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12 research outputs found
Clinico-epidemiology, malacology and community awareness of Schistosoma mansoni
Alemayehu T
Birrie H
+6Â more
Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E
Frandsen F
Jayawardena UA
Legesse M
Montresor A
Ruberanziza E
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effects of agrochemicals on disease severity of Acanthostomum burminis infections (Digenea: Trematoda) in the Asian common toad, Duttaphrynus melanostictus
AM Schotthoefer
B Fried
+65Â more
C Carey
C Davidson
C Davidson
CA Blanar
CB Edge
CM Bridges
CM Howe
D Forson
DW Kelly
DW Sparling
GF Stopper
GLM Aponso
GW Thiemann
J Fenelon
J Koprivnikar
J Lewis
JE Houlahan
JM Kiesecker
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Vogel
KL Gosner
L Berger
M Pietrock
MK Gilbertson
MR Wijesinghe
MS Christin
MS Christin
NJ Morley
P Daszak
P Hira
PT Johnson
PT Johnson
PT Johnson
PTJ Johnson
PTJ Johnson
RA Relyea
RA Relyea
RE Gibble
RE Yescott
RS Rajakaruna
S Stuart
SA Budischak
SA Budischak
SK Sessions
SK Sessions
SK Taylor
SS Gervasi
TA McMahon
TB Hayes
TR Raffel
UA Jayawardena
UA Jayawardena
UA Jayawardena
UA Jayawardena
UA Jayawardena
VR Beasley
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Combined Effects of Pesticides and Trematode Infections on Hourglass Tree Frog Polypedates cruciger
AE Cahill
AM Schotthoefer
+69Â more
AR Blaustein
Ayanthi N. Navaratne
BA Goodman
BF Sears
BF Sears
C Bridges
CA Blanar
CM Bridges
DB Wake
DC Smith
DJ Civitello
DW Kelly
DW Linzey
F Monnet-Tschudi
GLM Aponso
HM Wilbur
I Voccia
J Koprivnikar
J Koprivnikar
Jason R. Rohr
JM Kiesecker
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Vonesh
KA Berven
KD Lafferty
KE Jones
LB Martin
M Pietrock
MC Fisher
MN Wacksman
MR Wijesinghe
NJ Gotelli
NJ Morley
NT Halstead
NT Halstead
Priyanie H. Amerasinghe
PTJ Johnson
PTJ Johnson
PTJ Johnson
PTJ Johnson
RA Relyea
RA Relyea
RD Semlitsch
RS Rajakaruna
Rupika S. Rajakaruna
SA Budischak
SA Budischak
SN Stuart
T McMahon
TA McMahon
TR Raffel
UA Jayawardena
UA Jayawardena
UA Jayawardena
UA Jayawardena
Uthpala A. Jayawardena
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Co-exposures to toxic metals cadmium, lead, and mercury and their impact on unhealthy kidney function
A Navas-Acien
+23Â more
CW Noonan
F Harari
IM Olsson
J Afrifa
JM Madrigal
L Jarup
LH RodrÃguez
M Payton
MC Buser
MN Rana
P Muntner
R Kim
Ram B. Jain
RB Jain
RB Jain
RB Jain
RB Jain
RB Jain
RK Zalups
S Rajeshkumar
SE Orr
T Alfven
UA Jayawardena
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effects of Excess Manganese on the Oxidative Status, and the Expression of Inflammatory Factors and Heat Shock Proteins in Cock Kidneys
AL Krüger
B Sun
+40Â more
D Guo
DG Ellingsen
FQ Zhao
H Xing
H Zeng
Huanan Guan
Jie Song
MP Lesser
MW Pfaffl
Na Zhang
NR Dos Santos
O Sogut
OO Oladipo
P Tewari
P Zhao
PM Ferraro
PU Iyare
Q Chi
Q Shi
RT Di Giulio
S Nascimento
T Yang
UA Jayawardena
W Wang
W Yu
X Liu
X Song
X Wang
X-B Song
XF Liu
Xiaofei Liu
Xuemei Nan
Y Guo
Y Guo
Y Ma
Y Wang
Z Li
Z Ziwei
Zhihui Zheng
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Environmental determinants of distribution of freshwater snails and trematode infection in the Omo Gibe River Basin, southwest Ethiopia
A Born-Torrijos
A Farahnak
+40Â more
A Tehrani
AAM Ahmed
AM Ayalew
B Alemayehu
B Chala
B Fried
C Combes
C MacLeod
DB Keeney
DS Brown
F Frandsen
G Alebie
G Yigezu
GM Arshad
H Itagaki
HM El-Khayat
JET Grimes
K Skirnisson
MN Tigga
N De Troyer
NAI Mohammed
NE Davis
NM Harrold
OG Dida
OI Ayanda
OJ Owojori
R Devkota
R Toledo
S Dodangeh
S Opisa
SB Awulachew
SC Schell
ST Mereta
ST Mereta
UA Jayawardena
WE Sector
WP Sousa
X Xiao
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Drinking well water and occupational exposure to Herbicides is associated with chronic kidney disease, in Padavi-Sripura, Sri Lanka
A Dawson
A Szekacs
+43Â more
AA Meharg
C Jayasumana
Channa Jayasumana
Chinthaka Wijewardane
CM Orantes
DV Reddy
EV Tizhe
F Rubio
GE Séralini
HAH Jayasena
IB Gawarammana
J Cotruvo
J Nalewaja
J Nalewaja
JF Acquavella
K Kaneko
K Larsen
K Wanigasuriya
KP Wanigasuriya
M Krüger
M Siddharth
MACS Jayasumana
MF Wilks
Ministry of Health
N Castro-Gutiérrez
N Jayatilake
NT Athuraliya
O El Minshawy
P Whish-Wilson
Priyani Paranagama
R Chandrajith
R Correa-Rotter
R Mesnage
RS Kumar
S Nanayakkara
Sarath Gunatilake
Secretary to the Ministry of Health
Sisira Siribaddana
SO Ayoola
Suneth Agampodi
UA Jayawardena
V Sumbramaniam
W Jiraungkoorskul
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Response Patterns of Biomarkers as Tools to Identify Toxic Effects of Cadmium and Lead on Bufo gargarizans Embryo
A Kauppinen
A Planchart
+58Â more
A Valavanidis
AH Piersma
AS Ayangbenro
B Wu
C Wu
CA Hunter
CG Yuan
CS Pérez-Coll
ESH Chow
F Dondero
F Martini
H Tu
H Xu
H Zhao
HD Yao
Hongyuan Wang
J Jiang
J Jin
J Mathieu-Denoncourt
J Xia
J Yin
JP Woolfson
Jufang Peng
K Swarnalatha
K Xia
KJ Livak
KL Gosner
L Chai
L Chai
L Chai
L Claudio
L Yang
LF Grogan
LM Zimmerman
Minyao Wu
MJ Mughal
MK Driessnack
MW Pfaffl
NS Duzgoren-Aydin
PA Baeuerle
R Jacques
RM Pitti
Rui Zheng
S Muthulakshmi
S Rajendrasozhan
SY Cao
T Fang
T Finkel
T Gui
UA Jayawardena
V Mugoni
VI Lushchak
W Lihong
W Ralf
Y Jin
Y Li
YY Lee
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Noncoding RNAs and myocardial fibrosis
A Carè
A Daniels
+104Â more
A Morley-Smith
AB Aurora
AC Gittenberger-de Groot
AF Leite-Moreira
AK Ghosh
AM Queirós
AV Villar
BC Bernardo
BJ Maron
BN Chau
C Bang
C Vacchi-Suzzi
C Wei
C Widera
DM Patrick
E Hergenreider
E van Rooij
E van Rooij
E Wang
EM Zeisberg
FE Holmberg
G Castoldi
G Heusch
G Liu
G Vassalli
GC van Almen
GY Lip
H Brønnum
H Liang
H Nishi
H Shan
I Karakikes
I Volkmann
J Beaumont
J Fu
J Viereck
JA Hill
JI Drake
JL Rinn
JM Lorenzen
JM Lorenzen
JN Zhu
JX Chen
K Dawson
K Song
K Wang
KC Yang
KM Akat
KM Michalik
L Cooper
L Qian
L Zhou
M Abonnenc
M Jaguszewski
M Jessup
M Pihlmann
M Quattrocelli
MF Corsten
MI Galindo
MS Ewer
O Adam
P Santangeli
PA da Costa Martins
PA da Costa Martins
PJ Batista
R Hinkel
R Katare
R Kumarswamy
R Kumarswamy
R Kumarswamy
R Kumarswamy
R Marfella
R Roncarati
R Wada
RA Boon
RA Boon
RF Duisters
S Cardin
S Chen
S Dangwal
S Djebali
S Heymans
S Nattel
S Reddy
S Roy
S Sagar
S Sahoo
SF Melo
SJ Matkovich
SK Gupta
T Horie
T Moore-Morris
T Thum
T Thum
T Thum
T Thum
Thomas Thum
TM Jayawardena
UA Ørom
V Jazbutyte
Y Xue
YJ Nam
Z Pan
ZP Huang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Emerging human infectious diseases and the links to global food production
A Baeza
A Dobson
+119Â more
A Dobson
A Garchitorena
A Odone
AK Wiethoelter
B Tyagi
BA Jones
BD Banerjee
BF Sears
C Déglise
C Golden
CA Akpom
CB Barrett
CB Barrett
CN Ngonghala
D Despommier
D Herrera
D Tilman
D Tilman
D Tilman
D Tilman
D Tilman
D Webster
DH Stapleton
DJ Alexander
DJ Civitello
DJ Civitello
E Crist
EF Lambin
EK Silbergeld
F Achard
F Amerasinghe
F Keesing
FC Cabello
H Tanaka
HCJ Godfray
HCJ Godfray
HK Gibbs
I Voccia
IM Parker
J Berazneva
J Hemingway
J Kearney
JA Foley
JA Patz
JD Allan
JM Cohen
JN Eisenberg
JO Lloyd-Smith
JR Pulliam
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JR Rohr
JS Brashares
KD Lafferty
KE Jones
KJ Olival
L Christiaensen
L Roberts
LH Taylor
M Alsan
M Fay
M Harb
M Sheahan
M Springmann
M Worobey
MH Bonds
MI Gómez
MR Carter
ND Wolfe
NT Halstead
O Ozier
P D’Odorico
P Hosseini
P Steinmann
PA Matson
PA Sanchez
PJ Hotez
PK Thornton
PTJ Johnson
R Lozano
R Naylor
RE Black
RE Green
RE Lenski
RJ Barro
RK Plowright
RL Lochmiller
S Beltran
S Geerts
S Lustigman
S Sazawal
S Van Asselen
SA Knutie
SH Sokolow
SH Sokolow
SL Gorbach
SL Young
SP Walker
SS Myers
SS Myers
SS Myers
T Huyse
T Pienkowski
T Reardon
T Yamano
TA Ghebreyesus
TF Landers
TP Van Boeckel
TR Raffel
UA Jayawardena
VJ McKenzie
WH Clements
ZR Staley
ZR Staley
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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