25 research outputs found

    Central pattern generating networks in insect locomotion

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    Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural circuits that based on their connectivity can generate rhythmic and patterned output in the absence of rhythmic external inputs. This property makes CPGs crucial elements in the generation of many kinds of rhythmic motor behaviors in insects, such as flying, walking, swimming, or crawling. Arguably representing the most diverse group of animals, insects utilize at least one of these types of locomotion during one stage of their ontogenesis. Insects have been extensively used to study the neural basis of rhythmic motor behaviors, and particularly the structure and operation of CPGs involved in locomotion. Here, we review insect locomotion with regard to flying, walking, and crawling, and we discuss the contribution of central pattern generation to these three forms of locomotion. In each case, we compare and contrast the topology and structure of the CPGs, and we point out how these factors are involved in the generation of the respective motor pattern. We focus on the importance of sensory information for establishing a functional motor output and we indicate behavior-specific adaptations. Furthermore, we report on the mechanisms underlying coordination between different body parts. Last but not least, by reviewing the state-of-the-art knowledge concerning the role of CPGs in insect locomotion, we endeavor to create a common ground, upon which future research in the field of motor control in insects can build

    Expression of multiple glutamate transporter splice variants in the rodent testis

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    Glutamate is a regulated molecule in the mammalian testis. Extracellular regulation of glutamate in the body is determined largely by the expression of plasmalemmal glutamate transporters. We have examined by PCR, western blotting and immunocytochemistry the expression of a panel of sodium-dependent plasmalemmal glutamate transporters in the rat testis. Proteins examined included: glutamate aspartate transporter (GLAST), glutamate transporter 1 (GLT1), excitatory amino acid carrier 1 (EAAC1), excitatory amino acid transporter 4 (EAAT4) and EAAT5. We demonstrate that many of the glutamate transporters in the testis are alternately spliced. GLAST is present as exon-3- and exon-9-skipping forms. GLT1 was similarly present as the alternately spliced forms GLT1b and GLT1c, whereas the abundant brain form (GLT1a) was detectable only at the mRNA level. EAAT5 was also strongly expressed, whereas EAAC1 and EAAT4 were absent. These patterns of expression were compared with the patterns of endogenous glutamate localization and with patterns of d-aspartate accumulation, as assessed by immunocytochemistry. The presence of multiple glutamate transporters in the testis, including unusually spliced forms, suggests that glutamate homeostasis may be critical in this organ. The apparent presence of many of these transporters in the testis and sperm may indicate a need for glutamate transport by such cells