62 research outputs found

    Recent advances in biomedical applications of accelerator mass spectrometry

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    After publication of our article, it was noted that we inadvertently failed to include the complete list of authors. The full list, including co-authors, has now been added and the Authors' contributions and Competing interests sections modified accordingly

    Statistical Analysis of Variation in the Human Plasma Proteome

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    Quantifying the variation in the human plasma proteome is an essential prerequisite for disease-specific biomarker detection. We report here on the longitudinal and individual variation in human plasma characterized by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) using plasma samples from eleven healthy subjects collected three times over a two week period. Fixed-effects modeling was used to remove dye and gel variability. Mixed-effects modeling was then used to quantitate the sources of proteomic variation. The subject-to-subject variation represented the largest variance component, while the time-within-subject variation was comparable to the experimental variation found in a previous technical variability study where one human plasma sample was processed eight times in parallel and each was then analyzed by 2-D DIGE in triplicate. Here, 21 protein spots had larger than 50% CV, suggesting that these proteins may not be appropriate as biomarkers and should be carefully scrutinized in future studies. Seventy-eight protein spots showing differential protein levels between different individuals or individual collections were identified by mass spectrometry and further characterized using hierarchical clustering. The results present a first step toward understanding the complexity of longitudinal and individual variation in the human plasma proteome, and provide a baseline for improved biomarker discovery

    Includes a Commentary by the Instituteā€™s Health Review Committee HEALTH

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    in 1980, is an independent and unbiased source of information on the health effects of motor vehicle emissions. HEI studies all major pollutants, including regulated pollutants (such as carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter) and unregulated pollutants (such as diesel engine exhaust, methanol, and aldehydes). To date, HEI has supported more than 200 projects at institutions in North America and Europe and has published over 130 research reports. Typically, HEI receives half its funds from the US Environmental Protection Agency and half from 28 manufacturers and marketers of motor vehicles and engines in the United States. Occasionally, funds from other public and private organizations either support special projects or provide resources for a portion of an HEI study. Regardless of funding sources, HEI exercises complete autonomy in setting its research priorities and in reaching its conclusions. An independent Board of Directors governs HEI. The Instituteā€™s Health Research and Health Review Committees serve complementary scientific purposes and draw distinguished scientists as members. The results of HEI-funded studies are made available as Research Reports, which contain both the Investigatorsā€™ Report and the Review Committeeā€™s evaluation of the workā€™s scientific quality and regulatory relevance

    Accelerator mass spectrometry

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