4 research outputs found

    Determining the health of children and adolescents

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    The health of children and adolescents is formed during the period of growth and development under the influence of a complex of important internal factors and external influences. The health of children and adolescents is determined not only by the presence or absence of diseases, but also by age-appropriate development, as well as the normal state of the main indicators of the body. To characterize the health status of children and adolescents, taking into account the prevalence of diseases and pathological lesions, the following indicators are widely used: detection of morbidity by direction, health index, episodic morbidity, the number of frequently ill children and pathological lesions

    Внутренний бенчмаркинг тепловых электростанций электроэнергетических систем

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    Improving the operational efficiency (OE) of thermal power plants is one of the most important problems of electric power systems (EPS). According to modern concepts, efficiency is the simultaneous consideration of three properties of objects, viz. economy, reliability and safety. The methodology of their joint assessment assumes that the service life of the main equipment does not exceed the standard value, but this condition is now met by less than half of the production enterprises of a lot of EPS. In order to increase OE, it is necessary, first of all, to learn how to objectively compare the performance of objects both of the same type – in a given time interval, and unique ones – in adjacent intervals. Existing methods for calculating integrated performance indicators do not fully take into account the random nature of technical and economic indicators (TEI). The article presents a new method for comparing the OE of EPS objects, the essence of which is to switch from joint consideration of TEI to analysis of their relative changes in comparison with the factory default value (nominal value). Relative values of indicators characterize the amount of wear or residual life. In this case, for example, the arithmetic mean of the relative values of the TEI determines the average wear of the object. This physical representation enlivens integral indicators, and their comparison and ranking ceases to be science-intensive. It is proposed to take into account also the degree of variation of relative deviations (wear), which is adequate to the object’s misalignment. It manifests itself in a significant change (deterioration) of one or (less often) two relative values of the TEI in the calculated time interval (month) and is characterized by such statistical indicators as the geometric mean and the coefficient of variation of relative deviations. Herewith, if the arithmetic mean value of the object’s wear is restored during major repairs, then the misalignment is eliminated much faster – during current repairs. A necessary condition for the feasibility of using these or those integral indicators is their functional and statistical independence. The results of the studies performed using the simulation method made it possible to establish that the smallest correlation occurs between the integral indicator calculated as the arithmetic mean of random variables and the integral indicator calculated as the coefficient of variation of the same random variables. Comparison of correlation fields clearly confirms these conclusions.Повышение оперативной эффективности работы (ОЭР) тепловых электростанций относится к числу важнейших проблем электроэнергетических систем (ЭЭС). Эффективность работы, согласно современным представлениям, – это одновременный учет трех свойств объектов: экономичности, надежности и безопасности. Методология их совместной оценки предполагает, что срок службы основного оборудования не превышает нормативного значения, однако данному условию сегодня отвечают менее половины производственных предприятий многих ЭЭС. Чтобы повысить ОЭР, необходимо, в первую очередь, научиться объективно сравнивать эффективность работы объектов, как однотипных – в заданном интервале времени, так и уникальных – в смежных интервалах. Существующие методы расчета интегральных показателей эффективности работы недостаточно полно учитывают случайный характер технико-экономических показателей (ТЭП). В статье приводится новый метод сравнения ОЭР объектов ЭЭС, суть которого сводится к переходу от совместного рассмотрения ТЭП к анализу их относительного изменения по сравнению с заводским (номинальным) значением. Относительные значения показателей характеризуют величину износа или остаточного ресурса. При этом, например, среднее арифметическое значение относительных величин ТЭП определяет среднюю величину износа объекта. Такое физическое представление оживляет интегральные показатели, а их сравнение и ранжирование перестает быть наукоемким. Предлагается учесть и степень разброса относительных отклонений (износа), которая адекватна разрегулировке объекта. Она проявляется в существенном изменении (ухудшении) одного или реже двух относительных значений ТЭП в расчетном интервале времени (месяце) и характеризуется такими статистическими показателями, как среднее геометрическое значение и коэффициент вариации относительных отклонений. Заметим, что если среднее арифметическое значение износа объекта восстанавливается при капитальном ремонте, то разрегулировка устраняется гораздо быстрее – при текущем ремонте. Необходимым условием целесообразности применения тех или иных интегральных показателей является их функциональная и статистическая независимость. Результаты исследований методом имитационного моделирования позволили установить, что наименьшая корреляционная  взаимосвязь  имеет  место между  интегральным   показателем,  вычисляемым как среднее  арифметическое  значение  случайных  величин,  и  интегральным показателем, вычисляемым как коэффициент вариации тех же случайных величин. Сопоставление корреляционных полей наглядно подтверждает эти выводы

    Internal Benchmarking of Thermal Power Plants оf Electric Power Systems

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    Improving the operational efficiency (OE) of thermal power plants is one of the most important problems of electric power systems (EPS). According to modern concepts, efficiency is the simultaneous consideration of three properties of objects, viz. economy, reliability and safety. The methodology of their joint assessment assumes that the service life of the main equipment does not exceed the standard value, but this condition is now met by less than half of the production enterprises of a lot of EPS. In order to increase OE, it is necessary, first of all, to learn how to objectively compare the performance of objects both of the same type – in a given time interval, and unique ones – in adjacent intervals. Existing methods for calculating integrated performance indicators do not fully take into account the random nature of technical and economic indicators (TEI). The article presents a new method for comparing the OE of EPS objects, the essence of which is to switch from joint consideration of TEI to analysis of their relative changes in comparison with the factory default value (nominal value). Relative values of indicators characterize the amount of wear or residual life. In this case, for example, the arithmetic mean of the relative values of the TEI determines the average wear of the object. This physical representation enlivens integral indicators, and their comparison and ranking ceases to be science-intensive. It is proposed to take into account also the degree of variation of relative deviations (wear), which is adequate to the object’s misalignment. It manifests itself in a significant change (deterioration) of one or (less often) two relative values of the TEI in the calculated time interval (month) and is characterized by such statistical indicators as the geometric mean and the coefficient of variation of relative deviations. Herewith, if the arithmetic mean value of the object’s wear is restored during major repairs, then the misalignment is eliminated much faster – during current repairs. A necessary condition for the feasibility of using these or those integral indicators is their functional and statistical independence. The results of the studies performed using the simulation method made it possible to establish that the smallest correlation occurs between the integral indicator calculated as the arithmetic mean of random variables and the integral indicator calculated as the coefficient of variation of the same random variables. Comparison of correlation fields clearly confirms these conclusions

    Determining the health of children and adolescents

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    The health of children and adolescents is formed during the period of growth and development under the influence of a complex of important internal factors and external influences. The health of children and adolescents is determined not only by the presence or absence of diseases, but also by age-appropriate development, as well as the normal state of the main indicators of the body. To characterize the health status of children and adolescents, taking into account the prevalence of diseases and pathological lesions, the following indicators are widely used: detection of morbidity by direction, health index, episodic morbidity, the number of frequently ill children and pathological lesions