4 research outputs found

    Clinical management and treatment of polydactyly

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    Amaç: Polidaktili sık görülen doğumsal el ve ayak anomalilerinden biri olup, ilk defa 1670 yılında elde rapor edilmiştir. Fazla olan parmak genellikle sadece yumuşak doku içerikli olmakla beraber nadir olarak kemik yapı da içermektedir. Polidaktili sindaktiliye oranla üç kat daha fazla görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada polidaktiliye yaklaşım ve tedavi sonuçlarımız değerlendirilmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Son 5 yılda 27 hastada elde, 20 hastada ayakta ve 3 hastada hem elde hem ayakta (24 erkek, 26 kadın) toplam 50 hasta polidaktili tanısıyla değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı altı (1-14) idi. Tüm hastalar genel anestezi altında opere edildi. Lezyonlara uygulanan lokal anestezi sonrası total derin eksizyon uygulandı. Dikişler 10-12. günlerde alındı. Opere edilen hastalarda uzun dönemde fonksiyonel sorun görülmedi. Sonuç: Polidaktili tedavisinde temel hedef fazla olan dokuların çıkarılması ve etkilenen dokuların anatomik olarak uygun şekilde onarılmasıdır. Polidaktili sonrası hastaların yaklaşık %25'inde farklı nedenlerle yeniden operasyon yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada el ve/ veya ayakta polidaktili nedeniyle opere edilen hastalar sonuçlarıyla birlikte değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak eksizyon ve uygun kapama basit olgular için yeterli iken, kompleks olgularda tendon, kemik ve ligamentlerin uygun şekilde repozisyonu temel amaç olmalıdır

    Basal Cell Carcinoma in Young Patients

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    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer and has a direct relationship with chronic sun exposure. Other risk factors include fair skin and eyes, freckling, family history, genetic disorders, immunosuppression, ionizing radiation, arsenic, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. BCC usually progresses slowly. Lesions are usually seen over sun-exposed areas, which are most commonly on the face and neck. Local invasion may occur, but it rarely metastasizes. The incidence of BCC peaks in the seventh decade of life. BCC is an uncommon lesion during childhood, youth, and pregnancy. It has rarely been reported during childhood. BCC seen during childhood can be inherited with diseases such as xeroderma pigmentosum, albinism, Bazex syndrome, and basal cell nevus syndrome or after high-dose radiotherapy. In this study, we present the cases of a 14-year-old girl with BCC on the right popliteal region and a 23-year-old pregnant woman with BCC on the nasal tip. Both patients underwent total excision, and there were neither recurrence nor any complication during the follow-u

    Clinical Experiences in the Surgical Treatment of Accessory Tragus

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    Objective: Tragus is a part of the external ear that develops from the first branchial arch. Accessory ear is a congenital external ear anomaly and has skin elevation containing remnant cartilage. The auricle develops between the 4th and 12th week of the embryonic stage, which groove the tissue from the 1st and 2nd branchial arches. Histologically, the lesions include a rugated epidermis with a thin layer stratum corneum, tiny mature hair follicles, fat lobules, and connective tissue framework that may include a central cartilage core. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accessory tragus lesions with our clinical surgical treatment results. Material and Methods: Lesions usually located anterior to the tragus and along an imaginary line drawn from the tragus to the angle of the mouth. Twelve patients admitted to our clinic between October 2011 and November 2014 were included in this study. Results: Seven boys and five girls between two–13 years old underwent operation. In total, 28 accessory ears were excised. No complications were observed during the procedure, and no complaints were noted in the postoperative period. Conclusion: Generally, limited anomaly is associated with the first and second branchial arch anomalies. Surgical excision is the standard treatment for the lesions which usually due to the esthetic concerns