67 research outputs found

    Účinok kaempferolu a naringenínu môže zlepšiť in vitro kvalitu uchovávaných kančích spermií

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    Determination of the effect of pure bioactive substances on male reproductive cells is a current theme amongst veterinary andrologists. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro effect of various concentrations of kaempferol and naringenin on boar male gametes in different time periods (0, 24, 48 and 72h). The computer-assisted semen analysis was used to measure the sperm motility. Mitochondrial activity was determined by the mitochondrial toxicity test (MTT). The formation of the superoxide radical, as a marker of oxidative stress, was analysed by the nitroblue-tetrazolium (NBT) test. The results showed that every selected concentration of both substances came along with beneficial effect on the structure and function of spermatozoa. Particularly, naringenin at concentrations of 10-50 µmol/L and kaempferol at concentrations of 5-25 µmol/L may provide beneficial effects on spermatozoa, thus prolong the storage period and improve the quality of preserved boar spermatozoa.Determinácia účinku čistých bioaktívnych látok na samčie reprodukčné bunky je aktuálnou témou medzi veterinárnymi andrológmi. Cieľom tejto štúdie bolo vyšetriť in vitro účinok rôznych koncentrácií kaempferolu a naringenínu na samčie gaméty kancov v rozličných časových periódach (0, 24, 48 a 72h). Počítačomasistovaná analýza spermií bola použitá na meranie motility spermií. Mitochondriálnu aktivitu sme určili mitochondriálnym testom toxicity (MTT). Tvorenie superoxidového radikálu, ako markera oxidatívneho stresu, sme analyzovali nitroblue-tetrazolium (NBT) testom. Výsledky ukázali, že každá vybratá koncentrácia oboch substancií má prospešný účinok na štruktúru a funkciu spermií. Obzvlášť naringenín o koncentráciách 10-50 µmol.l-1 a kaempferol o koncentráciách 5-25 µmol*l-1 môžu poskytnúť prospešné účinky na spermie, čím sa predĺži čas uchovávania a zlepší sa kvalita prezervovaných kančích spermií

    Vitamin E: Recommended Intake

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    Data of vitamin E intake and status are controversial. Vitamin E is an essential micronutrient for humans and achieving an optimal status is assumed to produce beneficial health outcomes. Dietary intake recommendations for vitamin E vary considerably by different countries and organizations. It appears to be still a challenge to define these despite the wealth of data published. Vitamin E requirements have been proposed to depend on other nutritional factors, such as the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Although several foods contain naturally occurring sources of vitamin E, it is frequently the case that the intake recommendations are not achieved. Several other dietary factors affect the need for vitamin E. In this regard, significant challenges to be considered include the efficiency of other tocopherol variants and their properties that could affect the revision of the nutritional recommendations for vitamin E. Particularly, an ever-increasing evidence indicates that other vitamin E homologs may potentially present with a higher biological activity. Low dietary consumption of vitamin E, coupled with compelling evidence that increased intake of vitamin E above current recommendations for the general population may benefit older individuals

    Male Reproductive Cancers and Infertility: A Mutual Relationship

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    Reproductive dysfunction and malignancies related to the male gender represent a serious health concern, whose incidence has significantly risen over the past years. Prior to treatment, testicular or prostate cancer patients often display poor semen characteristics similar to subfertile or infertile patients. This fact is underscored by cases where the malignancy is often diagnosed in males who undergo a general fertility screening. This review aims to examine the associations between male infertility and reproductive cancers focusing on common etiologies and biological mechanisms underlining these pathologies. Furthermore, we discuss compelling epidemiological data hypothesizing that male reproductive failure may act as a precursor of future andrological malignancies, including testicular or prostate cancer, thus providing a stimulus for a more specific research in male reproductive health and emphasizing the importance of this relation for physicians taking care of male patients with a reproductive disease

    Approach to climate change and circular economy by producers located in Czech Republic

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na postoj několika oslovených výrobních podniků působících v České republice ke klimatické změně a k cirkulární ekonomice. V případě klimatické změny se práce především zaměřuje na činnost podniků spojenou se snižováním emisí antropogenních skleníkových plynů. V případě cirkulární ekonomiky je zkoumán vztah podniků k nákupu nebo výrobě recyklovaných a recyklovatelných materiálů a surovin, jakož i hospodaření s odpady, zejména přeměna odpadů na zdroje. Pro zjištění a zhodnocení postoje byly osloveny výrobní podniky z energeticky intenzivních výrobních odvětví kovovýroby, výroby strojů a zařízení a papírenské výroby. Rovněž bylo osloveno několik dřevozpracujících podniků a zkoumán jejich postoj k trvale udržitelnému lesnímu hospodářství. V práci je u dané problematiky popsána současná činnost podniků a také plány do budoucna, v závěru jsou uvedena doporučení, jak eventuálně angažovanost podniků dál podpořit.The bachelor's thesis focuses on several selected manufacturing companies located in Czech Republic and their approach to a climate change and a circular economy. In case of a climate change the thesis focuses especially on how the companies contribute to anthropogenic greenhouse gasses emissions reduction. In case of a circular economy the focus is put on companies' purchase and/or production of recycled and recyclable materials as well as their waste management, namely the waste transfer to resources. The manufacturing companies have been selected from energy intensive industry, such as metallurgy, machinery production as well as paper industry. The wood manufacturing companies have been also asked to share their approach to sustainable forestry. The thesis describes both the current companies' activities as well as their upcoming plans. At the end of the thesis the recommendations are listed regarding how to further increase the companies' involvement in the described areas

    Probabilistic Analysis of a Hospital Building Slab Foundation

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    This paper deals with the design of a five-storey hospital building, in which we focus on the deterministic and probabilistic analysis of its slab foundation. The hospital building bearing structure was modeled as a reinforced concrete skeleton. The Boussinesque model was selected for the subsoil under the plate foundation, which was a model of the elastic half-space, where properties of individual layers of the subsoil were entered according to the geological survey. The geological topology consisted of clay gravel and also included a layer of clay sand. In the stochastic solution, the variance of values was considered for individual mechanical properties of different types of soil. We analyzed the influence of the variance of input values on the resulting deflections, strain, and stress state of the plate foundation. Two variants of the solution were considered on the given numerical example. Probability calculations confirmed the probability of failure, which was allowed for the second limit state

    Analysis of a Bending-Stressed Pile in Interaction with Subsoil

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    This study explored reinforced concrete piles located in a flexible half-space and loaded with external loads, considering various contact elements and the connection between the pile and the ground massif. Piles are mainly solved as axially loaded elements stressed by a vertical force. However, there are also several cases in the construction industry where a pile is stressed by a horizontal force or by a bending moment, producing a bending loaded pile. A static model of a pile and the surrounding subsoil was constructed using software based on FEM. The pile was modelled from 3D finite elements that were rotationally symmetric around the vertical axis of the pile. Additionally, the flexible half-space was modelled from 3D elements that were rotationally symmetrical around the piles. The boundary conditions were applied on the surfaces around the perimeter and at the bottom of the ground massif. The flexible half-space was modelled up to the area where there was zero deformation. The presented analysis focused on the description of different types of contact elements between the surface of the reinforced concrete pile and the surrounding ground mass. This interaction was modelled as a fixed connection or as point-to-point contact, and a contact surface. In the next part, different boundary conditions on the pile bottom were considered. Floating piles, supported by joints or firmly woven into the ground massif, were considered. All these outputs based on FEM were compared with the analytical solution of the bent pile that was published in the 1980s. The deformations and internal forces during different modelling of the contact between the edge of the concrete pile and the surrounding ground mass were compared. The higher values of the studied quantities were for rigid connections, which is logical. For contact elements, the property of the contact was considered. This property introduces less stiffness, and thus, the resulting values were lower compared to those for a fixed connection. The presented analysis of the FEM analytical and numerical solution is also very valuable for engineers working in construction

    Male Reproductive Cancers and Infertility: A Mutual Relationship

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    Reproductive dysfunction and malignancies related to the male gender represent a serious health concern, whose incidence has significantly risen over the past years. Prior to treatment, testicular or prostate cancer patients often display poor semen characteristics similar to subfertile or infertile patients. This fact is underscored by cases where the malignancy is often diagnosed in males who undergo a general fertility screening. This review aims to examine the associations between male infertility and reproductive cancers focusing on common etiologies and biological mechanisms underlining these pathologies. Furthermore, we discuss compelling epidemiological data hypothesizing that male reproductive failure may act as a precursor of future andrological malignancies, including testicular or prostate cancer, thus providing a stimulus for a more specific research in male reproductive health and emphasizing the importance of this relation for physicians taking care of male patients with a reproductive disease

    Composite laminate under influence of temperature and moisture

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    The static response of simply supported carbon/epoxy composite plates in a hygrothermal environment is carried out using the general purpose finite element program COSMOS. The static load model and the hygrothermal incorporation are solved separately. The hygrothermal effect is introduced by using empirical relations for degrading the material stiffness properties of the matrix. The corresponding ply properties are calculated using Mori-Tanaka method. A parametric study is conducted by varying the fiber volume fraction and the fiber orientation of the angle plies in the laminate