27 research outputs found

    Data set for Optimisation and Experimental Validation of Near-Isotropic 3D Ordered Star Cell Auxetic Structures

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    This data set is a compilation of the information needed to re-create the findings in the study "Optimisation and Experimental Validation of Near-Isotropic 3D Ordered Star Cell Auxetic Structures". The file contains images and Ncorr files for the image analysis of the physical tests and Ansys and data files to run the FEA models for as tested cells, isotropy analysis and the optimisation and setup of the individual cells. The four parts of the data set are: 1) the images and n_corr session data used to assess the Poisson's ratio of the samples with image analysis; 2) the Finite Element models used during the optimisation of the base cells in various stages, with infinite simulation boundary conditions and the output values; 3) the flat angle form of the Finite Element models to allow re-creation of the isotropy tests for each lattice; 4) the as-tested FEA models to allow re-creation of the validation simulations for the physical testing process

    Data from UK Pension Reforms (1997-2015)

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    This dataset contains video content created and documents collected by the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Bath for the research project ‘Pension Reforms in the UK: 1997 to 2015’, funded by the National Employment Savings Trust (Nest) Insight. The pension reforms that were initiated in the early 2000s with the 'Turner' Pensions Commission, and implemented during the 2010s, represent a milestone in the history of UK pensions provision. The ‘Pension Reforms in the UK’ project is about bringing together existing information on these reforms and augmenting it with new material and content. This dataset is part of that work and aims ultimately to contribute to a UK Pension Reforms Archive. The dataset contains 24 elite semi-structured video interviews with former UK prime ministers, secretaries of state, ministers, special advisers, Pensions Commission’s members, civil servants, stakeholders, academics and journalists, and 97 documents related to the reforms. The files are freely available for researchers and anyone who is interested in the UK's pension reforms or policy change more widely, to review and use in an appropriate manner. The dataset is divided into four stages of reform: - Stage 1: Pensions in the later 1990s and early 2000s; - Stage 2: The Pensions Commission (2002-2006); - Stage 3: Policy enactment (2006-2010); - Stage 4: Implementation (2010-2015). You can also watch a 10-minute summary video with highlights of the interviews with participants

    Simulated Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar (InSAS) Data of the SS Thistlegorm Wreck

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    The simulated InSAS dataset is based on a high-resolution 3D model of the SS Thistlegorm ship wreck, which has been supplemented by a textured seafloor to provide a scene spanning an area of 220 by 135 m. The simulated sonar is similar to the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) 300 kHz MUSCLE system

    Supplementary materials for "Understanding University Student Priorities for Mental Health and Well-being Support: A Mixed-Methods Exploration using the Person-Based Approach"

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    These supplementary materials comprise some of the study materials used in a mixed-methods exploration of student engagement with and priorities for well-being and mental health support at university. They include the content of an online survey instrument (part 1, quantitative), the focus group discussion schedule (part 2, qualitative), and anonymised data from the survey and focus groups. Research took place in the summer of 2020; the participants were students of the University of Bath at that time

    Dataset for paper entitled "A Frequency Modulation-Based Taxel Array: A Bio-Inspired Architecture for Large-Scale Artificial Skin."

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    Datalogs acquired during experiments related the article "A Frequency Modulation-Based Taxel Array: A Bio-Inspired Architecture for Large-Scale Artificial Skin." These datasets contains both raw data e.g. FM mixed signals generated by the electronic architecture and processed signals e.g. reconstructed demodulated signal. The files are similarly named in pairs e.g. File1XX.txt and FileFM1XX.txt containing the processed data and mixed FM respectively. Another file per pair complements these files providing the list of main variable used (e.g. sampling rate, filters, decimation) and are named as Metadata_File1XX.txt. Two other files are included File1static8k.txt and File1static23k.txt used to generate the input/reconstruction image of the article. These data are collected to assess the performances of the proposed architecture

    Supplementary materials for "Exercising body but not mind: A qualitative exploration of attitudes to combining physical activity and mindfulness practice for mental health promotion"

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    Supplementary materials for a study of the attitudes of a UK-wide sample of university students towards combining physical activity and mindfulness practice in order to maintain good mental health. Recruitment of participants was conducted over social media (Twitter). The materials in this set include the recruitment flyer, screening survey content, interview schedule and full interview transcripts. The set also includes full ethics documentation (available on request). This study is part of a doctoral research project aiming to investigate the potential of combining physical activity and mindfulness practice for maintaining good mental health, and to create a digital intervention supporting people with their combined practice

    Dataset for "Comparing the Performances of Force Fields in Conformational Searching of Hydrogen Bond-Donating Catalysts"

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    This dataset contains all of the fully optimised structures (from force field conformational searches and DFT) used in the work titled "Comparing the Performances of Force Fields in Conformational Searching of Hydrogen Bond-Donating Catalysts". Twenty organic molecules were conformationally searched with eight force fields (OPLS3e, OPLS-2005, MMFF, MMFFs, AMBER*, OPLS, MM2* and MM3*) and all of the conformer structures were geometry optimised at the M06-2X/6-31G(d) level of theory and single-point energies of the resulting minima were calculated with the M06-2X/def2-TZVPP level of theory. This dataset contains the .mol2 files that correspond to the conformer structures found by the force fields, and the .out files for the DFT-optimised minima and the single-point energies. Also provided are .csv files containing all of the conformer energies according to the force fields and DFT

    Dataset for "Deep learning based robot cognitive architecture for collaborative assembly tasks"

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    Dataset used for training action recognition method and task status prediction method for use in human-robot collaborative assembly scenario. Inertial measurement unit and skeleton tracking data included while users perform assembly tasks and gestures. Dataset has two parts; 1) human action recognition where sensor data is recorded along with ground truth of action being performed at that time 2) task status prediction where sensor data is recorded along with how long until each action in the task is completed

    Dataset for chapter "Quality and Bias"

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    Dataset is a MATLAB program, and its output, for the graphs illustrating in Davenport's chapter "Quality and Bias" in the BCS-published book, edited by Adam Leon Smith, on "Artificial Intelligence and Software Testing". They are provided here, and linked from the book, to allow readers to experiment

    Dataset for "Parameter Reduction and Optimisation for Point Cloud and Occupancy Mapping Algorithms"

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    In the applications of occupancy mapping, the scene to be explored is normally large and objects are of irregular shapes. In this case, it is difficult to evaluate the performance of a mapping approach since the ground truth can hardly be obtained. This dataset aims to provide small measured scenes with ground truths for evaluation purposes. Videos are recorded in .svo files. These files can be opened with the tools provided in ZED SDK which can be downloaded at Stereo Labs website (https://www.stereolabs.com). Images in the videos can be extracted using the API in ZED SDK and the camera parameters can also be accessed by ZED API. Ground truth files are in .ot format. These files can be viewed by octovis package. To install octovis, run 'sudo apt-get install octovis' in Ubuntu. Camera trajectories produced by ORB-SLAM and keyframe poses produced by ORB-SLAM are in .txt files. Most text editors can open files of this type