5,796 research outputs found

    Where Is the Action in Perception? An Exploratory Study With a Haptic Sensory Substitution Device

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    Enactive cognitive science (ECS) and ecological psychology (EP) agree that active movementisimportant forperception,butthey remainambiguousregardingtheprecise role of agency. EP has focused on the notion of sensorimotor invariants, according to which bodily movements play an instrumental role in perception. ECS has focused on the notion of sensorimotor contingencies, which goes beyond an instrumental role because skillfully regulated movements are claimed to play a constitutive role. We refer to these two hypotheses as instrumental agency and constitutive agency, respectively. Evidence comes from a variety of fields, including neural, behavioral, and phenomenological research, but so far with confounds that prevent an experimental distinction between these hypotheses. Here we advance the debate by proposing a novel double-participant setup that aims to isolate agency as the key variable that distinguishes bodily movement in active and passive conditions of perception. We pilot this setup with a psychological study of width discrimination using the Enactive Torch, a haptic sensory substitution device. There was no evidence favoring the stronger hypothesis of constitutive agency over instrumental agency. However, we caution that during debriefing several participants reported using cognitive strategies that did not rely on spatial perception. We conclude that this approach is a viable direction for future research, but that greater care is required to establish and confirm the desired modality of first-person experience

    Use of data mining techniques to investigate disease risk classification as a proxy for compromised biosecurity of cattle herds in Wales

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Biosecurity is at the forefront of the fight against infectious diseases in animal populations. Few research studies have attempted to identify and quantify the effectiveness of biosecurity against disease introduction or presence in cattle farms and, when done, they have relied on the collection of on-farm data. Data on environmental, animal movement, demographic/husbandry systems and density disease determinants can be collated without requiring additional specific on-farm data collection activities, since they have already been collected for some other purposes. The aim of this study was to classify cattle herds according to their risk of disease presence as a proxy for compromised biosecurity in the cattle population of Wales in 2004 for risk-based surveillance purposes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three data mining methods have been applied: logistic regression, classification trees and factor analysis. Using the cattle holding population in Wales, a holding was considered positive if at least bovine TB or one of the ten most frequently diagnosed infectious or transmissible non-notifiable diseases in England and Wales, according to the Veterinary Investigation Surveillance Report (VIDA) had been diagnosed in 2004. High-risk holdings can be described as open large cattle herds located in high-density cattle areas with frequent movements off to many locations within Wales. Additional risks are associated with the holding being a dairy enterprise and with a large farming area.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This work has demonstrated the potential of mining various livestock-relevant databases to obtain generic criteria for individual cattle herd biosecurity risk classification. Despite the data and analytical constraints the described risk profiles are highly specific and present variable sensitivity depending on the model specifications. Risk profiling of farms provides a tool for designing targeted surveillance activities for endemic or emerging diseases, regardless of the prior amount of information available on biosecurity at farm level. As the delivery of practical evidence-based information and advice is one of the priorities of Defra's new Animal Health and Welfare Strategy (AHWS), data-driven models, derived from existing databases, need to be developed that can then be used to inform activities during outbreaks of endemic diseases and to help design surveillance activities.</p

    Analytical study of an exclusive genetic switch

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    The nonequilibrium stationary state of an exclusive genetic switch is considered. The model comprises two competing species and a single binding site which, when bound to by a protein of one species, causes the other species to be repressed. The model may be thought of as a minimal model of the power struggle between two competing parties. Exact solutions are given for the limits of vanishing binding/unbinding rates and infinite binding/unbinding rates. A mean field theory is introduced which is exact in the limit of vanishing binding/unbinding rates. The mean field theory and numerical simulations reveal that generically bistability occurs and the system is in a symmetry broken state. An exact perturbative solution which in principle allows the nonequilibrium stationary state to be computed is also developed and computed to first and second order.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    When 1st And 3rd Converge: A Border Region Framework

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    The U.S.-Mexico border region is unique in its social, legal, economic, political, and technological dynamics. Therefore, professionals moving from the interior of the U.S. or Mexico (or from other countries) into the borderland region experience cross-cultural adjustment issues similar to those of expatriates. A quasi-expatriating model that takes into consideration the domestic adjustment and international expatriate adjustment literature addresses the unique adjustment dimensions that professional individuals experience in the US-Mexico border region

    The PPIP5K Family Member Asp1 Controls Inorganic Polyphosphate Metabolism in S. pombe

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    Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) which is ubiquitously present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, consists of up to hundreds of orthophosphate residues linked by phosphoanhydride bonds. The biological role of this polymer is manifold and diverse and in fungi ranges from cell cycle control, phosphate homeostasis and virulence to post-translational protein modification. Control of polyP metabolism has been studied extensively in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this yeast, a specific class of inositol pyrophosphates (IPPs), named IP7, made by the IP6K family member Kcs1 regulate polyP synthesis by associating with the SPX domains of the vacuolar transporter chaperone (VTC) complex. To assess if this type of regulation was evolutionarily conserved, we determined the elements regulating polyP generation in the distantly related fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here, the VTC machinery is also essential for polyP generation. However, and in contrast to S. cerevisiae, a different IPP class generated by the bifunctional PPIP5K family member Asp1 control polyP metabolism. The analysis of Asp1 variant S. pombe strains revealed that cellular polyP levels directly correlate with Asp1-made IP8 levels, demonstrating a dose-dependent regulation. Thus, while the mechanism of polyP synthesis in yeasts is conserved, the IPP player regulating polyP metabolism is diverse

    Hydrogen molecule in a magnetic field: The lowest states of the Pi manifold and the global ground state of the parallel configuration

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    The electronic structure of the hydrogen molecule in a magnetic field is investigated for parallel internuclear and magnetic field axes. The lowest states of the Π\Pi manifold are studied for spin singlet and triplet(Ms=1)(M_s = -1) as well as gerade and ungerade parity for a broad range of field strengths 0B100a.u.0 \leq B \leq 100 a.u. For both states with gerade parity we observe a monotonous decrease in the dissociation energy with increasing field strength up to B=0.1a.u.B = 0.1 a.u. and metastable states with respect to the dissociation into two H atoms occur for a certain range of field strengths. For both states with ungerade parity we observe a strong increase in the dissociation energy with increasing field strength above some critical field strength BcB_c. As a major result we determine the transition field strengths for the crossings among the lowest 1Σg^1\Sigma_g, 3Σu^3\Sigma_u and 3Πu^3\Pi_u states. The global ground state for B0.18a.u.B \lesssim 0.18 a.u. is the strongly bound 1Σg^1\Sigma_g state. The crossings of the 1Σg^1\Sigma_g with the 3Σu^3\Sigma_u and 3Πu^3\Pi_u state occur at B0.18B \approx 0.18 and B0.39a.u.B \approx0.39 a.u., respectively. The transition between the 3Σu^3\Sigma_u and 3Πu^3\Pi_u state occurs at B12.3a.u.B \approx 12.3 a.u. Therefore, the global ground state of the hydrogen molecule for the parallel configuration is the unbound 3Σu^3\Sigma_u state for 0.18B12.3a.u.0.18 \lesssim B \lesssim 12.3 a.u. The ground state for B12.3a.u.B \gtrsim 12.3 a.u. is the strongly bound 3Πu^3\Pi_u state. This result is of great relevance to the chemistry in the atmospheres of magnetic white dwarfs and neutron stars.Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    Imprints of clustering in multiplicity fluctuations

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    In this paper, we investigate the multiplicity fluctuations of charged particles observed in high-energy nuclear collisions and relate them to the size of hadronizing systems which happen during such processes. We use the average multiplicities N\langle N\rangle and variances Var(N)Var\left(N\right) of multiplicity distributions of charged particles produced in centrality selected collisions of relativistic heavy-ion nuclei to evaluate the dynamic variable Ω\Omega and study its dependence on the size of colliding nuclei. We connect the observed system-size dependence of multiplicity fluctuations with the clustering phenomena and the finiteness of the hadronizing sources and the thermal bath