176 research outputs found

    Women's Auxiliary News, January-February 1969

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    An issue of the UAW Women's Auxiliary News for January - February 1969. This issue includes: National Brotherhood Week; Happy New Year 1969; Niagara Deaf and Hard of Hearing Association Aided by Women's Auxiliary No. 50 UAW; Suggested Auxiliary Calendar; UAW Dolls Displayed At Solidarity House; Happiness is a Surprise Gift; Motorist's Prayer; Please Don't Buy California Grapes; News From Our Auxiliaries; AUX. 243 Evansville, Indiana; AUX. 337 Buffalo, New York; AUX. 385 Peoria, Illinois; AUX. 50 St. Catharines, Ontario; AUX. 370. Saginaw, Michigan; AUX. 314 Detroit, Michigan; Past President Pins Available, Resolved, Our Auxiliaries' Real Boss

    199 News, December 1993

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    An issue of 199 News for December 1993. This issue includes: Breaking The Silence: Violence Against Women, President's Report, Editorial, Letters, Nike Shoes: Walking on Workers, Environment Committee Report, Ontario New Democratic Government Accomplishments, Placement And Ergonomics Rep, Insurance Views, OFL Attacks Drug User Fees, SUB Report, Zone 27 Update, Substance Abuse, Human Rights Committee Report, Ontario Challenges NAFTA in Court, Shop Committee Report, Working World Believe-it-or-Nots, Recording Secretary Employee Counsellor, Community Services Committee Report, Foundry Update, CAW Retains Advantage Over US Autoworkers, Fight Back - The Years in Review, White Spot Restaurants Take Strike Vote, A Short History of WA #50 UAW Serving The Membership For Forty Years, Green Giant Hogs Water, Retiree's News and Views, Retirees, Skilled Trades News, Pension Report, Political Education Committee Report, Foundry Health and Safety, GM Vice Chairperson's Report, Employment Equity, Sports Report, Stag and Doe Biggest Turnout Ever, (GM Unit) Plant Chairperson's Report, Safety Awards Just Blame Workers!, Vice President's Commentary

    199 News, Vol. 23 No. 1, February 1988

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    An issue of 199 News for February 1988. This issue includes: The First For Any Union, President's Column, Free Trade Quotes, Editorial: Give Us Vote On Free Trade, Letters, Obituaries, What is a Credit Union?, Free Trade: Three Reasons Why Free Trade Will Harm Women, Political Education Committee, Free Trade: Not What Its Supporters Claim, Employee Counseling Corner, Apprentice Report, Just The Facts Please, Zone 19 Report, The 31st Annual Ontario Federation Of Labour Convention, Ron David President St. Catharines And District United Way, Environmental Committee, Pension Report, St. John Award, "Bullseye Concept": Voted Down Twice By GM Workers, Holiday Greetings From Engine - Axle - Foundry, Retirees Chapter, Laura's Got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Retirees, Insurance Views, Health and Safety, Clout To Sit On CAW NEB, Guide To Sexist Language, GM, Europe At Odds, SUB Report, Danger of Alcohol is Outlined, Gerry Off To Port Elgin, Children's Christmas Party Was Enjoyed By Everyone, Retiree Sports Report, Foreign Cars Recalled, Stress Has Many Causes, Automobile Insurance Rate Review Board, Human Rights and Human Dignity, Workplace Harassment, The Last Dirty Word, GM Plant Chairman's Report, Foundry Shop Committee Report

    199 News, Vol. 13 No. 7, October 1978

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    An issue of 199 News for October 1978. This issue includes: Cullen Two-Year Settlement Reached, Golden Eagles Win It all, Labour Council Election Results, CLC Suspends Exchange With Soviets, All Lungs Lost!, Supermarket Rip-Off, Letter To The Editor, Retirement and UIC, Associated Services, Common Toxic Substances and Their Effects, Private Insurance Companies Shaft Autor Workers, The Price-Wage Spiral Heats Up, Auto Family Credit Union Niagara Limited, Health and Safety, Health Insurance Costs, Detectors Can Lie, US Cars Could Beat Imports: If the Big 3 Tried Harder, Retirees of Local 199 UAW Enjoy Annual Picnic, Is Your Child on Drugs?, The Blind Lead the Country, Do You Eat Candy for Breakfast?, Cancer: Real Threat or Overrated Scare?, Retirees Corner, A Young Man and His Union, Local 199 UAW Women's Committee Hold Wine and Cheese Party, 10 Common Strike Myths, Unionized Hotels in St. Catharines, A Muskie for Sonny Pascuzzi, 15th Annual Canadian Women's Conference, Welding Safety, Ammonia Hazards, 35 Hour Week German Demand, Work Without Guilt, Metro Industrial Linen Service, GM Chairman Leo Rustin's Column, Plan Shutdowns Are Natural Disasters

    199 News, September 1994

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    An issue of 199 News for September 1994. This issue includes: Six Figure Earners Pay 10% Tax??, NDP Government Confirms Continued Support To Niagara Community, President's Report, Employee Counsellor Report, Pension Report, Convicts "R" Us, SUB Report, Substance Abuse, Employment Equity, Straight Talk: The Highwayman, CLC Convention Delegate Report, Medication Awareness Program, Recreation Committee Report, Bison Fever...Local 199 Style, August Retirees, Taking On The Corporate Agenda, Components Plant Health and Safety, Maintenance Skilled trades Report, Sports Report, Components Plant Shop Report, Zone 19 report, Zone 21 Report, Working World Believe It or Nots, A Short History of Women's Auxiliary #50 UAW, GM Unit Vice Chairperson's Report, Vice President's Commentary

    General Motors Company Corporate Documents (as of May 25, 2010)

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    Stockholder Agreement By And Among General Motors Company and United States Department of the Treasury. General Motors Holding Company (to be renamed General Motors Company


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    U.S. Auto Industry Bailout. Contains amendments from as recent as 2011
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