112 research outputs found

    Maxillary sinus septa: prevalence, morphology, diagnostics and implantological implications. Systematic review

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    Background: The purpose of this review is to indicate the prevalence of septa, illustrate the most adequate diagnostic method and further discuss pre-operative considerations and implantological implications.Materials and methods: On June 30th, 2013, a comprehensive database search was executed using PubMed (Medline) and Google Scholar. No time frames were applied. Only publications in English, Polish and German in peer-reviewed journals were considered.Results: The final number of articles was 55: 7 articles were found to describe the possible aetiology of sinus septa, 34 articles describing the prevalence, 21 including information on classification, 19 showed methods of diagnosis and 24 articles included practical information about the influence of the septa in pre- and implantation surgery. One article could be found in more than one category.Conclusions: Septa can be found in 9% to 70% patients (mean prevalence: about 36%) in every age group — young dentate patients as primary septa and old edentate or edentulous patients as primary or secondary septa more frequentin edentate or edentulous patients. When planning any surgical procedures, septa incidence should be taken into consideration. Precise information about the septa can be obtained from computed tomography (CT) or cone-beam CT. With development of the knowledge and surgical technique, septa appearance has simply become another option for treatment as any form of disadvantage

    Determination of the Zone with a Particularly High Risk of Endogenous Fires in the Goaves of a Longwall with Caving

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    During ventilation of longwalls, part of the air stream migrates into goaves with caving. In the case where these goaves contain coal susceptible to spontaneous combustion, such air flow through the goaves may lead to the formation of favourable conditions for coal oxidation and, subsequently, for its self-heating and spontaneous combustion. The ensuing endogenous fire may constitute a serious hazard to the mining crew and underground operations. The article presents the results of a numerical analysis of air stream flowing through the goaves of a longwall with caving ventilated with the U-type system from the exploitation field borders. The purpose of the analysis was to demarcate the zone with a particularly high risk of endogenous fires within the goaves. The hazardous values of air flow speed and oxygen concentration in the goaves, responsible for the commencement of low-temperature coal oxidation, were determined for specific mining and geological condition

    Związek układu serotoninergicznego i układu sercowo-naczyniowego

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    Serotonin plays an important role in regulating the cardiovascular system. Drugs widely used in the treatment of depression, migraine, Parkinson’s disease or obesity affect the serotonergic system. The use of these compounds causes both acute and chronic effects, depending on the type of activated 5-HT receptor and its location. An acute cardiac response to 5-HT, known as Bezold-Jarisch reflex, leads to bradycardia and hypotension. The chronic contribution of serotonin may be associated with fibrosis and cardiac valve degeneration. This article analyses the impact of 5-HT receptors activation on the cardiovascular system and describes side effects of this activation and new therapies targeting this system.Serotonina (5-HT) odgrywa istotną rolę w regulacji układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Leki wpływające na układ serotoninergiczny powszechnie stosuje się w terapii depresji, migreny, choroby Parkinsona czy otyłości. W zależności od rodzaju aktywowanego receptora 5-HT i jego lokalizacji przyjmowanie tych związków może prowadzić do ostrych i przewlekłych skutków. Przykładem takiego oddziaływania jest ostra odpowiedź kardiologiczna na serotoninę, zwana odruchem Bezolda-Jarisha, która prowadzi do bradykardii i hipotonii. Przewlekła ekspozycja na nadmiar serotoniny może natomiast łączyć się z włóknieniem i zwyrodnieniem zastawek serca. W artykule omówiono wpływ aktywacji poszczególnychreceptorów 5-HT na układ sercowo-naczyniowy, działania niepożądane stosowanych leków, a także wskazano nowemożliwości terapii