173 research outputs found

    Konseling Keluarga untuk Meningkatkan Ketahanan Keluarga

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    The background of this study is based on the significance of family counseling to increase family resilience. This counseling is needed to help families in dealing with complex family problems and involves many factors. The purpose of this study is to review the literatures on family counseling approach in increasing family resilience. This study uses a systematic literature review (SLR) approach from various articles that discuss family counseling, family resilience, and household problems. The author used 3 selection criteria for the literature study: periodization, keywords, and limitation. The results show that the family and family resilience must be seen as a system that has various influencing factors. The important role of family counseling is to help families in dealing with crisis situations, find the right solution, bring out the best potential, and develop the ability to work together


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    Women have the same status as the man. There is no differences of status and human right between women and men. Both men and women have the same function in the social life. In the long history, women had the important role. With their achievement, Islam has given the large area to the women in doing good action and heroic. Islam has shown a good position for the women in social life. In the global area, the role of women and men had changed. Women tends to get the public role. The tendencies of women change is because of the opened opportunities for the women. This Phenomenon gives the opportunities to the women to express their  potential. But it will be  a problem if the women don’t understand the role of gender totally. So, counseling has to give the right understanding  in expressing their potential

    Muhammadiyah's Contribution to Educational Development in Indonesia: A Historical Analysis

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    Muhammadiyah's role in the development of education in Indonesia continues to grow over time, playing a key role in determining the future of this country. This research aims to dig deeper into Muhammadiyah's contribution to the history of the development of Indonesian education using historical methods. Literature study is used as a data collection technique, taking information from various sources such as books, journals, newspapers, the internet, and other references related to Muhammadiyah. The research results show that Muhammadiyah has had a positive impact by spreading Islamic teachings and designing an equitable education system throughout Indonesia. Muhammadiyah schools, which integrate religious and general lessons, make a significant contribution to advancing education in the country. This organization has succeeded in establishing and managing more than 5,264 schools and madrasas, as well as 177 universities throughout Indonesia. Thus, Muhammadiyah not only educates the nation through education but also forms quality individuals in educational and religious aspects

    Internal Influence Of Locus Of Control On Moral Disengagement Santri In West Java

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    This paper examined the influence of internal locus of control on the moral disengagement of students at five Pesantren in West Java. The respondents in this study were 370 who were taken by simple random sampling. The questionnaire used for the daat collection that was made referring to the theory of internal locus of control and moral disengagement. The data analysis used a simple linear regression test and based on the results of statistical tests, it was known that the R value was -0.991 and the t value : -16,212 > t table: 1.65 and the sig.: 0.000 < :0.05, this meant that the internal locus of control had a negative and significant effect on moral disengagement, this study proved that the higher the internal locus of control score, the lower the moral disengagement behavior of students at five Islamic boarding schools in West Java

    Stress and Its Impact on Principal Performance: An Overview of Education Management

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    This study aims to determine the impact of stress felt by school principals at the elementary school level in Bandung Regency. The research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. The research was conducted in January 2022 for three weeks through in-depth interviews with three informants. The purposive sampling technique selected informants. Data analysis was carried out by content analysis and triangulation of sources and methods. The results show that an unhealthy work environment pressure from teachers can affect the performance of school principals regardless of gender. Stress that can be felt in headaches, body aches, and hypertension are the main symptoms felt. This research implies that the principal looks moody or often emotional because he feels stressed at work and feels symptoms of illness. It is recommended that principals hire competent employees to assist in administration, delegate tasks, hold regular meetings and counseling, reduce their stress and create a supportive environment for a more efficient school administration

    Prostitusi Remaja Putri dan Ketahanan Keluarga di Cianjur Jawa Barat

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    Penelitian ini dilatari oleh kompleksitas persoalan prostitusi dan ketahanan keluarga dalam berbagai aspek dan dimensinya. Kompleksitas tersebut dilingkupi oleh berbagai aspek seperti faktor ekonomi, sosial, politik, budaya, pengaruh global dan aspek lain yang turut memberikan dampak terhadap maraknya prostiusi remaja yang berimplikasi pada tercabiknya tatanan dan ketahanan keluarga pada kehidupan sosial kemasyarakatan di Cianjur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Pertama, Untuk mengungkapkan fenomena prostitusi remaja putri di Cianjur dilihat dari karakteristik tempat prostitusi, karakteristik pelaku dan korban serta mekanisme prostitusi yang terjadi; dan Kedua, Untuk mengetahui bagaimana kondisi ketahanan keluarga remaja putri yang menjadi korban. Penelitianini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan menguji teori sebagai sebuah fenomena di lapangan melalui pendekatankualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengungkap realita yang terjadi pada remaja putri yang terlibat pada kegiatan prostitusi. Terhadap temuan hasil lapangan dimaksud kemudian dianalisis dengan metode metode genealogi Foucault sehingga Peneliti mengidentifikasi kekuasaan-kekuasaan apa/mana saja yang berkaitan dengan fenomena prostitusi remaja putri dan ketahanan keluarga. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa, Prostitusi remaja putri di Cianjur dilihat dari karakteristik tempat prostitusi, karakteristik pelaku dan korban serta mekanisme prostitusi yang terjadi, dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan ada empat macam pelaku perdagangan anak untuk prostitusi, yaitu pacar, teman, dan mucikari. Bagi sebagian besar pelaku yang terlibat dalam perdagangan anak untuk prostitusi ini, keterlibatan mereka merupakan pekerjaan sampingan. Namun ada pula beberapa orang di antaranya yang menjadikan pekerjaan tetap. Para pelaku tidak mempunyai keterikatan formal apa pun dalam sindikat perdagangan anak dengan tujuan prostitusi ini. Kemiskinan dan gaya hidup merupakan karakteristik korban perdagangan anak yang dilacurkan yang paling dominan ditemukan selama penelitian. Hal tersebut tercermin melalui beberapa hal, antara lain, dari kondisi fisik tempat tinggal korban, status pekerjaan orang tuanya dan tingkat pendidikan korban. Adapun ketahanan keluarga remaja putri yang menjadi korban, bedasarkan observasi dan wawancara menunjukkan adanya ketahanan keluarga yang lemah, seperti halnya ketahanan fisik ekonomi, psikologis, dan aspek sosial budayanya

    Management of Girl Competencies in Improving the Quality of Education Graduates

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    Innovation is a change or an idea that is deliberately created based on changes that are original in nature, modification or collaboration can have physical or behavioral rewards. Innovation in the field of education is not something new to do, in fact, almost every time new things are found to be a method or method used to achieve the vision and mission of education, of course good management is needed to regulate how the use of existing competencies becomes a source of educational strength in education. quality improvement process. In general, the Management of Teaching and Learning Competencies in Improving the Quality of Education Graduates, is oriented towards the vision, mission, and goals that must be realized at a certain time through an analysis of the resources owned by the school, both human resources and other resources, so that the achievement of school goals can be realized. In reality, the Management of Teaching and Learning Competencies in Improving the Quality of Education Graduates is still not effective because it still faces various obstacles, especially human resources and school resources

    Waqf Based Pesantren of Education Financing

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    The main problem of this research is the weakness of Pesantren education funding uncertain sources of financing and standards, non-transparent financial management, and weak supervision. Waqf is one of the Islamic Shari'a which has high economic potential. there is still a gap between the potential and reality the presence of waqf has not been felt as economic benefits for mostly today's Islamic communities, including Pesantren. The conceptual framework of this research uses the concept of Elchanan Cohn, 1979; Thomas Jones, 1985; Nanang Fattah. 2012; Dedi Supriadi, 2010; Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf; Government Regulation Number 18 of 2019 concerning Pesantren; Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2021 concerning Funding for the Implementation of Pesantren; and Government Regulation No. 19 of 2007 concerning National Education Standards (SNP) The synthesis of expert opinions, laws, and government regulations, that the costs in education include direct costs and indirect costs with three financing criteria, namely investment, operational, and personal financing.The results of this study indicate that: First, waqf-based pesantren education financing is used for investment financing aspects, while operational and personal financing still needs to be developed. Second, the implementation of the waqf-based pesantren education financing program is still founded to be influencing factors, both supporting and inhibiting factors. Third, the financing of waqf-based pesantren education has an good impact on the quality of pesantren education

    Psikologi konseling : Teori dan implementasi

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    Secara harfiah psikologi berasal dari kata Yunani, “psyche” yang berarti jiwa dan “logos” yang berarti ilmu. Oleh sebab itu, secara harfiah psikologi berarti ilmu jiwa. Dalam paradigma ini istilah ilmu jiwa memiliki pengertian yang samar dan abstrak, sebab psikologi konseling kata jiwa sampai dengan saat ini masih mengandung misteri sebab tidak seorang pun mengetahui secara detail apa sejatinya tentang jiwa dimaksud. Psikologi sesungguhnya tidak mempersoalkan apa itu jiwa, namun mempelajari fenomena atau gejala-gejala terhadap jiwa itu sendiri. Gejala ini antara lain terkait dengan, kenapa seseorang harus gembira, kenapa seorang anak harus menangis, tersenyum,dan sejumlah fenomena sejenis lainnya. Para ahli memberikan pengertian yang beragam terkait dengan pengertian psikologi, tergantung pada latar belakang dan aspek atau dimensi dalam meninjaunya. Hal ini diakui oleh James Drever dalam Khairani (2014: 6) dengan mengatakan,“Psikologi sebagai salah satu cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat didefinisi dalam berbagai variasi, menurut metode khusus atau lapangan ilmu yang dipelajari oleh ahli psikologi yang memberikan definsi itu.” Namun demikian, berikut ini dikemukakan beberapa pendapat para pakar untuk memperkaya pengetahuan dan referensi terhadap pengertian psikologi itu sendiri sebagai sebuah pegangan awal dalam memahami psikologi itu sendiri
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