3 research outputs found
Multi-scale debris flow vulnerability assessment and direct loss estimation of buildings in the Eastern Italian Alps
- Author
- A Godfrey
- AM Kaynia
- B Mazzorana
- B Quan Luna
- B Quan Luna
- B Schwendtner
- C Guillard-Gonçalves
- C Negulescu
- C. J. van Westen
- CJ Westen van
- D Alexander
- G Hufschmidt
- H Hussin
- H. Hussin
- J Birkmann
- J Blahut
- J Corominas
- J Du
- J Remondo
- JC Rougier
- L Chen
- L. Chen
- M Borga
- M Cardinali
- M Keiler
- M Papathoma-Köhle
- M Papathoma-Köhle
- M Papathoma-Köhle
- M Silva
- M Uzielli
- M Uzielli
- M. Jaboyedoff
- ME Pate-Cornell
- MG Winter
- MJ Crozier
- O Mavrouli
- O Mavrouli
- P. Nicolet
- R Fell
- R Totschnig
- R Totschnig
- R. L. Ciurean
- S Fuchs
- S Fuchs
- S Fuchs
- S Fuchs
- S Fuchs
- S Sterlacchini
- S. Frigerio
- SL Cutter
- T Glade
- T. Glade
- UMK Eidsvig
- WE Walker
- YY Haimes
- Z Li
- Ž Malek
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Analysis and quantification of potential consequences in multirisk coastal context at different spatial scales (Normandy, France)
- Author
- A Carpignano
- A Garcia-Aristizabal
- A Godfrey
- A Puissant
- A Tayyebi
- AK Saha
- B Carlier
- B Laignel
- B Sahoo
- B. Laignel
- C Bollin
- C Fisson
- C Fonte
- C Kubal
- C Lai
- C Li
- C Lissak
- C Lissak
- C Saint-Martin
- C van Westen
- C. Lissak
- CJ Van Westen
- CJ van Westen
- D Delahaye
- D Delahaye
- D Khan
- E Yoon
- E-SMM Zahran
- EK Çetinkaya
- F Franci
- F Léone
- H Nezarat
- HB Abbas
- HJ Van der Fels-Klerx
- I Turki
- J Birkmann
- J Birkmann
- J Birkmann
- J Corominas
- J Douvinet
- J Douvinet
- J Jokar Arsanjani
- J Yin
- J-P Malet
- JM Gaspar-Escribano
- JM Jeffers
- K. Graff
- L Cascini
- L Chen
- L Milanesi
- M Dilley
- M Fressard
- M Fressard
- M Haklay
- M Papathoma-Köhle
- M Papathoma-Köhle
- M Uzielli
- MM de Brito
- MS Kappes
- MS Kappes
- MS Kappes
- MSG de Tsuzuki
- O Maquaire
- O Petrucci
- O. Maquaire
- P Letortu
- P Mouroux
- P Ponniah
- R Totschnig
- RM Cooke
- S Fuchs
- S Gumus
- S Muis
- S Scheuer
- S Zahran
- S-H Wei
- S. Costa
- SE Chang
- T Glade
- TL Saaty
- UMK Eidsvig
- V Gallina
- V Penadés-Plà
- W Marzocchi
- XK Dimakos
- Y Chen
- Y. Thiery
- Z Liu
- Z Vojinovic
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Micro-sized enterprises: vulnerability to flash floods
- Author
- A Gissing
- AH Thieken
- B Efron
- B Jongman
- B Marchi De
- B Mazzorana
- B Mazzorana
- B Mazzorana
- B Merz
- C Scawthorn
- C Scawthorn
- C Scheidl
- D Alexakis
- D Norbiato
- D Rickenmann
- D Varnes
- DLA Gordon
- E Gaume
- E Gaume
- E Penning-Rowsell
- EE Koks
- F Comiti
- F Luino
- F Messner
- F Vinet
- G Delrieu
- GP Petropoulos
- H Kreibich
- H Kreibich
- HC Winsemius
- I Seifert
- ICPR (International Commission for the Protection of the River Rhine)
- J Barredo
- J Birkmann
- J Ganoulis
- JD Creutin
- JM Hooke
- Johannes Hübl
- K Karagiorgos
- K Karagiorgos
- K Papagiannaki
- K Sapountzaki
- K Thywissen
- Konstantinos Karagiorgos
- L Mantelas
- L Marchi
- M Borga
- M Calianno
- M Diakakis
- M Heiser
- M Holub
- M Jakob
- M Keiler
- M Llasat
- M Papathoma-Köhle
- M Papathoma-Köhle
- M Papathoma-Köhle
- Micha Heiser
- MURL (Ministerium für Umwelt Raumordnung und Landwirtschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen)
- O Lasda
- P Adhikari
- R Fell
- R Totschnig
- R Totschnig
- S Fuchs
- S Fuchs
- S Fuchs
- S Fuchs
- S Fuchs
- S Fuchs
- S Fuchs
- S Rozalis
- SL Cutter
- Sven Fuchs
- T Thaler
- T-C Tsao
- Thomas Thaler
- UMK Eidsvig
- V Meyer
- WC Lo
- WE Highfield
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study