2 research outputs found

    Development of Emotion Recognition Ability by Focused Observation the Philosopher in Nitra Slovakia the Philosopher in Nitra Slovakia the Philosopher in Nitra Slovakia Development of Emotion Recognition Ability by Focused Observation

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    Abstract Emotion recognition ability is considered to be crucial for human relationships in general and it is accepted as a part of emotional intelligence concept. According to growing body of research, the ability to read and understand facial expressions of emotions is related to various personality constructs and it can be improved by training. The primary aim of this study was to determine whether instruction in the use of focused observation of facial expressions and in reflection of this process would enhance the development of emotion recognition ability in nursing and psychology students. Students of psychology (n = 96) and nursing (n = 90) were administered computerized 30 standardized manifestations of basic emotions and neutral expressions (Warsaw Set of Emotional Facial Expression Pictures