525 research outputs found

    Modelling of repeated ordered measurements by isotonic sequential regression

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    The paper introduces a simple model for repeated observations of an ordered categorical response variable which is isotonic over time. It is assumed that the measurements represent an irreversible process such that the response at time t is never lower than the response observed at the previous time point t-1. Observations of this type occur for example in treatment studies when improvement is measured on an ordinal scale. Since the response at time t depends on the previous outcome, the number of ordered response categories depends on the previous outcome leading to severe problems when simple threshold models for ordered data are used. In order to avoid these problems the isotonic sequential model is introduced. It accounts for the irreversible process by considering the binary transitions to higher scores and allows a parsimonious parameterization. It is shown how the model may easily be estimated by using existing software. Moreover, the model is extended to a random effects version which explicitly takes heterogeneity of individuals and potential correlations into account

    Estimation of Single-Index Models Based on Boosting Techniques

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    In single-index models the link or response function is not considered as fixed. The data determine the form of the unknown link function. In order to obtain a flexible form of the link function we specify the link function as an expansion in basis function and propose to estimate parameters as well as the link function by weak learners within a boosting framework. It is shown that the method is a strong competitor to existing methods. The method is investigated in simulation studies and applied to real data

    Nonparametric Estimation of the Link Function Including Variable Selection

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    Nonparametric methods for the estimation of the link function in generalized linear models are able to avoid bias in the regression parameters. But for the estimation of the link typically the full model, which includes all predictors, has been used. When the number of predictors is large these methods fail since the full model can not be estimated. In the present article a boosting type method is proposed that simultaneously selects predictors and estimates the link function. The method performs quite well in simulations and real data examples

    Sparse modeling of categorial explanatory variables

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    Shrinking methods in regression analysis are usually designed for metric predictors. In this article, however, shrinkage methods for categorial predictors are proposed. As an application we consider data from the Munich rent standard, where, for example, urban districts are treated as a categorial predictor. If independent variables are categorial, some modifications to usual shrinking procedures are necessary. Two L1L_1-penalty based methods for factor selection and clustering of categories are presented and investigated. The first approach is designed for nominal scale levels, the second one for ordinal predictors. Besides applying them to the Munich rent standard, methods are illustrated and compared in simulation studies.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS355 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Modelling beyond Regression Functions: an Application of Multimodal Regression to Speed-Flow Data

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    An enormous amount of publications deals with smoothing in the sense of nonparametric regression. However, nearly all of the literature treats the case where predictors and response are related in the form of a function y=m(x)+noise. In many situations this simple functional model does not capture adequately the essential relation between predictor and response. We show by means of speed-flow diagrams, that a more general setting may be required, allowing for multifunctions instead of only functions. It turns out that in this case the conditional modes are more appropriate for the estimation of the underlying relation than the commonly used mean or the median. Estimation is achieved using a conditional mean-shift procedure, which is adapted to the present situation

    Generalized Monotonic Regression Based on B-Splines with an Application to Air Pollution Data

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    In many studies where it is known that one or more of the certain covariates have monotonic effect on the response variable, common fitting methods for generalized additive models (GAM) may be affected by a sparse design and often generate implausible results. A fitting procedure is proposed that incorporates the monotonicity assumptions on one or more smooth components within a GAM framework. The flexible likelihood based boosting algorithm uses the monotonicity restriction for B-spline coefficients and provides componentwise selection of smooth components. Stopping criteria and approximate pointwise confidence bands are derived. The method is applied to data from a study conducted in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where the influence of several air pollutants like SO_2 on respiratory mortality of children is investigated

    Feature Extraction in Signal Regression: A Boosting Technique for Functional Data Regression

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    Main objectives of feature extraction in signal regression are the improvement of accuracy of prediction on future data and identification of relevant parts of the signal. A feature extraction procedure is proposed that uses boosting techniques to select the relevant parts of the signal. The proposed blockwise boosting procedure simultaneously selects intervals in the signal’s domain and estimates the effect on the response. The blocks that are defined explicitly use the underlying metric of the signal. It is demonstrated in simulation studies and for real-world data that the proposed approach competes well with procedures like PLS, P-spline signal regression and functional data regression. The paper is a preprint of an article published in the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. Please use the journal version for citation

    Clustering in Additive Mixed Models with Approximate Dirichlet Process Mixtures using the EM Algorithm

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    We consider additive mixed models for longitudinal data with a nonlinear time trend. As random effects distribution an approximate Dirichlet process mixture is proposed that is based on the truncated version of the stick breaking presentation of the Dirichlet process and provides a Gaussian mixture with a data driven choice of the number of mixture components. The main advantage of the specification is its ability to identify clusters of subjects with a similar random effects structure. For the estimation of the trend curve the mixed model representation of penalized splines is used. AnExpectation-Maximization algorithm is given that solves the estimation problem and that exhibits advantages over Markov chain Monte Carlo approaches, which are typically used when modeling with Dirichlet processes. The method is evaluated in a simulation study and applied to body mass index profiles of children