68 research outputs found

    Reflection equations and q-Minkowski space algebras

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    We express the defining relations of the qq-deformed Minkowski space algebra as well as that of the corresponding derivatives and differentials in the form of reflection equations. This formulation encompasses the covariance properties with respect the quantum Lorentz group action in a straightforward way.Comment: 10 page

    A note on graded Yang-Baxter solutions as braid-monoid invariants

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    We construct two Osp(n2m)Osp(n|2m) solutions of the graded Yang-Baxter equation by using the algebraic braid-monoid approach. The factorizable S-matrix interpretation of these solutions is also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, UFSCARF-TH-94-1

    PT Symmetry of the non-Hermitian XX Spin-Chain: Non-local Bulk Interaction from Complex Boundary Fields

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    The XX spin-chain with non-Hermitian diagonal boundary conditions is shown to be quasi-Hermitian for special values of the boundary parameters. This is proved by explicit construction of a new inner product employing a "quasi-fermion" algebra in momentum space where creation and annihilation operators are not related via Hermitian conjugation. For a special example, when the boundary fields lie on the imaginary axis, we show the spectral equivalence of the quasi-Hermitian XX spin-chain with a non-local fermion model, where long range hopping of the particles occurs as the non-Hermitian boundary fields increase in strength. The corresponding Hamiltonian interpolates between the open XX and the quantum group invariant XXZ model at the free fermion point. For an even number of sites the former is known to be related to a CFT with central charge c=1, while the latter has been connected to a logarithmic CFT with central charge c=-2. We discuss the underlying algebraic structures and show that for an odd number of sites the superalgebra symmetry U(gl(1|1)) can be extended from the unit circle along the imaginary axis. We relate the vanishing of one of its central elements to the appearance of Jordan blocks in the Hamiltonian.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figure

    Deformed Minkowski spaces: clasification and properties

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    Using general but simple covariance arguments, we classify the `quantum' Minkowski spaces for dimensionless deformation parameters. This requires a previous analysis of the associated Lorentz groups, which reproduces a previous classification by Woronowicz and Zakrzewski. As a consequence of the unified analysis presented, we give the commutation properties, the deformed (and central) length element and the metric tensor for the different spacetime algebras.Comment: Some comments/misprints have been added/corrected, to appear in Journal of Physics A (1996

    Fermion-Boson Interactions and Quantum Algebras

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    Quantum Algebras (q-algebras) are used to describe interactions between fermions and bosons. Particularly, the concept of a su_q(2) dynamical symmetry is invoked in order to reproduce the ground state properties of systems of fermions and bosons interacting via schematic forces. The structure of the proposed su_q(2) Hamiltonians, and the meaning of the corresponding deformation parameters, are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Physical Review C (in press

    Quantum Deformed su(mn)su(m|n) Algebra and Superconformal Algebra on Quantum Superspace

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    We study a deformed su(mn)su(m|n) algebra on a quantum superspace. Some interesting aspects of the deformed algebra are shown. As an application of the deformed algebra we construct a deformed superconformal algebra. {}From the deformed su(14)su(1|4) algebra, we derive deformed Lorentz, translation of Minkowski space, iso(2,2)iso(2,2) and its supersymmetric algebras as closed subalgebras with consistent automorphisms.Comment: 27 pages, KUCP-59, LaTeX fil

    On factorization of q-difference equation for continuous q-Hermite polynomials

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    We argue that a customary q-difference equation for the continuous q-Hermite polynomials H_n(x|q) can be written in the factorized form as (D_q^2 - 1)H_n(x|q)=(q^{-n}-1)H_n(x|q), where D_q is some explicitly known q-difference operator. This means that the polynomials H_n(x|q) are in fact governed by the q-difference equation D_qH_n(x|q)=q^{-n/2}H_n(x|q), which is simpler than the conventional one.Comment: 7 page

    Colored Vertex Models, Colored IRF Models and Invariants of Trivalent Colored Graphs

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    We present formulas for the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and the Racah coefficients for the root of unity representations (NN-dimensional representations with q2N=1q^{2N}=1) of Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)). We discuss colored vertex models and colored IRF (Interaction Round a Face) models from the color representations of Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)). We construct invariants of trivalent colored oriented framed graphs from color representations of Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)).Comment: 39 pages, January 199

    Twist maps for non-standard quantum algebras and discrete Schrodinger symmetries

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    The minimal twist map introduced by B. Abdesselam, A. Chakrabarti, R. Chakrabarti and J. Segar (Mod. Phys. Lett. A 14 (1999) 765) for the non-standard (Jordanian) quantum sl(2,R) algebra is used to construct the twist maps for two different non-standard quantum deformations of the (1+1) Schrodinger algebra. Such deformations are, respectively, the symmetry algebras of a space and a time uniform lattice discretization of the (1+1) free Schrodinger equation. It is shown that the corresponding twist maps connect the usual Lie symmetry approach to these discrete equations with non-standard quantum deformations. This relationship leads to a clear interpretation of the deformation parameter as the step of the uniform (space or time) lattice.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Discrete quantum model of the harmonic oscillator

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    We construct a new model of the quantum oscillator, whose energy spectrum is equally-spaced and lower-bounded, whereas the spectra of position and momentum are a denumerable non-degenerate set of points in [-1,1] that depends on the deformation parameter q from (0,1). We provide its explicit wavefunctions, both in position and momentum representations, in terms of the discrete q-Hermite polynomials. We build a Hilbert space with a unique measure, where an analogue of the fractional Fourier transform is defined in order to govern the time evolution of this discrete oscillator. In the limit q to 1, one recovers the ordinary quantum harmonic oscillator.Comment: 21 page