previous work, we implement the V2.0 narrative companion on the Pepper robot.The system is validated in a case study where participants provide 5 favorite photographs and short answers to questions. The Narrative Semantic Similarity Analysis System (NarSim) generates a meaningful trajectory of narrative linking people and events depicted in the photographs. With this, Pepper then accompanies the group and prompts group members to enrich the shared narrative, to further enhance the group pleasure and cohesion. Results are presented, and future applications for improved quality of life are discussed.T. Uchida, H. Ishiguro and P. F. Dominey, "Improving Quality of Life with a Narrative Robot Companion: II – Creating Group Cohesion via Shared Narrative Experience*," 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Naples, Italy, 2020, pp. 906-913, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN47096.2020.9223600.The 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication [31 AUG - 04 SEPT, 2020

    The current state of marine debris on the seafloor in offshore area around Japan

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    Marine debris on the seafloor has not been thoroughly investigated, and there is little information compared to other types of marine debris. We conducted bottom trawl surveys to determine the present situation of marine debris on the seafloor in offshore areas around Japan. The survey was conducted in three sea areas with different characteristics. As a result, it was found that the amount of marine debris in submarine canyons (2926.1 items/km2) was higher than on the continental shelf. It was revealed that most marine debris on the seafloor is comprised of plastic products, and that debris on the seafloor retains its condition for a long time (over 30 years) without deterioration. In addition, the type of marine debris is affected by the industries operating in each area. Continuing to investigate marine debris on the seafloor in more areas will contribute to solving the problem of marine debris


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    The early postoperative results of pancreatoduodenectomy performed in our institute during the last 20 years were reviewed, dividing the cases into two groups, from 1970 to 1979 and from 1980 to 1989. Among a total of 136 pancreatoduodenctomies, 52 were performed in the earlier decade and 84 in the latter decade. Patients were significantly older in the latter than in the earlier decade. In the earlier decade, postoperative complications developed in 28.8% of the patients with a 19.2% overall mortality rate. In the latter decade, the complications occurred in 27.4% with a 6.0% mortality rate. There was a significant decrease in overall mortality rate between the two decades. The most common complication was the dehiscence of pancreatojejunostmy, but life-threatening major leakage was decreased. It was considered that recent improvements in surgical techniques and intraoperative and perioperative management contributed to the improvement of the results of this procedure. However, continuing efforts are needed to reduce the morbidity rate, which remains high

    Case Report: Retropancreatic fascia hernia protruding into the thoracic cavity through a Bochdalek hernia

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    Retropancreatic fascia hernia is a novel internal hernia originating from the retropancreatic fascial defect, which subsequently expands toward the dorsal aspect of the pancreatic body and migrates into the retroperitoneal space. We encountered a rare case of concomitant retropancreatic fascia and Bochdalek hernias. Here, we describe the imaging characteristics of this hernia type and its surgical strategies

    Cerebral air embolism as a complication of peptic ulcer in the gastric tube: case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The reported incidence of ulcer formation in the gastric tube in esophageal replacement is rare.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>This is the first report of a case of cerebral air embolism as a result of spontaneous perforation of an ulcer in the constructed gastric tube into the pulmonary vein during post-operative follow-up in a patient with esophageal cancer.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Cerebral air embolism is a rare complication of penetrating gastric ulcer, but should be considered in patients with a history of esophagectomy with gastric conduit that present with acute neurologic findings.</p
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