26 research outputs found

    Selenoprotein P levels in patients with diabetes mellitus with complications

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    Aims: Increasing evidence has shown that selenoprotein P levels are elevated in type 2 diabetes mellitus and are associated with insulin resistance and release. This study aimed to determine if there was a connection between selenoprotein P levels and metabolic parameters in patients with diabetes with microvascular complications. Methods: Serum selenoprotein P concentrations were measured by ELISA in 44 patients with diabetes with complications and 36 patients with diabetes without complications. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in selenoprotein P levels between the groups [1.9 (0.9–2.6) and 1.9 (0.8–2.4) ng/mL, respectively, p = 0.565]. Selenoprotein P, glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, C-reactive protein, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were not statistically significantly correlated in patients with complications. However, there was a significant correlation with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (r = − 0.401, p = 0.042). Conclusions: We did not find high selenoprotein P levels in patients with complications, but its inverse association with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol indicates that it may play a role in developing cardiovascular disease in this community of patients. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India

    Wet Cupping Therapy Improves the Parameters of Ventricular Repolarization

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    Background: Cupping therapy (CT) is an ancient medical treatment since antiquity and is used for the treatment of such various disease states as contagious diseases, chronic or acute inflammatory disease, and autoimmune disorders. Ventricular repolarization is represented by QT and corrected-QT (QTc) intervals from surface electrocardiography.Objectives: As novel repolarization parameters, Tpeak-toTend (Tp-Te) interval, and Tp-Te/QT and Tp-Te/ QTc ratios are suggested to correlate better with ventricular arrhythmia risk in various clinical conditions than sole QT and QTc intervals. In this study, we aimed to determine whether these parameters changed significantly after CT in healthy individuals.Methods: One hundred and twenty participants (57 women and 63 men; mean age: 49.0 +/- 13.0 years) participated in this study. ECGs strips were recorded 1 hour before and 1 hour after CT from each participant, and relevant ECG parameters were compared.Results: Tp-Te interval [69.51 +/- 11.54 msec vs 63.15 +/- 10.89 msec, p = 0.001], Tp-Te/QT ratio [0.191 +/- 0.030 vs 0.174 +/- 0.031, p = 0.002] and Tp-Te/QTc ratio [0.175 +/- 0.030 vs 0.159 +/- 0.026, p = 0.001] were found to be significantly decreased 1 hour after the procedure compared with the pre-procedure values. However, no statistically significant change was observed in mean heart rate, QT and QTc intervals, QT/ QRS and cQT/QRS, and frontal QRS/T angle after the procedure compared with the same parameters before the procedure (p > 0.05).Conclusions: In accordance with the results of our study, it is plausible to conclude that CT may exert cardioprotective effect. However, larger scale prospective studies are needed to support our findings. (c) 2020 Medical Association of Pharmacopuncture Institute, Publishing services by Elsevier B.V

    Statistical Analysis of Electrocardiogram Signal for Sleep / Awake Stages

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    Uyku evreleme uyku laboratuvarlarında sıklıkla kullanılan hastalık te¸shis yöntemlerinin önemli bir a¸samasıdır. Bireyden alınan elektroensefalografi, elektrookulogram ve elektromiyografi gibi biyolojik sinyallerin uzman doktor tarafından incelenmesiyle birlikte uyku evreleri tespit edilir. 5 farklı evre vardır. Bunlar Uyanıklık, Evre 1, Evre 2, Evre 3 ve Hızlı Göz Hareketleri evresidir. Bazı hastalıklarda uykunun her evresinin belirlenmesine ihtiyaç yoktur. Sadece Uyku / Uyanıklık durumlarının belirlenmesi yeterlidir. Bu çalı¸smada, daha kolay elde edilebilir olan elektrokardiyografi sinyali ile Uyku / Uyanıklık durumları arasındaki ili¸ski istatistiksel olarak incelenmi¸stir. Bunun için iki bireyden alınan uyku kayıtları sayısal filtreler ile temizlenmi¸s ve 30 saniyelik epoklara bölünmü¸stür. Her epoktan 25 adet özellik çıkarılmı¸s ve özelliklerin Uyku / Uyanıklık ile arasındaki istatistiksel ili¸ski saptanmı¸stır. 25 özelli˘gin 21’inin Uyku / Uyanıklık ile istatistiksel olarak (p < 0:05) ili¸skili oldu˘gu tespit edilmi¸stir. Sonuç olarak elektrokardiyografi sinyalinin Uyku / Uyanıklık tespitinde kullanılabilece˘gi kanısına varılmı¸stır.Sleep staging is an important stage of the disease diagnosis methods commonly used in sleep laboratories. pecialist physician detects sleep stages according to biological signals such as electroencephalography, electrocyogram and electromyography. There are 5 different stages. These are Awake, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 and Rapid Eye Movement Sleep. In some diseases, there is no need to determine each stage of sleep. It is sufficient to determine only the Sleep / Awake stages. In this study, the relationship between electrocardiographic signal and Sleep / Awake states which are more easily available was analyzed statistically. For this purpose, sleep records from two individuals were cleaned with numerical filters and divided into 30 second epochs. Twenty-five features were removed from each epoch and a statistical relationship was found between the features of Sleep and Awake. 21 of the 25 features were found to be correlated with Sleep / Awake (p < 0:05). As a result, it has been concluded that electrocardiography signal can be used in sleep / awake detection

    Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Kesirlerde Tahmin Becerilerinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı ilköğretim 6-8. sınıf öğrencilerinin kesirlerde tahmin becerilerinin kesirlerde işlem başarıları, matematik dersi yıl sonu puanları, sınıf seviyeleri ve cinsiyet değişkenleri açısından ilişkisini incelemektedir. Araştırmaya 683 ortaokul 6,7 ve 8.sınıf öğrencilerinin öğrencisi katılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri geliştirilen Kesirlerde İşlem Testi (KİT) ve Kesirlerde Tahmin Testi (KTT) ile elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda kesirlerde tahmin başarıları dağılımlarının oldukça düşük seviyelerde olduğu görülmüştür. Tahmin becerisinin işlem ve matematik başarısı ile pozitif yönlü orta dereceli istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sınıf düzeyi arttıkça tahmin başarılarının da arttığı görülmüştür. 7. ve 8. sınıfların kesirlerde tahmin başarılarının 6. sınıflara göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. Kesirlerde tahmin başarılarının cinsiyet değişkeni açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık göstermediği de ortaya konan bulgular arasındadırThe aim of this research was to investigate the middle school students' estimation ability with fractions according to some independent variables such as mathematics achievement, gender, grade level and procedural achievement with fractions. The sample consisted of 683 middle school students. The data were collected by estimation with fractions and computation with fractions tests which were developed by the researchers. Results of the study indicated that the students' estimation achievement was very low. There was a statistically significant and middle level positive relationship between the estimation and computation achievements as well as between the estimation and mathematics achievements. It was found that as the grade level increased, students' estimation test scores increased. Estimation achievement of the 7th and 8th grade students were statistically higher than that of the 6th grade students. In addition, it was found that students' gender did not have an effect on the estimation ability with fraction

    Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Kesirlerde Tahmin Becerilerinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı ilköğretim 6-8. sınıf öğrencilerinin kesirlerde tahmin becerilerinin kesirlerde işlem başarıları, matematik yıl sonu puanları, sınıf seviyeleri ve cinsiyet değişkenleri açısından ilişkisini incelemektedir. Araştırmaya 683 ortaokul 6,7 ve 8.sınıf öğrencilerinin öğrencisi katılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri geliştirilen Kesirlerde İşlem Testi (KİT) ve Kesirlerde Tahmin Testi (KTT) ile elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda kesirlerde tahmin başarıları dağılımlarının oldukça düşük seviyelerde olduğu görülmüştür. Tahmin becerisinin işlem ve matematik başarısı ile pozitif yönlü orta dereceli istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sınıf düzeyi arttıkça tahmin başarılarının da arttığı görülmüştür. 7. ve 8. sınıfların kesirlerde tahmin başarılarının 6. sınıflara göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. Kesirlerde tahmin başarılarının cinsiyet değişkeni açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık göstermediği de ortaya konan bulgular arasındadır.Anahtar Sözcükler: Tahmin Becerisi, İşlem Becerisi, Kesirler, İşlemsel ve Kavramsal Öğrenm

    Elektrokardiyogram Sinyalinin Uyku / Uyanıklık Evreleri için İstatistiksel Olarak İncelenmesi

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    Uyku evreleme uyku laboratuvarlarında sıklıkla kullanılan hastalık te¸shis yöntemlerinin önemli bir a¸samasıdır. Bireyden alınan elektroensefalografi, elektrookulogram ve elektromiyografi gibi biyolojik sinyallerin uzman doktor tarafından incelenmesiyle birlikte uyku evreleri tespit edilir. 5 farklı evre vardır. Bunlar Uyanıklık, Evre 1, Evre 2, Evre 3 ve Hızlı Göz Hareketleri evresidir. Bazı hastalıklarda uykunun her evresinin belirlenmesine ihtiyaç yoktur. Sadece Uyku / Uyanıklık durumlarının belirlenmesi yeterlidir. Bu çalı¸smada, daha kolay elde edilebilir olan elektrokardiyografi sinyali ile Uyku / Uyanıklık durumları arasındaki ili¸ski istatistiksel olarak incelenmi¸stir. Bunun için iki bireyden alınan uyku kayıtları sayısal filtreler ile temizlenmi¸s ve 30 saniyelik epoklara bölünmü¸stür. Her epoktan 25 adet özellik çıkarılmı¸s ve özelliklerin Uyku / Uyanıklık ile arasındaki istatistiksel ili¸ski saptanmı¸stır. 25 özelli˘gin 21’inin Uyku / Uyanıklık ile istatistiksel olarak (p < 0:05) ili¸skili oldu˘gu tespit edilmi¸stir. Sonuç olarak elektrokardiyografi sinyalinin Uyku / Uyanıklık tespitinde kullanılabilece˘gi kanısına varılmı¸stır.Sleep staging is an important stage of the disease diagnosis methods commonly used in sleep laboratories. pecialist physician detects sleep stages according to biological signals such as electroencephalography, electrocyogram and electromyography. There are 5 different stages. These are Awake, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 and Rapid Eye Movement Sleep. In some diseases, there is no need to determine each stage of sleep. It is sufficient to determine only the Sleep / Awake stages. In this study, the relationship between electrocardiographic signal and Sleep / Awake states which are more easily available was analyzed statistically. For this purpose, sleep records from two individuals were cleaned with numerical filters and divided into 30 second epochs. Twenty-five features were removed from each epoch and a statistical relationship was found between the features of Sleep and Awake. 21 of the 25 features were found to be correlated with Sleep / Awake (p < 0:05). As a result, it has been concluded that electrocardiography signal can be used in sleep / awake detection

    Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a disease that occurs due to respiratory arrest in sleep. The diagnosis of the disease is made with the polysomnography device, which is the gold standard method of diagnosis. Diagnosis is performed by sleep staging and respiratory scoring steps. Respiratory scoring is performed with at least four signals. Technical knowledge is required to connect the electrodes. Moreover, the electrodes are so disturbing that it will delay the patient's sleeping time. Alternative systems for polysomnography devices are needed to solve these problems. In the study, Heart Rate Variable (HRV) derived from the photoplethysmographic signal was proposed for respiratory scoring. For the study, 15 features were extracted from HRV. Mann-Whitney U Test was used to determine whether the extracted features were distinguishing for apnea and control groups. According to the results, p < 0.05 belongs to properties 1-9 and 13-15, and these properties were found to be distinctive for the groups. According to the results of the study, respiratory scoring can be performed more practically by using HRV

    Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnea diagnosis is diagnosed by a specialist doctor, examining the records taken with the polysomnography device. Sleep staging is the first and most important step in diagnosis. In the second step, diagnose with respiratory scoring. Sleep staging can be performed with at least three signals and ten channel electrodes. The electrodes are can be connected only by a qualified technician to the patient. Electrode connection patterns disrupt the patient's natural sleep environment. In addition, diagnosis can be made only in the laboratory. There is a need for practical measurement systems to solve these problems. In this study, it is suggested that Heart Rate Variable (HRV) derived from Photopethemography (PPG) signal can be used in sleep staging. In the study, HRV was derived from the PPG signal. 15 features were extracted from the HRV in the time domain. Mann-Whitney U Test was used for statistical analysis and distinctive features have been identified for sleep arousal. Mann-Whitney U Test was used to determine whether the extracted features were a distinguishing feature for the Sleep Awakening status. When the results are examined, it was determined that p < 0.05 for all features discriminant for sleep wakefulness. When the results are examined, HRV derived from the PPG signal can be used to develop a sleep staging system which can be used at home

    Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a disease that occurs due to respiratory arrest in sleep. The diagnosis of the disease is made with the polysomnography device, which is the gold standard method of diagnosis. Diagnosis is performed by sleep staging and respiratory scoring steps. Respiratory scoring is performed with at least four signals. Technical knowledge is required to connect the electrodes. Moreover, the electrodes are so disturbing that it will delay the patient's sleeping time. Alternative systems for polysomnography devices are needed to solve these problems. In the study, Heart Rate Variable (HRV) derived from the photoplethysmographic signal was proposed for respiratory scoring. For the study, 15 features were extracted from HRV. Mann-Whitney U Test was used to determine whether the extracted features were distinguishing for apnea and control groups. According to the results, p < 0.05 belongs to properties 1-9 and 13-15, and these properties were found to be distinctive for the groups. According to the results of the study, respiratory scoring can be performed more practically by using HRV

    Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnea diagnosis is diagnosed by a specialist doctor, examining the records taken with the polysomnography device. Sleep staging is the first and most important step in diagnosis. In the second step, diagnose with respiratory scoring. Sleep staging can be performed with at least three signals and ten channel electrodes. The electrodes are can be connected only by a qualified technician to the patient. Electrode connection patterns disrupt the patient's natural sleep environment. In addition, diagnosis can be made only in the laboratory. There is a need for practical measurement systems to solve these problems. In this study, it is suggested that Heart Rate Variable (HRV) derived from Photopethemography (PPG) signal can be used in sleep staging. In the study, HRV was derived from the PPG signal. 15 features were extracted from the HRV in the time domain. Mann-Whitney U Test was used for statistical analysis and distinctive features have been identified for sleep arousal. Mann-Whitney U Test was used to determine whether the extracted features were a distinguishing feature for the Sleep Awakening status. When the results are examined, it was determined that p < 0.05 for all features discriminant for sleep wakefulness. When the results are examined, HRV derived from the PPG signal can be used to develop a sleep staging system which can be used at home