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9 research outputs found
InfluĂȘncia de diferentes tipos de calçado na atividade eletromiogrĂĄfica do mĂșsculo quadrĂceps de mulheres ao subir e descer degrau
Baliunas AJ
Besier TF
+33Â more
Cabral CMN
Cavazzuti L
Cerny K
Coqueiro KR
Cowan SM
Cowan SM
Cowan SM
Dye SF
Edwards L
Fagan V
Fonseca ST
Grabiner MD
Grossi DB
Grossi DB
Grossi DB
Grossi DB
Hanten WP
Hermens HJ
Hertel J
Kerrigan DC
Lam PL
Nakagawa TH
Nakagawa TH
Nakagawa TH
Opila-Correia KA
Powers CM
Pulzatto F
Ribeiro AC
Santos CL
Souza DR
Torry MR
Vaatainen U
Yoon JY
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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A comparison of two types of electrical stimulation of the quadriceps in the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome. A pilot study
Basmajian JV
Belanger AY
+6Â more
Jacqueline A Oldham
Julie Winstanley
Kasman GS
Michael J Callaghan
Sharp RL
Vaatainen U
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
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A double-blind comparison of acitretin and etretinate in combination with bath PUVA in the treatment of extensive psoriasis
Geiger J-M
Goldfarb M
+8Â more
Koulu L
Lassus A
Lauharanta J.
Lowe N
Michaelsson G
Paravicini U
Salo O
Vaatainen N
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Publication date
Field of study
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AnĂĄlise funcional dos estabilizadores patelares
Boucher JP
Cerny K
+23Â more
Douchete SA
DĂ©bora Bevilaqua Grossi
Escamilla RF
Fausto BĂ©rzin
Hallisey M
Hanten WP
Herrington L
Hungerford DS
Javadpour SM
Lieb FJ
Lieb FJ
Monteiro-Pedro V
Morrish GM
Ruffin MT
Scharf W
Steinkamp LA
Thiranagama R
Travnik L
Vaatainen U
Vanessa Monteiro Pedro
Weinstabl R
Wickiewicz TL
Wilk KE
Publication venue
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Field of study
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Proteoglycan depletion and size reduction in lesions of early grade chondromalacia of the patella.
A Tyler J.
Blumenkranz N.
+35Â more
C Rosenberg L.
C Thompson R.
Cytokines Nietfeld J.J.
E Hardingham T.
E Kempson G.
E Outerbridge R.
G Lafeber F.P.J.
H Jaroma
I Kiviranta
I Bader D.
Insall J.
J Carrol G.
J Fosang A.
J Palmoski M.
Jurvelin J.
Kiviranta I.
Kiviranta I.
Kuettner K.
L Carney S.
L Carney S.
L Carney S.
Lammi M.
Lyyra T.
M Tammi
Mayne R.
R Inkinen
Rizkalla G.
Saamainen A.-M.
T Hakkinen
T Bayliss M.
T Bayliss M.
U Vaatainen
Witsch-Prehm P.
Witter J.
Yanagishita M.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Patellofemoral pain: an update on diagnostic and treatment options
AB Ferguson Jr
AC Merchant
+48Â more
AP Davies
CL Stanitski
CS Ahmad
D Goutallier
D Tiggelen Van
D Witonski
DG Disler
DJ Hunter
E Witvrouw
EE Berg
FA Barber
H Brattstroem
H Dejour
HG Potter
HK Pihlajamaki
J Insall
J Insall
JC Hughston
JD Harris
JE Earl
JM Bland
JP Fulkerson
JP Fulkerson
JR Roush
JS Blackburne
JS Cox
K Crossley
KB Foss
KP Shea
LT Staheli
MA Bredella
Moira M. McCarthy
NA Wilson
PB Schoettle
RM Biedert
S Clarke
S Ostermeier
Sabrina M. Strickland
SF Dye
SN Zhang
TD Rosenberg
TY Fukuda
TY Lan
U Vaatainen
WR Post
WR Post
Y Kosashvili
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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The clinical and radiological results of individualized surgical treatment depending on pathologic abnormalities in recurrent patellar dislocation: low recurrence rate, but unintended patella baja
A Mulliez
A Saranathan
+55Â more
AC Colvin
AJ Barnett
AJ Cossey
AS Panni
B Grawe
BJ White
C Becher
C Mayer
CF Buckens
CH Lee
CL Phillips
D Dejour
D Enderlein
D Goutallier
E Geenen
E Nomura
E Nomura
E Panagiotopoulos
E Simmons Jr
H Dejour
H Dejour
JA Feller
JM Bland
JM Stephen
JM Stephen
K Stoffel
M Thaunat
M Yeung
NR Howells
P Aglietti
P Balcarek
P Beck
P Guerrero
P Neyret
PA Kolowich
PB Schottle
PD Fabricant
R Kuroda
RA Magnussen
S Lippacher
S Ostermeier
S Otsuki
SM Desio
SR Gecha
SR Ward
T Matsushita
T Pritsch
T Watanabe
TM Steiner
TO Smith
U Vaatainen
UG Longo
UM Kujala
W Senavongse
Y Tegner
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Prurigo nodularis: A review
Abadia Molina F
Ansel J
+65Â more
Ansel JC
Bernstein JE
Bernstein JE
Bernstein JE
Berth-Jones J
Bischoff SC
Blachley JD
Bollag W
Brown J
Brzoska T
Cappugi P
Cockerell CJ
Donnerer J
Ferrandiz C
Fina L
Funaki N
Gip L
Gonzalez JP
Graham GF
Gundersen RW
Hagermark O
Hann SK
Heng MC
Hirschel-Scholz S
Hyde JN
Ishihara M
Jansco N
Johnke H
Kahana M
Levi-Montalcini R
Liang Y
Liang Y
Martin HA
Marx JL
Massry SG
Matsuda H
Mattila JO
McKenzie AW
Metze D
Millins JL
Nahass G
Otten U
Payne R
Payne R
Rien BE
Rossi R
Schelnitz LS
Schmelz M
Sheskin J
Sheskin J
Soter NA
Steinhoff M
Steinhoff M
Stoll DM
Suarez C
Tanaka M
Texereau M
Tupker RA
Vaalasti A
Vaatainen N
Weedon D
Winkelmann RK
Wulff CH
Yoshimura K
Zelickson BD
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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The relationship between hypertension and health-related quality of life: adjusted by chronic pain, chronic diseases, and life habits in the general middle-aged population in Japan
A Domingo Salvany
A Hozawa
+67Â more
A Tripathi
Aki Shibata
AM McDermott
C Bardage
CM Norris
D Leger
D Leger
Daisuke Hori
DJ Trevisol
ED Saad
EJ Bartley
FJ Mena Martin
Fumihiko Suzuki
GL Jones
H Arima
H Jia
Hiroki Asakura
Hiromasa Tsujiguchi
HL Wee
I Saito
I Saito
I Wijk van
IC Huang
IM Lee
J Alonso
J Xie
JE Ware
JE Ware Jr
JP Harrell
Junko Mitoma
K Funahashi
KC Heesch
M Davies
M Nakamura
MA Krousel Wood
Masae Horii
Masami Kitaoka
MD Sprenkle
N Maksimovic
Nakamura Hiroyuki
Naoto Shikura
NB Oldridge
NP Hurst
O Aydemir
Olando Enoch Anyenda
P Vathesatogkit
PC Langley
PE Korhonen
PE Korhonen
R Wang
RE Blacklock
RJ Tapp
S Fukuhara
S Fukuhara
S Fukuhara
S Vaatainen
SH Kaplan
T Sasai
T Yates
Thao Thi Thu Nguyen
Toshio Hamagishi
U Larsson
V Krishnan
Y Takahashi
Yasuhiro Kambayashi
Yoshiaki Hitomi
Yuri Hibino
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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