3 research outputs found
Design Quality Management in the Design-Build Project
- Author
- Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD)
- Beard J. L.
- Burati J. L.
- Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA)
- Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD)
- Gharaibeh N. G.
- Gonderinger C.
- Gransberg D. D.
- Kirkpatrick E. G.
- Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD)
- Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT)
- Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT)
- National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
- New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department (NMDOT)
- New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)
- Postma S. E.
- Potter J. M.
- Stefani A. M.
- Tam W. O.
- Texas Turnpike Authority (TTA)
- Transportation Research Board (TRB)
- Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)
- Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
- Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)
- Wichern S.
- Publication venue
- 'American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Use of Hi-resolution data for evaluating accuracy of traffic volume counts collected by microwave sensors
- Author
- Chang
- Edgar
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- JAMAR Technologies Inc
- Jeon
- Medina
- Medina
- Medina
- Mimbela
- Prevedouros
- Ramsey
- Roess
- Saito
- Skszek
- SRF Consulting Group
- Sturdevant
- Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)
- Wavetronix
- Wavetronix
- Wavetronix
- Wavetronix
- Windmill Software Ltd
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
State-of-the-Art Review of Seismic-Resistant Precast Bridge Columns
- Author
- ACI (American Concrete Institute)
- ACI (American Concrete Institute)
- ACI (American Concrete Institute)
- Ahn I.-S.
- Alam M. S.
- Alam M. S.
- Ameli M.
- Ameli M.
- Aslam M.
- Billah A. M.
- Billington S. L.
- Bu Z.
- Bu Z.-Y.
- Bu Z.-Y.
- Burak R.
- Cai Z.-K.
- Caltrans
- Cheng C.-T.
- Chou C. C.
- Chou C. C.
- Chou C.-C.
- Christopoulos C.
- Cohagen L. S.
- CSA (Canadian Standards Association)
- Culmo M. P.
- Culmo M. P.
- Davis P. M.
- Dawood H.
- Dawood H. M.
- DeJong M. J.
- Doolen T.
- Dowdell D. J.
- Ebrahimpour A.
- ElGawady M.
- ElGawady M. A.
- Eom T.-S.
- fib (International Federation for Structural Concrete)
- Fowler J. R.
- Freyermuth C. L.
- Ghobarah A.
- Ghobarah A.
- Guerrini G.
- Haber Z. B.
- Haraldsson O. S.
- Haraldsson O. S.
- Hieber D. G.
- Hogan S.
- Holden T.
- Housner G. W.
- Hung H.-H.
- Ichikawa S.
- Iowa-DOT (Iowa Department of Transportation)
- Ishiyama Y.
- Issa M. A.
- Itani R.
- ITG (Innovation Task Group)
- ITG (Innovation Task Group)
- Jeong H. I.
- Kapur J.
- Khaleghi B.
- Khan M. A.
- Kurama Y.
- Kurama Y. C.
- Kurama Y. C.
- Kwan W.-P.
- Kwan W.-P.
- Larkin A. S.
- Lee W. K.
- Li C.
- Li C.
- Li C.
- M. Shahria Alam
- Makris N.
- Makris N.
- Makris N.
- Mander J. B.
- Marriott D.
- Marriott D.
- Marriott D.
- Marsh M. L.
- Mashal M.
- Mashal M.
- Mashal M.
- Mass-DOT (Massachusetts Department of Transportation)
- MDOT (Michigan Department of Transportation)
- Mehrsoroush A.
- Mehrsoroush A.
- Metelli G.
- Mohebbi A.
- Moon D. Y.
- Motaref S.
- Motaref S.
- Moustafa A.
- Nagae T.
- Negro P.
- Nguyen W.
- Nikbakht E.
- Nikoukalam M.
- NZS (New Zealand Standards)
- ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation)
- Ou Y. C.
- Ou Y.-C.
- Ou Y.-C.
- Ou Y.-C.
- Ou Y.-C.
- Palermo A.
- Palermo A.
- Palermo A.
- Palermo A.
- Palmeri A.
- Pampanin S.
- Parks J. E.
- PCI (Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute)
- PCI (Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute)
- Perez F. J.
- Popa V.
- Priestley M. J. N.
- Psycharis I. N.
- Qi Zhang
- Rahmzadeh A.
- Roddenberry M.
- Roh H.
- Roh H.
- Routledge P.
- Saiidi M. S.
- Saiidi M. S.
- Sakai J.
- Shafieifar M.
- Shenton H. W.
- Shim C. S.
- Sideris P.
- Sideris P.
- Spanos P. D.
- Steuck K. P.
- Tazarv M.
- Tazarv M.
- Tazarv M.
- Tazarv M.
- Thonstad T.
- Tobolski M. J.
- Tran H.
- Tran H. V.
- Trono W.
- UDOT (Utah Department of Transportation)
- Varela S.
- Vassiliou M. F.
- Vassiliou M. F.
- Wang J.
- Wang J. C.
- Wang Z.
- White S.
- WisDOT (Wisconsin Department of Transportation)
- WSDOT (Washington State Department of Transportation)
- Yamane T.
- Yamashita R.
- Yang C.
- Yousif A. A.
- Zhang J.
- Zhang N.
- Zhang Q.
- Zhang Q.
- Zohrevand P.
- Publication venue
- 'American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)'
- Publication date
- Field of study