30 research outputs found


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    The article presents the main provisions of the digital passenger identification concept based on the use of blockchain technology. It is summarized that the introduction of secure biometric identification of passengers at the airport will reduce the time and financial costs associated with the inspection and going through the passport and customs control. The problematic aspects of the current legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the application of this technology are analyzed. The technology Smart Path, developed by SITA is considered. The essence of this technology is the use of biometric data as a single identification taken at each stage of the journey. The possibilities of using blockchain technology as the basis of passenger identification before the departure are analyzed, while the blockchain technology eliminates the need for centralized processing and storage of personal data of air passengers. A computer science dealing with the chain of blocks based on the cryptosystem ensures the confidentiality of data and the absence of the possibility of information leakage or misuse. It is specially noted that the technology of cryptographic protection of air passengers biometric data will become an obstacle to using personal information for illegal purposes, and the capabilities of blockchain technology will allow cross-border data exchange during international flights. It is concluded that with the use of this technology, there will be no need to maintain the staff of workers responsible for document verification and control over the identification of passengers. All these functions will be replaced by a distributed database, which cannot be destroyed or hacked. On the basis of the study, it is proposed to amend the current legislation regulating the procedure for collecting and processing the personal data of airline passengers.В статье представлены основные положения концепции цифровой идентификации пассажиров авиарейсов, основанной на использовании технологии blockchain (блокчейн). Резюмируется, что внедрение защищенной биометрической идентификации пассажиров в аэропорту снизит временные и финансовые затраты, связанные с досмотром и прохождением паспортного и таможенного контроля. Анализируются проблемные аспекты действующего законодательства РФ, регламентирующего применение указанной технологии. Рассматривается технология Smart Path, разработанная компанией SITA, суть которой заключается в использовании биометрических данных как единого идентификационного токена на каждом этапе путешествия. Исследуются возможности применения технологии блокчейн в основе идентификации пассажиров перед вылетом, при этом технология блокчейн устраняет необходимость в централизованной обработке и хранении персональных данных авиапассажиров. Основанная на криптосистеме компьютерная наука о цепочке блоков обеспечивает конфиденциальность данных и отсутствие возможности утечки сведений или их нецелевого использования. Особо отмечается, что технология криптографической защиты биометрических данных авиапассажиров станет препятствием для использования персональной информации в противоправных целях, а возможности технологии блокчейн позволят производить трансграничный обмен данными во время международных перелетов. Делается вывод, что с применением этой технологии исчезнет потребность в содержании штата работников, отвечающих за проверку документов и контроль за идентификацией пассажиров. Все эти функции заменит распределенная база данных, которую невозможно уничтожить или взломать. На основе проведенного исследования предлагается внести изменения в действующее законодательство, регламентирующее процедуру сбора и обработки персональных данных пассажиров авиарейсов


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    Somatic and psychological risk factors (RF) were studied in 835 patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) who had been admitted to the Borderline Department of MHRI SB RAMS for severity of neurotic and affective disorders provoked by previous psychosomatic events (psychosocial stress). Earlier the patients had been under control of cardiologists and therapists in general medical institutions. Systemic analysis of interrelation between somatic, psychic, and psychosocial factors defining the mechanisms of psychosomatic correlation formation in the patients with CVD with depressive disorders was applied.На клиническом материале, включающем 835 пациентов с артериальной гипертонией и ишемической болезнью сердца, госпитализированных в отделение пограничных состояний НИИПЗ СО РАМН в связи с выраженностью невротических и аффективных расстройств, обусловленных предшествующими психотравмирующими событиями (психосоциальным стрессом), изучены соматические и психосоциальные факторы риска. Ранее пациенты наблюдались в общемедицинских учреждениях у кардиолога или терапевта. В исследовании применен системный анализ взаимосвязи соматических, психических, психосоциальных факторов, определяющий механизмы формирования психосоматических соотношений у больных сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями с тревожными и депрессивными расстройствами для оценки кардиоваскулярного риска и выбора стратегии вторичной профилактики в общемедицинской практике

    Management of MDR-TB in HIV co-infected patients in Eastern Europe: Results from the TB:HIV study

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    Objectives Mortality among HIV patients with tuberculosis (TB) remains high in Eastern Europe (EE), but details of TB and HIV management remain scarce. Methods In this prospective study, we describe the TB treatment regimens of patients with multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB and use of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Results A total of 105 HIV-positive patients had MDR-TB (including 33 with extensive drug resistance) and 130 pan-susceptible TB. Adequate initial TB treatment was provided for 8% of patients with MDR-TB compared with 80% of those with pan-susceptible TB. By twelve months, an estimated 57.3% (95%CI 41.5\u201374.1) of MDR-TB patients had started adequate treatment. While 67% received ART, HIV-RNA suppression was demonstrated in only 23%. Conclusions Our results show that internationally recommended MDR-TB treatment regimens were infrequently used and that ART use and viral suppression was well below the target of 90%, reflecting the challenging patient population and the environment in which health care is provided. Urgent improvement of management of patients with TB/HIV in EE, in particular for those with MDR-TB, is needed and includes widespread access to rapid TB diagnostics, better access to and use of second-line TB drugs, timely ART initiation with viral load monitoring, and integration of TB/HIV care


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    The article presents the main provisions of the digital passenger identification concept based on the use of blockchain technology. It is summarized that the introduction of secure biometric identification of passengers at the airport will reduce the time and financial costs associated with the inspection and going through the passport and customs control. The problematic aspects of the current legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the application of this technology are analyzed. The technology Smart Path, developed by SITA is considered. The essence of this technology is the use of biometric data as a single identification taken at each stage of the journey. The possibilities of using blockchain technology as the basis of passenger identification before the departure are analyzed, while the blockchain technology eliminates the need for centralized processing and storage of personal data of air passengers. A computer science dealing with the chain of blocks based on the cryptosystem ensures the confidentiality of data and the absence of the possibility of information leakage or misuse. It is specially noted that the technology of cryptographic protection of air passengers biometric data will become an obstacle to using personal information for illegal purposes, and the capabilities of blockchain technology will allow cross-border data exchange during international flights. It is concluded that with the use of this technology, there will be no need to maintain the staff of workers responsible for document verification and control over the identification of passengers. All these functions will be replaced by a distributed database, which cannot be destroyed or hacked. On the basis of the study, it is proposed to amend the current legislation regulating the procedure for collecting and processing the personal data of airline passengers


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    Aim. To develop the method and media for cognitive impairment correction in patients with arterial hypertension, combined with diabetes mellitus 2nd type.Material and methods. Totally 120 included with essential arterial hypertension (EAH), associated with diabetes 2nd type, with insufficient blood pressure (BP) level control. Patients with AH had 2nd grade of BP increase with mild of moderate compensated DM 2nd type with the level of glycosylated hemoglobin about 6,25%. The patients had quite high number of concomitant diseases and risk factors. All patients received basic antihypertensive therapy (beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin receptor inhibitors). Also the patients took the drugs for concomitant pathology (hypolipidemic drugs, nitrates, glucose lowering drugs). The necessary criteria for inclusion was informed consent. At outpatient stage of the study, first visit and in a year the complex of events was done: anamnesis and complaints clarification; palpation and auscultation of the heart and major vessels; BP measurement on upper extremities by Korotkov; ECG registration, Echocardiography. The biochemical sampling of fasting plasma was done: the level of glucose was measured, of glycosylated hemoglobin, lipid profile (cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL), clotting parameters (INR, APTT, fibrinogen), electrolytes (K, Mg). Also the patients completed medical questionnaires of a specific purpose. The score of psychic status was used: MINI-MENTAL STATE EXAMINATION (MMSE) M.F. FOLSTEIN, S.E. FOLSTEIN, P.R. HUGH, 1975. And if there were prominent cognitive disorders Kudesan® was prescribed — mitochondrial coenzyme Q10 — at the dosage of 60 mg per day during the next 2 months. Dosage of the drug used according to medical instructions.Results. The data witnesses that clinical effect was achieved in patients with Kudesan®: the significant improvement of cognitive functions in patients by MMSE score. The effectiveness of Q10 compound was measured by the clinical properties matching after the treatment. Before the treatment the clinical data compared were identical with the absence of statistical significance among them (p>0,01).Conclusion. The positive influence of complex therapy is shown on the cognitive functions in patients with AH at the background of diabetes 2 type. The study showed that the inclusion of Q10 compound into the standard treatment of arterial hypertension with diabetes 2nd type is associated with positive clinical effect, especially in relevant cognitive function improvement, significant decrease of systolic and diastolic BP, relevant decrease of blood pressure variability, significant of glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin level decrease, significant Mg level increase


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    Aim. To elaborate the method and means for correction of anxiety-depression disorders in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) associated with 2nd type diabetes mellitus.Material and methods. Totally 120 patients included with essential arterial hypertension (AH), associated with 2nd type DM, non-sufficient control of В P. Patients with AH had the second grade of BP increase at the background of 2nd type DM of mild or moderate severity compensated according to the levels of glycosilated hemoglobin 6,25%. Patients had quite high amount of comorbidities and risk factors complicating AH. All patients were taking basic ant hypertension therapy, mostly a variety of combinations of drugs (beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists,angiotensine receptor blockers II). Also the patients took the drugs for comorbidities treatment (hypolipidemic drugs, nitrates, glucose lowering drugs). The necessary criteria was patients' consent.In outpatient conditions, at the 1st visit and in 1 year we performed a complex of events: anamnesis collection, clarification of complaints; palpation and auscultation of the heart and main vessels; BP measurement by Korotkov on upper extremities; ECG recording, echocardiography. Biochemical analysis of the whole plasma was done, fasting: we measured glucose level, glycosilated hemoglobin, lipid spectrum (cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL), clotting system parameters (PI, APTT, fibrinogen), electrolites (K, Mg). Also patients by themselves completed medical questionnaires of a special purpose. We used HADS questionnaire and self-assessment for depressions CED-S. If the increased levels of anxiety and depression were found we prescriben Qudesan® — mitochondrial coenzyme — coenzyme Q10 in dose 60 mg daily for 2 months. The dosage was calculated according to the drug sheet.Results. The data we collected witnesses that clinical efficacy was reached in patients at the background of Qudesan® intake: significantly positively changed psychological status of patients — depression decreased by the scales of specialized questionnaires. Scoring of the influence of that drug was done by comparison of clinical characteristics after treatment. Before treatment the parameters studied were identical that is also confirmed by the absence of significance of their difference (p>0,01).Conclusion. The study led to obtainment of a new data on that inclusion of Q10 containing drug into the standard treatment of AH with 2nd type DM has positive clinical effect that, particularly, leads to a significant decrease of systolic and diastoiic blood pressure, significant decrease of BP variability, significant decrease of blood glucose levels and glycosilated hemoglobin, significant increase of Mg level in blood. Also the positive influence of complex therapy noted on the decrease of anxiety and depression level in patients with AH and DM 2 type

    Secondary prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseasses associated with anxiety and depressive disorders: ways of optimization

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    Somatic and psychological risk factors (RF) were studied in 835 patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) who had been admitted to the Borderline Department of MHRI SB RAMS for severity of neurotic and affective disorders provoked by previous psychosomatic events (psychosocial stress). Earlier the patients had been under control of cardiologists and therapists in general medical institutions. Systemic analysis of interrelation between somatic, psychic, and psychosocial factors defining the mechanisms of psychosomatic correlation formation in the patients with CVD with depressive disorders was applied

    Mycobacterium Avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates induce in vitro granuloma formation and show successful survival phenotype, common anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic responses within ovine macrophages regardless of genotype or host of origin.

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    The analysis of the early macrophage responses, including bacterial growth within macrophages, represents a powerful tool to characterize the virulence of clinical isolates of Mycobcaterium avium susbp. paratuberculosis (Map). The present study represents the first assessment of the intracellular behaviour in ovine monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) of Map isolates representing distinct genotypes (C, S and B), and isolated from cattle, sheep, goat, fallow deer, deer, and wild boar. Intracellular growth and survival of the selected isolates in ovine MDMs was assessed by quantification of CFUs inside of the host cells at 2 h p.i. (day 0) and 7 d p. i. using an automatic liquid culture system (Bactec MGIT 960). Variations in bacterial counts over 7 days from the baseline were small, in a range between 1.63 to 1.05-fold. After 7 d of infection, variations in the estimated log10 CFUs between all the tested isolates were not statistically significant. In addition, ovine MDMs exhibited enhanced anti-inflammatory, antiapoptotic and antidestructive responses when infected with two ovine isolates of distinct genotype (C and S) or with two C-type isolates from distinct hosts (cattle and sheep); which correlated with the successful survival of these isolates within ovine MDMs. A second objective was to study, based on an in vitro granuloma model, latter stages of the infection by investigating the capacity of two Map isolates from cattle and sheep to trigger formation of microgranulomas. Upon 10 d p.i., both Map isolates were able to induce the formation of granulomas comparable to the granulomas observed in clinical specimens with respect to the cellular components involved. In summary, our results demonstrated that Map isolates from cattle, sheep, goats, deer, fallow-deer and wild boar were able not only to initiate but also to establish a successful infection in ovine macrophages regardless of genotype

    Operando analysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell in Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    SSCI-VIDE+MEME+TEPInternational audienceSolid oxide fuel cells (or SOFC) are a class of solid-state electrochemical conversion devices that produce electricity directly from oxidizing a fuel gas. They consist in an anode-cathode duet separated by a solid electrolyte, i.e. an oxide conducting material. The anode is fed with hydrogen or other fuels whereas the cathode is in contact with air, meaning oxygen. Overall, a SOFC operates thanks to the combined action of two external stimuli: a gaseous environment and temperature.Owing to the recent advances in in situ and operando transmission electron microscopy (TEM), we have set up an experiment to operate a SOFC inside an environmental TEM to identify how the device microstructure determines its electrical properties.An elementary anode-electrolyte-cathode sandwich was prepared by Focused Ion Beam (FIB), and mounted on a heating and biasing microelectromechanical (MEMS) based specimen holder (DENSsolutions) inserted a FEI Titan ETEM.Our sample is made as a standard SOFC: the cathode is based on strontium-doped lanthanum manganite (LSM), the electrolyte is yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and the anode is a NiO cermet; both electrodes were co-sintered with YSZ. NiO was first reduced to Ni, leaving pores in the structure due to the volume loss and hence enabling the penetration of the fuel to the triple phase junctions Ni/YSZ/porosity at the anode side. For practical reasons, we have used a single chamber configuration where the anode and cathode were exposed simultaneously to the oxidant and reducing gases. Thanks to a difference in the catalytic activity between the electrodes, O2 should reduce at the cathode, while H2 should oxidize at the anode, thus leading to a voltage difference between the two terminals and detected by the biasing system of the holder.The reduction of NiO was then first performed under a forming gas N2:H2 in the ratio 20:1 under 15 mbar up to 750°C (N2 was constantly used as a mixing vector gas for safety reasons due to the need of mixing O2 and H2 in the single-chamber configuration). The O2 to H2 ratio was then increased to trigger the operation of the cell. A small quantity of oxygen was introduced into the microscope up to about 16 mbar at 600°C, a temperature sufficient to promote the dissociation of O2 molecules in the ETEM.At this point, the variation of current was correlated to the evolution of the gas fuel composition and the anode microstructure. The latter was followed by conventional and high resolution imaging, diffraction work and EELS (Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy).The system was then cycled several times by decreasing and re-increasing the O2 concentration in the gas flow and correlations between microstructure, gas composition, and cell voltage were positively established, as it will be discussed at the conference. Results were further confirmed by macroscopic ex situ tests in an oven using the same materials [1].The operation of a SOFC in a single chamber configuration was demonstrated thanks to operando ETEM. Nevertheless, the pressure and flow limits with this instrument have restricted its operation to a transient working state. This operando experiment opens numerous perspectives to investigate possible failure pathways affecting SOFCs, like poisoning of active sites or coarsening of the Ni catalyst [2].[1] Q. Jeangros, M. Bugnet T. Epicier, C. Frantz, S. Diethelm, D. Montinaro, E. Tyukalova, G. Pivak, J. Van herle, A. Hessler-Wyser, M. Duchamp, under review (submitted 2021/10).[2] The authors acknowledge the French microscopy network METSA (www.metsa.fr) for funding and CLYM (Consortium Lyon-St-Etienne de Microscopie, www.clym.fr) for the ETEM access. The FIB preparation was performed at the Facilities for Analysis, Characterization, Testing and Simulations (FACTS, Nanyang Technological University NTU). Additional support was provided by the INSTANT project (France-Singapore MERLION program 2019-2020) and the start-up grant M4081924 at NTU