54 research outputs found

    Patterns of Trust and Collaboration among Nonprofit Organizations and Health Funds: A Case Study

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    The importance of collaboration between organizations, especially in the modern world, has been discussed extensively by researchers from different fields. Yet, the importance of the context, trust dynamics, and the employment social environment, such as the interplay among these factors, i.e., trust, individual behavior, and political behavior, has been less studied. This study evaluates the role of trust in and between organizations on successful collaboration processes. Using qualitative methodology, we interviewed 11 senior directors who were involved in a specific case-study of collaboration among four major organizations as well as direct observation, documentation, and archive records. Our findings emphasize the importance of analyzing multilevel trust, interpolitics, and intrapolitics, even when success is at stake. We suggest that managers have to account for emotional involvement at the individual level, even when successful organizational-level collaboration occurs. Overall, we found that there are two aspects of trust in a collaboration process between organizations: system’s aspect and personal aspect. Each aspect is influenced by various factors, mainly different goals and interest and lack of procedures or regulations (from the system’s aspect) and feelings of vagueness in goals and managerial procedures as well as feelings of exploitation (from the personal aspect). In addition, we found that past acquaintances, mutual experience, and shared visions raise the level of trust, which in turn affects the reciprocal relations and therefore the collaboration process resulting in higher social effectiveness for social services

    The differential effect of team members' trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion

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    This study examines team performance as affected by various trusting relationships: Trust between team members and the team's trust in their direct manager and in top management. Data for the study were collected from a survey of 690 professional elite athletes (belonging to 59 different sports clubs) playing in the regular, top professional Spanish leagues. The model was tested at the team level. Findings reveal that team member trust with respect to the different foci has both a direct and indirect effect on team performance, and that team player trust and cohesion play a mediating role. This study illustrates the dynamic relationship within teams, and, as such, trust among teammates mediates the relationship between trust in the coach as well as team cohesion in determining team performance. The implications for managing teams in other contexts are also evaluated

    A qualitative meta-analysis of trust in supervisor-subordinate relationships

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    Purpose: – Interpersonal trust is often considered as the “glue” that binds supervisors together with their subordinates, and creates a positive organisational climate. The purpose of this paper is to investigate factors affecting subordinates’ trust to their supervisor, and the consequences of such a trusting relationship. Design/methodology/approach: – The authors conducted a qualitative meta-analysis of the trust literature between 1995 and 2011, to identify 73 articles and review 37 theoretical propositions, 139 significant model parameters and 58 further empirical findings. Findings: – Four distinct clusters of trust antecedents are found: supervisor attributes; subordinate attributes; interpersonal processes and organisational characteristics. Similarly, the authors identify three categories of trust consequences: subordinates’ work behaviour; subordinates’ attitude towards the supervisor; and organisational level effects. Research limitations/implications: – The authors find a bias towards studying supervisor attributes and interpersonal processes, yet a dearth of attention on subordinate attributes and organisational characteristics. Similarly, the conceptual attention on trust between supervisors and subordinates has been limited, with empirical work reporting predominantly significant findings. Social exchange has dominated as the theoretical perspective, and cross-section as the main research approach. In order to advance this important field more heterogeneity is needed, utilising a range of different theoretical schools and employing different methodologies. Originality/value: – This seems to be the first qualitative meta-analysis explicitly directed to understanding trust between supervisors and subordinates. The authors contribute to the field of trust by revealing current gaps in the literature and highlighting potential areas of future research

    ViolĂȘncia psicolĂłgica no trabalho

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    VIII Congresso Iberoamericano de Avaliação/EvaluaciĂłn psicolĂłgica - XV ConferĂȘncia Internacional Avaliação PsicolĂłgica : formas e contextos, Lisboa, 2011De acordo com Organização Internacional do Trabalho (2004, in Graça, 2004), a violĂȘncia no local do trabalho, a par do stress, ĂĄlcool, tabaco, HIV/Sida, constitui um dos cinco riscos emergentes para a saĂșde e segurança dos trabalhadores em todo o mundo. No entanto, o conceito de violĂȘncia no trabalho, em especial o de violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica, tem sido associado a diferentes designaçÔes (ex., assĂ©dio moral, vitimização no trabalho, mobbing, bullying), nem sempre consensuais na sua operacionalização e respectiva avaliação (Hirigoyen, 2002; AraĂșjo, 2010), com implicaçÔes relevantes, por exemplo, ao nĂ­vel dos estudos de prevalĂȘncia. Para alĂ©m disso, existe um desconhecimento da forma como a violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica se expressa em diferentes grupos profissionais, como Ă© o caso particular dos assistentes sociais. Os assistentes sociais sĂŁo um dos grupos profissionais que mais estĂŁo em risco no que se refere Ă  violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica. O presente trabalho, apresenta: i) uma reflexĂŁo conceptual e ii) um estudo, a decorrer junto de assistentes sociais em Portugal e Israel que tem o objectivo particular de caracterizar a prevalĂȘncia e a distribuição de violĂȘncia exercida neste grupo profissional em serviços municipais, e analisar factores organizacionais e individuais que conduzem Ă  violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica. SerĂŁo discutidas implicaçÔes para a avaliação do fenĂłmeno da violĂȘncia psicolĂłgica no trabalho

    International Perspectives on the Legal Environment for Selection

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    Perspectives from 22 countries on aspects of the legal environment for selection are presented in this article. Issues addressed include (a) whether there are racial/ethnic/religious subgroups viewed as "disadvantaged,” (b) whether research documents mean differences between groups on individual difference measures relevant to job performance, (c) whether there are laws prohibiting discrimination against specific groups, (d) the evidence required to make and refute a claim of discrimination, (e) the consequences of violation of the laws, (f) whether particular selection methods are limited or banned, (g) whether preferential treatment of members of disadvantaged groups is permitted, and (h) whether the practice of industrial and organizational psychology has been affected by the legal environmen

    The role of power in financial statement fraud schemes

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    In this paper, we investigate a large-scale financial statement fraud to better understand the process by which individuals are recruited to participate in financial statement fraud schemes. The case reveals that perpetrators often use power to recruit others to participate in fraudulent acts. To illustrate how power is used, we propose a model, based upon the classical French and Raven taxonomy of power, that explains how one individual influences another individual to participate in financial statement fraud. We also provide propositions for future research
