71 research outputs found

    Pollen and Oxygen Isotope Analyses on Late- and Post-Glacial Sediments of the Tourbière de Chirens (Dauphiné, France)

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    The sequence of vegetation phases in the late Glacial was studied in a sediment section from the bog Tourbière de Chirens by means of pollen analysis. 18O/16O ratios of samples of lacustrine marl, obtained from the same profile, reflect variations of 18O/16O in precipitation and thus provide an additional, independent paleoclimatic record. The observed 18O/16O variations agree well with the climatic history as deduced from pollen analysis. The climatic transition from the Oldest Dryas to the Bølling period sensu lato, as well as the beginning and end of the Younger Dryas cold phase, is marked by abrupt changes in the 18O/16O ratio which were observed also in other regions of the Alps. These drastic climatic changes probably took place simultaneously over large areas of Central Europe and occurred within short time spans

    Palynostratigraphic investigation and luminescence dating of the Galgenmoos section and implications for the chronology of the last glacial cycle in the northern Alpine Foreland of Switzerland

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    Im Profil Huttwil-Galgenmoos liegt an der Basis ein über 2 Meter mächtiges Torfpaket, das von sandig-siltigen Sedimenten überschüttet wurde. Die klastischen Hangablagerungen fallen zeitlich in das Mittelwürm bzw. in den Übergangsbereich Hochwürm/Spätglazial. In den Torfen selber lassen sich zwei bewaldete Koniferen-Interstadiale ausgliedern. Das jüngere Interstadial wird nach palynostratigraphischen Befunden und Datierungen mit Infrarot Stimulierter Lumineszenz (IRSL) in das frühe Mittelwürm gestellt. Für das ältere Interstadial ergibt sich eine deutliche Diskrepanz zwischen den beiden verwendeten Untersuchungsmethoden. Während die IRSL-Alter für eine Zuordnung zum frühesten Mittelwürm sprechen, wird dieser Teil palynostratigraphisch in den Endabschnitt des 1. Frühwürm-Interstadials (Huttwil) gestellt. Dieses wird mit dem Brorup-lnterstadial Nordwesteuropas korreliert. Die voneinander abweichenden Ergebnisse der beiden Untersuchungsmethoden werden eingehend diskutiert.Up to 2 m of peat are found at Huttwil-Galgenmoos, central Switzerland, below a sequence of sandy and silty sediments. The elastic slope wash deposits are dated to be of Middle Wurmian and early late-glacial age, respectively. Within the peat, two interstadial periods of coniferous trees have been recognised. The younger interstadial belongs to the early Middle Wormian based oil palynological evidence and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating. For the older interstadial, a significant discrepancy is found for the two different approaches been used. While the results of IRSL dating imply a deposition during the beginning Middle Wurmian, palynological evidences lead to a correlation with the first Wurmian-Interstadial (Brorup-Interstadial of northwestern Europe). The deviating results of the applied methods are discussed in detail