35 research outputs found

    Viscoelastic nematodynamics

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    Nematic liquid crystals exhibit both crystal-like and fluid-like features. In particular, the propagation of an acoustic wave shows an unexpected occurrence of some of the solid-like features at the hydrodynamic level, namely, the frequency-dependent anisotropy of sound velocity and acoustic attenuation. The non-Newtonian behavior of nematics also emerges from the frequency-dependent viscosity coefficients. To account for these phenomena, we put forward a viscoelastic model of nematic liquid crystals, and we extend our previous theory to fully include the combined effects of compressibility, anisotropic elasticity and dynamic relaxation, at any shear rate. The low-frequency limit agrees with the compressible Ericksen-Leslie theory, while at intermediate frequencies the model correctly captures the relaxation mechanisms underlying finite shear and bulk elastic moduli. We show that there are only four relaxation times allowed by the uniaxial symmetry.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Active nematic gels as active relaxing solids

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    I put forward a continuum theory for active nematic gels, defined as fluids or suspensions of orientable rodlike objects endowed with active dynamics, that is based on symmetry arguments and compatibility with thermodynamics. The starting point is our recent theory that models (passive) nematic liquid crystals as relaxing nematic elastomers. The interplay between viscoelastic response and active dynamics of the microscopic constituents is naturally taken into account. By contrast with standard theories, activity is not introduced as an additional term of the stress tensor, but it is added as an external remodeling force that competes with the passive relaxation dynamics and drags the system out of equilibrium. In a simple one-dimensional channel geometry, we show that the interaction between non-uniform nematic order and activity results in either a spontaneous flow of particles or a self-organization into sub-channels flowing in opposite directions

    Liquid relaxation: A new Parodi-like relation for nematic liquid crystals

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    We put forward a hydrodynamic theory of nematic liquid crystals that includes both anisotropic elasticity and dynamic relaxation. Liquid remodeling is encompassed through a continuous update of the shear-stress free configuration. The low-frequency limit of the dynamical theory reproduces the classical Ericksen-Leslie theory, but it predicts two independent identities between the six Leslie viscosity coefficients. One replicates Parodi's relation, while the other-which involves five Leslie viscosities in a nonlinear way-is new. We discuss its significance, and we test its validity against evidence from physical experiments, independent theoretical predictions, and molecular-dynamics simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Growth-induced blisters in a circular tube

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    The growth of an elastic film adhered to a confining substrate might lead to the formation of delimitation blisters. Many results have been derived when the substrate is flat. The equilibrium shapes, beyond small deformations, are determined by the interplay between the sheet elastic energy and the adhesive potential due to capillarity. Here, we study a non-trivial generalization to this problem and consider the adhesion of a growing elastic loop to a confining \emph{circular} substrate. The fundamental equations, i.e., the Euler Elastica equation, the boundary conditions and the transversality condition, are derived from a variational procedure. In contrast to the planar case, the curvature of the delimiting wall appears in the transversality condition, thus acting as a further source of adhesion. We provide the analytic solution to the problem under study in terms of elliptic integrals and perform the numerical and the asymptotic analysis of the characteristic lengths of the blister. Finally, and in contrast to previous studies, we also discuss the mechanics and the internal stresses in the case of vanishing adhesion. Specifically, we give a theoretical explanation to the observed divergence of the mean pressure exerted by the strip on the container in the limit of small excess-length


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    We illustrate a bare-bones mathematical model that is able to account for the elementary mechanics of the mitral valve when the leaflets of the valve close under the systolic pressure. The mechanical model exploits the aspect ratio of the valve leaflets that are represented as inextensible rods, subject to the blood pressure, with one fixed endpoint (on the endocardium) and an attached wire anchored to the papillary muscle. Force and torque balance equations are obtained exploiting the principle of virtual work, where the first contact point between rods is identified by the Weierstrass-Erdmann condition of variational nature. The chordae tendineae are modeled as a force applied to the free endpoint of the flaps. Different possible boundary conditions are investigated at the mitral annulus, and, by an asymptotic analysis, we demonstrate that in the pressure regime of interest generic boundary conditions generate a tensional boundary layer. Conversely, a specific choice of the boundary condition inhibits the generation of high tensional gradients in a small layer

    Swelling-driven soft elastic catapults

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    The paper outlines and analyzes the conditions for optimizing a catapult mechanism that emerges in a soft rod, initially completely adhered to a rigid lubricated substrate, as a result of oil absorption. Oil diffusion causes differential swelling across the rod thickness, inducing rod bending that is counteracted by adhesion to the substrate. The effect culminates in a gradual detachment of the rod from the substrate, followed by a rapid shooting phase when one end detaches. To elucidate this intricate phenomenon, we employ a modified Euler elastica model that incorporates two additional parameters: the spontaneous stretching lambda, that quantifies the relative elongation of the material with respect to its dry, unstressed configuration, and the spontaneous curvature, c(0), that captures the rod tendency to deflect due to diffusion-induced non-uniform stretching through the thickness. The interrelated parameters lambda and c(0), which evolve over time as they are influenced by the diffusion process are then calculated numerically with a FEM code that combines the finite elasticity model with the Flory-Rehner diffusion model. Finally, we present a comprehensive optimization study of the catapult based on its geometric and material properties, providing insights for the design and control of this novel mechanism

    Strain energy storage and dissipation rate in active cell mechanics

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    When living cells are observed at rest on a flat substrate, they can typically exhibit a rounded (symmetric) or an elongated (polarized) shape. Although the cells are apparently at rest, the active stress generated by the molecular motors continuously stretches and drifts the actin network, the cytoskeleton of the cell. In this paper we theoretically compare the energy stored and dissipated in this active system in two geometric configurations of interest: symmetric and polarized. We find that the stored energy is larger for a radially symmetric cell at low activation regime, while the polar configuration has larger strain energy when the active stress is beyond a critical threshold. Conversely, the dissipation of energy in a symmetric cell is always larger than that of a nonsymmetric one. By a combination of symmetry arguments and competition between surface and bulk stress, we argue that radial symmetry is an energetically expensive metastable state that provides access to an infinite number of lower-energy states, the polarized configurations

    Landau-like theory for buckling phenomena and its application to the elastica hypoarealis

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    Bifurcation phenomena are ubiquitous in elasticity, but their study is often limited to linear perturbation or numerical analysis since second or higher variations are often beyond an analytic treatment. Here, we review two key mathematical ideas, namely, the splitting lemma and the determinacy of a function, and show how they can be fruitfully used to derive a reduced function, named Landau expansion in the paper, that allows us to give a simple but rigorous description of the bifurcation scenario, including the stability of the equilibrium solutions. We apply these ideas to a paradigmatic example with potential applications to various softly constrained physical systems and biological tissues: a stretchable elastic ring under pressure. We prove the existence of a tricritical point and find bistability effects and hysteresis when the stretching modulus is sufficiently small. These results seem to be in qualitative agreement with some recent experiments on heart cells.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Two-shape-tensor model for tumbling in nematic polymers and liquid crystals

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    Most, but not all, liquid crystals tend to align when subject to shear flow, while most nematic polymeric liquid crystals undergo a tumbling instability, where the director rotates with the flow. The reasons of this instability remain elusive, as it is possible to find similar molecules exhibiting opposite behaviors. We propose a continuum theory suitable for describing a wide range of material behaviors, ranging form nematic elastomers to nematic polymers and nematic liquid crystals, where the material parameters have meaningful physical interpretations and the conditions for tumbling emerge clearly. There are two possible ways to relax the internal stress in a nematic material. The first is the reorganization of the polymer network, the second is the alignment of the network natural axis with respect to the principal direction of the effective strain. We show that tumbling occurs whenever the second mechanism is less efficient than the first. Furthermore, we provide a justification of the experimental fact that at high temperatures, in an isotropic phase, only flow alignment is observed and no tumbling is possible, even in polymers

    Equilibrium of Two Rods in Contact Under Pressure

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    We study the equilibrium of a mechanical system composed by two rods that bend under the action of a pressure difference; they have one fixed endpoint and are partially in contact. This system can be viewed as a bi-valve made by two smooth leaflets that lean on each other. We obtain the balance equations of the mechanical system exploiting the principle of virtual work and the contact point is identified by a jump condition. The problem can be simplified exploiting a first integral. In the case of quadratic energy, another first integral exists: its peculiarity is discussed and a further reduction of the equations is carried out. Numerical integration of the differential system shows how the shape of the beams and the position of the contact point depend on the applied pressure. For small pressure, an asymptotic expansion in a small parameter allows us to find an approximate solutions of polynomial form which is in surprisingly good agreement with the solution of the original system of equations, even beyond the expected range of validity. Finally, the asymptotics predicts a value of the pressure that separates the contact from the no-contact regime of the beams that compares very well with the one numerically evaluated