19 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Nanoscale TiO2 and Study of the Effect of Their Crystal Structure on Single Cell Response

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    To study the effect of nanoscale titanium dioxide (TiO2) on cell responses, we synthesized four modifications of the TiO2 (amorphous, anatase, brookite, and rutile) capable of keeping their physicochemical characteristics in a cell culture medium. The modifications of nanoscale TiO2 were obtained by hydrolysis of TiCl4 and Ti(i-OC3H7)4 (TIP) upon variation of the synthesis conditions; their textural, morphological, structural, and dispersion characteristics were examined by a set of physicochemical methods: XRD, BET, SAXS, DLS, AFM, SEM, and HR-TEM. The effect of synthesis conditions (nature of precursor, pH, temperature, and addition of a complexing agent) on the structural-dispersion properties of TiO2 nanoparticles was studied. The hydrolysis methods providing the preparation of amorphous, anatase, brookite, and rutile modifications of TiO2 nanoparticles 3–5 nm in size were selected. Examination of different forms of TiO2 nanoparticles interaction with MDCK cells by transmission electron microscopy of ultrathin sections revealed different cell responses after treatment with different crystalline modifications and amorphous form of TiO2. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that direct contact of the nanoparticles with cell plasma membrane is the primary and critical step of their interaction and defines a subsequent response of the cell

    Iron-based ultrafine particles made in mode solutions and industrial waste waters

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    Iron and attendant impurities settled from industrial waste water by ferritizing and formation of nanoparticles in batch bacterials culture have been studies. Iron settlement by ferritizing forms magnetic sediment extractable by magnetic separation..

    Features of lipid metabolism disturbances in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective. To characterize specters of common and modified lipoproteins (LP) in serum of pts with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) according to age and sex and compare with healthy donors (with normal lipid level). Material and methods. 103 pts with RA (88 female and 15 male) aged 21 to 69 years were included. Specters of common and modified LP in serum and plasma were evaluated with small-angle x-ray scattering. Results. Low level of intermediate density lipoproteins (IDLP) subfractions and very low density lipoproteins (VLDLP) as well as high level of low density lipoproteins (LDLP)30 was revealed in pts with RA. Mean level of LP modification was about 60%. High density lipoproteins (HDLP) subfraction was least and IDLP subfraction – most susceptible to modification. LP modification level increased due to LDLP and VLDLP fractions. This level had a tendency to increase with age because of elevation of atherogenic LP part. Mean values of common LP did not differ between sex and age groups of pts with RA. Unexpectedly low (in comparison with normal lipid content) level of LP modification of the whole fraction of HDLP was the feature of modified LP specter in pts with RA. Conclusion. Level of common and modified LP in blood plasma and serum of RA pts is connected with general state of lipid metabolism and immune defense factors balance. Low level of VLDLP cholesterol and high level of LDLP cholesterol as well as high degree of LP of these fractions modification may be probably considered as markers of RA activity

    Rol' dislipoproteinemiy v izmenenii lipidnoy fazy membran eritrotsitov u bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom 1 i 2 tipa

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    Цель. Предпринятого нами исследования был анализ особенностей структурных изменений эритроцитарных мембран в зависимости от типов ДЛП, осложняющих развитие СД1 и 2. Материалы и методы. Обследованы 70 пациентов с СД1 и 2, из них 27 больных СД1 и 43 больных СД2. Нами учитывались концентрации липопротеинов 6 основных подклассов: ЛПВП3, ЛПВП2, ЛПНП2-3, ЛПОНП2, ЛПОНП1 и величина таких интегральных показателей как общий холестерин и общие триацилглицериды. Результаты. Показано, что липопротеиновый спектр сыворотки крови у больных СД1 характеризовался снижением содержания и изменением субфракционного состава ЛПВП: концентрация последних уменьшалась, главным образом, за счет снижения образования ЛПВП2; содержание ЛПВП3 менялось незначительно. Отмечено частое развитие у обследованных пациентов ДЛП IIб типа (29,4% у больных СД1 и 40,6% ? у больных СД2). ДЛП IIа типа встречались соответственно у 22,2% больных СД1 и у 40,6% больных СД2. У последних выявлен также IV тип ДЛП (12,5% больных СД2). Выводы. Изменения структуры мембран эритроцитов у больных СД1 и 2, осложняющихся дислипопротеинемией, характеризуются повышением микровязкости липидной фазы, а также нарушением межмолекулярных липид-липидных и белок-липидных взаимодействий. Повышение микровязкости мембран эритроцитов, нарушения липид-липидных и белок-липидных взаимодействий связаны с увеличением содержания липопротеинов низкой и очень низкой плотности, а также снижением концентрации липопротеинов высокой плотности в сыворотке крови у пациентов с сахарным диабетом, сопровождающимся дислипопротеинемиями