26 research outputs found

    Impact of ions of zinc and cadmium on body weight, fertility and condition of the tissues and organs of Procambarus virginalis (Decapoda, Cambaridae)

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    Heavy metals cause functional disorders in the tissues and organs of hydrobionts, affecting their linear-weight indicators, reproductive system, digestive and eliminative organs. Using the method of histological estimation of the conditions of the tissues and organs of Procambarus virginalis Lyko, 2017 allowed us to determine the peculiarities of adaptation of crustaceans to the effect of different concentrations of heavy metal ions in the conditions of a modeling experiment. We studied the impact ions of zinc (0.1 mg/l) and cadmium (0.01 mg/l) on the organism of P. virginalis. The heavy metal ions had a negative effect on the weight indicators, survivability and reproduction of P. virginalis. During the experiments with zinc, we observed death of 18.2% of the tested сrustaceans; the highest death rate was observed in the experiment with cadmium – 27.3%. Experimentally modeled concentrations of heavy metals negatively affected the reproductive system of P. virginalis. In the experiment with cadmium ions, we observed no spawning; the highest percentage of the females with deposed eggs was observed in the control – 29.1%. The conducted studies allowed us to observe the reaction of the eliminatory system of P. virginalis to the impact of heavy metal ions. The impact of ions of zinc and cadmium decreased the area of secretory cells of the green gland by 10.4–14.8%. We observed grinding of the nuclear cell apparatus. Therefore, the nucleii of granulocytes were 23.6% smaller under the impact of zinc, and 17.5% smaller under the influence of cadmium. The sizes of cells and nucleus apparatus decreased mutually and proportionally; this was proven by stable indicators of nucleus-cytoplasm ratio, its value equaled 0.29–0.31 units. The given concentrations of heavy metals did not affect the histological condition of the adipose tissue, the sizes of adipocytes fluctuated within the range of 215–2178 μm2, the average equaled 872–994 μm2. We determined the negative effect of heavy metals on the histological structure of the hepatopancreas and the value of gland lumens. In the control, the area of previous section equaled 164.5 μm2 with 39 μm2 lumen. During the experiment with zinc ions the structures of hepatopancreas increased by 19.9%, and in the experiment with cadmium, we observed the highest increase in the structural elements of the tissues – by 50.2%. The worst histological condition of the cells of the tested tissues and organs of P. virginalis was observed among individuals impacted by the cadmium ions; this is explained by the high toxic effect of this heavy metal

    Dynamics of spin correlations in the spin-1/2 isotropic XY chain in a transverse field

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    Dynamic xx spin pair correlation functions for the isotropic spin-1/2 XY chain are calculated numerically for long open chains in the presence of a transverse magnetic field at finite temperature. As an application we discuss the temperature dependence of the spin-spin relaxation time in PrCl_3.Comment: 2 pages, latex, 2 figures, abstract of the paper presented at Ampere Summer School ``Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Novel Materials'' Nafplion, Greece, 3-9 September, 2000, partially published in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33, 3063 (2000


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    Abstract. The  study  considers  some  aspects  of  pathogenetic  mechanisms  underlying  blood  eosinophilic  reactions  developing  in  pulmonary  tuberculosis,  taking  into  account  some  novel  data  obtained  by  means  of  modern  immunological  techniques.  It  was  revealed  that  IL-5  is  among  key  factors  determining  eosinophilic  reactions  of  blood  following  infection  with  M.  tuberculosis.  Blood  serum  IL-5  concentrations  proved  to  be  significantly  higher  in  patients  with  tuberculosis  accompanied  by  eosinophilia.  In  these  cases,  eotaxin  is  a  chemokine,  which  selectively  acts  upon  eosinophilic  cells.  Its  effects  include  prolonged  persistence  of  eosinophils  in  bloodstream,  along  with  initiation  of  eosinophil  adherence  to  vascular  endothelium,  thus  enabling  subsequent  migration  of  eosinophilic  leukocytes  to  the  foci  of  specific  granulomatous  inflammation.  (Med.  Immunol.,  2011,  vol.  13,  N  2-3,  pp  273-278