19 research outputs found

    On the SL(2) period integral

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    Let E/F be a quadratic extension of number fields. For a cuspidal representation π\pi of SL(2,A_E), we study the non-vanishing of the period integral on SL(2,F)\SL(2,A_F). We characterise the non-vanishing of the period integral of π\pi in terms of π\pi being generic with respect to characters of E\A_E which are trivial on A_F. We show that the period integral in general is not a product of local invariant functionals, and find a necessary and sufficient condition when it is. We exhibit cuspidal representations of SL(2,A_E) whose period integral vanishes identically while each local constituent admits an SL(2)-invariant linear functional. Finally, we construct an automorphic representation π\pi on SL(2,A_E) which is abstractly SL(2,A_F) distinguished but none of the elements in the global L-packet determined by π\pi is distinguished by SL(2,A_F)

    Distinguished representations, base change, and reducibility for unitary groups

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    We show the equality of the local Asai L-functions defined via the Rankin-Selberg method and the Langlands-Shahidi method for a square integrable representation of GL(n,E). As a consequence we characterise reducibility of certain induced representations of U(n,n), and the image of the base change map from U(n) to GL(n,E) in terms of GL(n,F)-distinguishedness.Comment: 13 page

    Toric periods for a pp-adic quaternion algebra

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    Let GG be a compact group with two given subgroups HH and KK. Let π\pi be an irreducible representation of GG such that its space of HH-invariant vectors as well as the space of KK-invariant vectors are both one dimensional. Let vHv_H (resp. vKv_K) denote an HH-invariant (resp. KK-invariant) vector of unit norm in a given GG-invariant inner product  , π\langle ~,~ \rangle_\pi on π\pi. We are interested in calculating the correlation coefficient c(π;H,K)=vH,vKπ2.c(\pi;H,K) = |\langle v_H,v_K \rangle_\pi|^2. In this paper, we compute the correlation coefficient of an irreducible representation of the multiplicative group of the pp-adic quaternion algebra with respect to any two tori. In particular, if π\pi is such an irreducible representation of odd minimal conductor with non-trivial invariant vectors for two tori HH and KK, then its root number ε(π)\varepsilon(\pi) is ±1\pm 1 and c(π;H,K)c(\pi; H, K) is non-vanishing precisely when ε(π)=1\varepsilon(\pi) = 1

    Distinction inside L-packets of SL(n)

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    If E/FE/F is a quadratic extension pp-adic fields, we first prove that the SLn(F)\mathrm{SL}_n(F)-distinguished representations inside a distinguished unitary L-packet of SLn(E)\mathrm{SL}_n(E) are precisely those admitting a degenerate Whittaker model with respect to a degenerate character of N(E)/N(F)N(E)/N(F). Then we establish a global analogue of this result. For this, let E/FE/F be a quadratic extension of number fields and let π\pi be an SLn(AF)\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{A}_F)-distinguished square integrable automorphic representation of SLn(AE)\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{A}_E). Let (σ,d)(\sigma,d) be the unique pair associated to π\pi, where σ\sigma is a cuspidal representation of GLr(AE)\mathrm{GL}_r(\mathbb{A}_E) with n=drn=dr. Using an unfolding argument, we prove that an element of the L-packet of π\pi is distinguished with respect to SLn(AF)\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{A}_F) if and only if it has a degenerate Whittaker model for a degenerate character ψ\psi of type rd:=(r,,r)r^d:=(r,\dots,r) of Nn(AE)N_n(\mathbb{A}_E) which is trivial on Nn(E+AF)N_n(E+\mathbb{A}_F), where NnN_n is the group of unipotent upper triangular matrices of SLn\mathrm{SL}_n. As a first application, under the assumptions that E/FE/F splits at infinity and rr is odd, we establish a local-global principle for SLn(AF)\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{A}_F)-distinction inside the L-packet of π\pi. As a second application we construct examples of distinguished cuspidal automorphic representations π\pi of SLn(AE)\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{A}_E) such that the period integral vanishes on some canonical copy of π\pi, and of everywhere locally distinguished representations of SLn(AE)\mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{A}_E) such that their L-packets do not contain any distinguished representation.Comment: Merged with withdrawn arXiv:1906.11560. We simplified some arguments and removed an unnecessary Grunwald-Wang assumptio

    Distinguished representations for SL(2)

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    Let E/F be a quadratic extension of p-adic fields. We compute the multiplicity of the space of SL2(F)-invariant linear forms on a representation of SL2(E). This multiplicity varies inside an L-packet similar in spirit to the multiplicity formula for automorphic representations due to Labesse and Langlands

    A local global question in automorphic forms

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    In this paper, we consider the \SL(2) analogue of two well-known theorems about period integrals of automorphic forms on \GL(2): one due to Harder-Langlands-Rapoport, and the other due to Waldspurger.Comment: 28 page