1,011 research outputs found

    Chaotic pulses for discrete reaction diffusion systems

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    Existence and dynamics of chaotic pulses on a one-dimensional lattice are discussed. Traveling pulses arise typically in reaction diffusion systems like the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations. Such pulses annihilate when they collide with each other. A new type of traveling pulse has been found recently in many systems where pulses bounce off like elastic balls. We consider the behavior of such a localized pattern on one-dimensional lattice, i.e., an infinite system of ODEs with nearest interaction of diffusive type. Besides the usual standing and traveling pulses, a new type of localized pattern, which moves chaotically on a lattice, is found numerically. Employing the strength of diffusive interaction as a bifurcation parameter, it is found that the route from standing pulse to chaotic pulse is of intermittent type. If two chaotic pulses collide with appropriate timing, they form a periodic oscillating pulse called a molecular pulse. Interaction among many chaotic pulses is also studied numerically


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    Za zavarivanje tankih limova s vrlo niskim unosom topline i minimalnim štrcanjem koristi se inačica MAG zavarivanje kratkim spojevima pri kojem se mijenja smjer gibanja elektrodne žice. Ako se takav stabilan prijenos može ostvariti u području globularnoga, tj. prijelaznog luka u zaštiti plina CO2, postiže se dodatna produktivnost. Za dane uvjete u ovom radu je opisan razvoj međuspremnika žice tzv. Buffer Position Control uređaja koji upravlja dodavanjem žice između motora koji gura i drugoga koji vuče žicu te može kompenzirati konstantnu brzinu dodavanja, uz primjenu tzv. Pulsed Dip Transfer Process, tj. kombinacije prijenosa metala impulsima i kratkim spojevima, čime se tijekom trajanja električnog luka stabilizira prijenos metalnih kapi za ravnu statičku značajku (CV-constant voltage). Primjenom takvoga valnog oblika struje poboljšava se prijenos topline u osnovni materijal. Dodatno su analizirana načela upravljanja procesom i utjecaj zavarivanja velikim brzinama na vrlo tankim limovima uz pojavu minimalnog štrcanja.A gas metal arc welding process that changes the wire feed direction according to the arc phenomena has been proposed and applied to a fi eld of the ultra-sheet plate joining on MAG welding process, due to the ultra-low spatter generation and the low heat input into the base metal in a current range of the short-circuit transfer mode. When such the welding process can realize the stable metal transfer in a current range of the globular transfer mode under the carbon dioxide shielding gas supplying, it can contribute the improvement of the further productivity. Under the circumstances, the authors have developed the Buffer Position Control which controls the interference reduction of the wire feed direction between the push feeder and the pull feeder and can compensate the constant mean wire feed rate, and the Pulsed Dip Transfer Process which forms the pulsatile output of the welding current during arc duration to stabilize the metal transfer by the constant voltage characteristic and improve the heat input to the base metal. In this paper, the principle of these controls and the effect of high speed welding with ultra-low spatter generation of the sheet metal joining will be presented.Beim Schweißen von dünnen Blechen mit einem sehr niedrigen Wärmeeintrag und mit minimalen Spritzen wird MAG Schweißen benutzt bei dem sich die Richtung der Drahtelektrode ändert. Falls sich so ein stabiler Metallübergang erreicht, im Bereich der globularen bzw. Übergehenden Lichtbogen beim CO2 Gas, kann man eine erweiterte Produktivität haben. Für die Konditionen in dieser Arbeit wurde die Entwicklung von dem Zwischendrahtbuffer beschrieben, der so genannter Buffer Position Control die die Drahtzufuhr reguliert zwischen dem Motor der den Draht schiebt und einen anderen Motor der den Draht zieht, und diese Bufferposition kann die konstante Drahtzufuhrgeschwindigkeit kompensieren und einen Pulsed Dip Transfer Process erreichen, bzw. eine Kombination des Metallübergangs mit Impulsen und Kurzlichtbogen wobei die statische Charakteristik des Lichtbogen gerade ist (CV-constant voltage). Mit der Anwendung so einer Strom Wellenform verbessert sich der Wärmeübergang in das Grundmaterial. Zusätzlich wurden die Prinzipen der Prozesskontrolle und der Einfl uss beim Schweißen mit hoher Geschwindigkeit an sehr dünnen Blechen mit minimalen Spritzen gezeigt

    Effects of hydroxyapatite and PDGF concentrations on osteoblast growth in a nanohydroxyapatite-polylactic acid composite for guided tissue regeneration

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    The technique of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) has evolved over recent years in an attempt to achieve periodontal tissue regeneration by the use of a barrier membrane. However, there are significant limitations in the currently available membranes and overall outcomes may be limited. A degradable composite material was investigated as a potential GTR membrane material. Polylactic acid (PLA) and nanohydroxyapatite (nHA) composite was analysed, its bioactive potential and suitability as a carrier system for growth factors were assessed. The effect of nHA concentrations and the addition of platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) on osteoblast proliferation and differentiation was investigated. The bioactivity was dependent on the nHA concentration in the films, with more apatite deposited on films containing higher nHA content. Osteoblasts proliferated well on samples containing low nHA content and differentiated on films with higher nHA content. The composite films were able to deliver PDGF and cell proliferation increased on samples that were pre absorbed with the growth factor. nHA–PLA composite films are able to deliver active PDGF. In addition the bioactivity and cell differentiation was higher on films containing more nHA. The use of a nHA–PLA composite material containing a high concentration of nHA may be a useful material for GTR membrane as it will not only act as a barrier, but may also be able to enhance bone regeneration by delivery of biologically active molecules

    Ribozyme-mediated inactivation of mutant K-ras oncogene in a colon cancer cell line

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    Mutation of c-K-ras oncogene is an important step in progression of colon cancer. We used a hammerhead ribozyme (KrasRz) against mutated K-ras gene transcripts (codon 12, GTT) to inactivate mutant K-ras function in the colon cancer cell line SW480, harbouring a mutant K-ras gene. The β-actin promoter-driven KrasRz sequence (pHβ/KrasRz) was introduced into these cells (SW480/KrasRz), and we evaluated its effects on growth of the colon cancer. The gene expression of angiogenesis-related molecules (vascular endothelial growth factor and thrombospondin) was also estimated in SW480/KrasRz. KrasRz specifically and efficiently cleaved the mutant K-ras mRNA but not wild-type mRNA in vitro. SW480/KrasRz showed decreased growth rate under tissue culture conditions (P< 0.01, Dunnett’s test). The xenotransplantability of SW480/KrasRz (XeSW480/KrasRz) was significantly decreased in nude mice (P< 0.05, Fisher’s exact test). Tumour volume of the xenografts XeSW480/KrasRz was significantly smaller than that of XeSW480/DisKrasRz (P< 0.01, Dunnett’s test). Gene expression of VEGF was suppressed in SW480/KrasRz, while TSP1 gene expression was enhanced. The SW480/KrasRz cells showed apoptosis-related features including nuclear condensation and DNA fragmentation. These results suggested that the hammerhead ribozyme-mediated inactivation of the mutated K-ras mRNA induced growth suppression, apoptosis and alteration of angiogenic factor expression. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig