67 research outputs found
Электроснабжение установки перекачки нефти п. Пионерный ОАО «Томскнефть»
Выпускная квалификационная работа 149 с., 23 рис., 32 табл., 29 источников, 6 прил.
Ключевые слова: нефтепровод, насос, электрооборудование, схема электроснабжения, линия, сеть, электроприемник, нагрузка, оборудование, защита, ток, напряжение, мощность.
Объектом исследования является электрическая часть УПН п. Пионерный ОАО «Томскенефть».
Цель работы – проектирование схемы электроснабжения предприятия, выбор оборудования.
В процессе исследования проводился сбор исходных данных в ходе производственной практики на объекте исследования.
В результате была спроектирована схема электроснабжения от подстанции энергосистемы, до конечного электроприемника. Были выбраны кабели и провода, коммутационное оборудование, были сделаны необходимые проверки. Также результатом работы сталESSAY
Final qualifying work 149 p., 23 fig., 32 tab., 29 sources, 6 adj.
Keywords: oil, pump, electrical equipment, power supply circuit, line, network, power-consuming equipment, load equipment, protection, current, voltage, power.
The object of research is the electrical part of UPN claim. Pionerny of "Tomskeneft".
The purpose of work - designing enterprise power scheme, the choice of equipment.
The study was conducted to collect baseline data in the course of practical training on the subject of the study.
As a result, power supply circuit has been designed from the substation grid, appliance, to the end. Were selected cables and wires, switching equipment, the necessary checks have been made. It is also the result of the work became an economic calculation of capital costs for the con
Chromium vaporization of the ferritic steel Crofer22APU and ODS Cr5Fe1Y(2)O(3) alloy
The chromium vaporization rate of the Crofer22APU steel as compared to Cr5Fe1Y(2)O(3) alloy was studied under humidified air at 800 degrees C over a period of up to 1300 h by using the transpiration method. Under oxidizing atmosphere, the Crofer22APU steel forms a (Cr,Mn)(3)O-4 spinel layer on the surface, which hinders chromium release at 800 degrees C by about a factor of 3 as compared to Cr5Fe1Y(2)O(3) alloy forming a pure chromia scale. The impact of minor alloying additives in the Crofer22APU ferritic steel on the chromium vaporization was considered. The steel with the lowest amount of Al and Si in the matrix exhibits a low chromium vaporization rate over 1300 h. The microstructure and composition of the oxide scales and surfaces formed were investigated using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. The results obtained give insight into the chromium vaporization mechanism.</p
Chromium vaporization of the ferritic steel Crofer22APU and ODS Cr5Fe1Y2O3 alloy
The chromium vaporization rate of the Crofer22APU steel as compared to Cr5Fe1Y(2)O(3) alloy was studied under humidified air at 800 degrees C over a period of up to 1300 h by using the transpiration method. Under oxidizing atmosphere, the Crofer22APU steel forms a (Cr,Mn)(3)O-4 spinel layer on the surface, which hinders chromium release at 800 degrees C by about a factor of 3 as compared to Cr5Fe1Y(2)O(3) alloy forming a pure chromia scale. The impact of minor alloying additives in the Crofer22APU ferritic steel on the chromium vaporization was considered. The steel with the lowest amount of Al and Si in the matrix exhibits a low chromium vaporization rate over 1300 h. The microstructure and composition of the oxide scales and surfaces formed were investigated using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. The results obtained give insight into the chromium vaporization mechanism
Zukunftsorientierte Waldwirtschaft. Projektverbund Suedlicher Schwarzwald. Veraenderung von Nutzungsmoeglichkeiten, Holzqualitaet und Holzverwertung bei Ueberfuehrung von einschichtigen Altersklassenbestaenden in strukturierte Mischwaelder im Suedschwarzwald Schlussbericht - Holzqualitaet und -verwertung D3
SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: QN497(D3) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
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