34 research outputs found

    Enhancing the ESIM (Embedded Systems Improving Method) by Combining Information Flow Diagram with Analysis Matrix for Efficient Analysis of Unexpected Obstacles in Embedded Software

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    In order to improve the quality of embedded software, this paper proposes an enhancement to the ESIM (Embedded Systems Improving Method) by combining an IFD (Information Flow Diagram) with an Analysis Matrix to analyze unexpected obstacles in the software. These obstacles are difficult to predict in the software specification. Recently, embedded systems have become larger and more complicated. Theoretically therefore, the development cycle of these systems should be longer. On the contrary, in practice the cycle has been shortened. This trend in industry has resulted in the oversight of unexpected obstacles, and consequently affected the quality of embedded software. In order to prevent the oversight of unexpected obstacles, we have already proposed two methods for requirements analysis: the ESIM using an Analysis Matrix and a method that uses an IFD. In order to improve the efficiency of unexpected obstacle analysis at reasonable cost, we now enhance the ESIM by combining an IFD with an Analysis Matrix. The enhancement is studied from the following three viewpoints. First, a conceptual model comprising both the Analysis Matrix and IFD is defined. Then, a requirements analysis procedure is proposed, that uses both the Analysis Matrix and IFD, and assigns each specific role to either an expert or non-expert engineer. Finally, to confirm the effectiveness of this enhancement, we carry out a description experiment using an IFD.14th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC\u2707), 4-7 Dec. 2007, Aichi, Japa

    RoleEP: role based evolutionary programming for cooperative mobileagent applications

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    Using mobile agent systems, cooperative distributed applications that run over the Internet can be constructed flexibly. However, there are some problems: it is difficult to understand collaborations among the agents as a whole, and it is difficult to define the behaviors of agents because they are dynamically influenced by their external context. So, in general, constructions of cooperative distributed applications based on mobile agent systems are considered as very hard and difficult works. In this paper, the concept of RoleEP (Role-based Evolutionary Programming) is proposed in order to alleviate these problems. RoleEP provides a systematic evolutionary programming style. In RoleEP, a field where a group of agents collaborate with each other is regarded as an environment, and a function that an agent assumes in an environment is defined as a role. Descriptions only concerning the collaborations among agents can be abstracted by environments. An object becomes an agent by binding itself with a role that is defined in an environment, and it then acquires the functions needed for collaborating with other agents that exist in the same environment. Distributed applications based on mobile agent systems, which may change their functions dynamically in order to adapt themselves to their external context, can be constructed by synthesizing environments dynamicallyInternational Symposium on Principles of Software Evolution (ISPSE 2000), 1-2 November 2000, Kanazawa, Japa

    An evolutional cooperative computation based on adaptation toenvironment

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    A framework in which a group of objects collaborating with each other evolve their functions dynamically is presented in this paper. We call the framework evolutional cooperative computation and present an environment-adaptive computation model for its foundation. Then, a programming language Epsilon/0, which supports the computation model and has the reflection mechanism, is presented. In this paper, the concept of environments that give objects collaboration fields is introduced. An object evolves itself and changes relations among other objects by adapting itself to environments or seceding from environmentsSixth Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC\u2799), 7-10 December 1999, Takamatsu, Japa

    Separation of Concerns in Mobile Agent Applications

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    Using mobile agent systems, cooperative distributed applications that run over the Internet can be constructed flexibly. However, there are some problems: it is difficult to understand collaborations among agents and travels of individual agents as a whole because mobility/collaboration functions tend to be intertwined in the code; it is difficult to define behaviors of agents explicitly because they are influenced by their external context dynamically. Many aspects of mobility/collaboration strategies including traveling, coordination constraints, synchronization constraints and security-checking strategies should be considered when mobile agent applications are constructed. In this paper, the concept of RoleEP(Role Based Evolutionary Programming) is proposed in order to alleviate these problems. In RoleEP, a field where a group of agents roam around hosts and collaborate with each other is regarded as an environment and mobility/collaboration functions that an agent should assume in an environment are defined as roles. An object becomes an agent by binding itself to a role that is defined in an environment, and acquires mobility/collaboration functions dynamically. RoleEP provides a mechanism for separating concerns about mobility/collaboration into environments and a systematic evolutionary programming style. Distributed applications based on mobile agent systems, which may change their functions dynamically in order to adapt themselves to their external context, can be constructed by synthesizing environments dynamically

    A Reflective Aspect-Oriented Model Editor Based on Metamodel Extension

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    AspectM, an aspect-oriented modeling language, provides not only basic modeling constructs but also an extension mechanism called metamodel access protocol (MMAP) that allows a modeler to modify the metamodel. MMAP consists of metamodel extension points, extension operations, and primitive predicates for defining pointcut designators. In this paper, a reflective model editor for supporting MMAP is proposed. A new modeling construct can be introduced by extending the metamodel. This mechanism, a kind of edit-time structural reflection, enables a modeler to represent domain-specific crosscutting concerns.International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering (MISE\u2707: ICSE Workshop 2007), 20-26 May 2007, Minneapolis, MN, US

    An adaptive object model with dynamic role binding

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    To achieve the goal of realizing object adaptation to environments, a new role-based model Epsilon and a language EpsilonJ is proposed. In Epsilon, an environment is defined as a field of collaboration between roles and an object adapts to the environment assuming one of the roles. Objects can freely enter or leave environments and belong to multiple environments at a time so that dynamic adaptation or evolution of objects is realized. Environments and roles are the first class constructs at runtime as well as at model description time so that separation of concerns is not only materialized as a static structure but also observed as behaviors. Environments encapsulating collaboration are independent reuse components to be deployed separately from objects. In this paper, the Epsilon model and the language are explained with some examples. The effectiveness of the model is illustrated by a case study on the problem of integrated systems. Implementation of the language is also reported