65 research outputs found

    Inheritance of porcine receptors for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli with fimbriae F4ad and their relation to other F4 receptors

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    Enteric Escherichia coli infections are a highly relevant cause of disease and death in young pigs. Breeding genetically resistant pigs is an economical and sustainable method of prevention. Resistant pigs are protected against colonization of the intestine through the absence of receptors for the bacterial fimbriae, which mediate adhesion to the intestinal surface. The present work aimed at elucidation of the mode of inheritance of the F4ad receptor which according to former investigations appeared quite confusing. Intestines of 489 pigs of an experimental herd were examined by a microscopic adhesion test modified in such a manner that four small intestinal sites instead of one were tested for adhesion of the fimbrial variant F4ad. Segregation analysis revealed that the mixed inheritance model explained our data best. The heritability of the F4ad phenotype was estimated to be 0.7±0.1. There are no relations to the strong receptors for variants F4ab and F4ac. Targeted matings allowed the discrimination between two F4ad receptors, that is, a fully adhesive receptor (F4adRFA) expressed on all enterocytes and at all small intestinal sites, and a partially adhesive receptor (F4adRPA) variably expressed at different sites and often leading to partial bacterial adhesion. In pigs with both F4ad receptors, the F4adRPA receptor is masked by the F4adRFA. The hypothesis that F4adRFA must be encoded by at least two complementary or epistatic dominant genes is supported by the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium statistics. The F4adRPA receptor is inherited as a monogenetic dominant trait. A comparable partially adhesive receptor for variant F4ab (F4abRPA) was also observed but the limited data did not allow a prediction of the mode of inheritance. Pigs were therefore classified into one of eight receptor phenotypes: A1 (F4abRFA/F4acR+/F4adRFA); A2 (F4abRFA/F4acR+/F4adRPA); B (F4abRFA/F4acR+/F4adR−); C1 (F4abRPA/F4acR−/F4adRFA); C2 (F4abRPA/F4acR−/F4adRPA); D1 (F4abR−/F4acR−/F4adRFA); D2 (F4abR−/F4acR−/F4adRPA); E (F4abR−/F4acR−/F4adR−

    37th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (part 3 of 3)

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    Mit weniger Therapiesitzungen sicher und effizienter ans Ziel

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    Hypofraktionierung bedeutet in der Strahlentherapie, im Vergleich mit gĂ€ngigen Therapieschemata in weniger Therapiesitzungen mit höherer Einzeldosis und in der Regel in einer kĂŒrzeren Gesamtbehandlungsdauer die Bestrahlung durchzufĂŒhren. Hypofraktionierung zur postoperativen Radiotherapie beim brusterhaltend operierten Mammakarzinom wird (wie auch bei anderen onkologischen Indikationen) seit einigen Jahren diskutiert. Gleiche Resultate in Bezug auf lokale Kontrolle und Kosmetik mir kĂŒrzerer Behandlungszeit? Auch in Zeiten gesundheitsökonomischer Überlegungen ein „heisses Eisen“

    Consensus 2012 - diagnosis and treatment of patients with dementia in Switzerland

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    Le consensus 2012 sur le diagnostic et le traitement des patients atteints de dĂ©mence en Suisse a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© par une confĂ©rence d’experts qui s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e du 23 au 25 mars 2012 Ă  Lucerne. AprĂšs revue des donnĂ©es scientifiques rĂ©centes, les auteurs ont rĂ©digĂ© un projet qui a Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  de nombreux experts de la dĂ©mence en Suisse dans le cadre d’une procĂ©dure de consultation. AprĂšs adaptation et rĂ©visions du document initial en fonction des remarques exprimĂ©es, l’ensemble des spĂ©cialistes consultĂ©s et les membres du groupe d’experts adhĂšrent expressĂ©ment aux prises de position Ă©noncĂ©es dans ce document. La confĂ©rence d’experts a Ă©tĂ© financĂ©e par le Forum Alzheimer Suisse.The 2012 Swiss consensus paper on diagnosis and management of patients suffering from dementia resulted from the work of an expert panel who met on March 23d to 25th in Luzern. Based on a literature review, panel members wrote a first draft that was subsequently circulated among multiple dementia experts in Switzerland. After adaptation and revisions according to comments, all consulted dementia specialists and panel members fully endorse the consensus content. The conference was financed by the Swiss Alzheimer Forum

    Evidence for senescence in survival but not in reproduction in a short-lived passerine

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    Senescence has been studied since a long time by theoreticians in ecology and evolution, but empirical support in natural population has only recently been accumulating. One of the current challenges is the investigation of senescence of multiple fitness components and the study of differences between sexes. Until now, studies have been more frequently conducted on females than on males and rather in long-lived than in short-lived species. To reach a more fundamental understanding of the evolution of senescence, it is critical to investigate age-specific survival and reproduction performance in both sexes and in a large range of species with contrasting life histories. In this study, we present results on patterns of age-specific and sex-specific variation in survival and reproduction in the whinchat Saxicola rubetra, a short-lived passerine. We compiled individual-based long-term datasets from seven populations that were jointly analyzed within a Bayesian modeling framework. We found evidence for senescence in survival with a continuous decline after the age of 1 year, but no evidence of reproductive senescence. Furthermore, we found no clear evidence for sex effects on these patterns. We discuss these results in light of previous studies documenting senescence in short-lived birds. We note that most of them have been conducted in populations breeding in nest boxes, and we question the potential effect of the nest boxes on the shape of age-reproductive trajectories
