1 research outputs found
Education related to the use of computers in organizations
- Author
- Allon Y.
- America's Textile Reporter
- Baldwin P.
- Barritt M.M.
- Benjamin R.I.
- Breitmayer W.F.
- British Computer Society
- British Computer Society
- British Computer Society
- Broderick W.R.
- Buckingham R.A.
- Buckingham R.A.
- Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
- Carroll D.C.
- Carroll J.M.
- Constantine
- Constantine L.L.
- Conway R.
- Couger J.D.
- Couger J.D.
- Couger J.D.
- Daniel Teichroew
- Davis R.M.
- Davis S.
- Dopping O.
- Engineering Industry Training Board
- Forsythe G.E.
- Frielink A.B.
- Gibbs E.H.
- Gibson E.D.
- Gilchrist B.
- Gillis W.K.
- Glans T.B.
- Goldberg W.
- Goldsworthy A.W.
- Gorn S.
- Gotlieb C.C.
- Grant C.B.S.
- Grant C.B.S.
- Grant C.B.S.
- Greenberger C.B.
- Greenwood F.
- Gross P.F.
- Guerrieri J.A.
- Hamblen J.W.
- Harris L.M.
- Harvard University Press.
- Hayes R.
- Hazen C.A.
- Herwitz P.S.
- Hunter G.
- Israel Productivity Institute
- Jahnukainen M.
- Krueger R.W.
- Laden H.N.
- Larsen S.W.
- Laskow R.
- Lipperman L.L.
- MacGowan R.A.
- Mason J.J.
- McCarthy D.J.
- McMurrer J.A.
- Ministry
- Modern Data
- Moody's Computer Industry Survey
- Morris C.H.R.
- Musselman V.A.
- National Computing Centre of Great Britain Manchester.
- Naur P.
- Netherlands Automatic Information Processing Center
- Newkirk N.A.
- Office
- Papetti S.
- Paulus W.K.
- Pendray K.J.
- Perlis A.J.
- Philips' Information Systems Handbook ARDl
- Pridmore H.D.
- Publication AACSB
- Rico L.
- Ross J.E.
- Scheepmaker B.
- Schultheiss L.
- Selegsohn I.J.
- Sippl C.
- Smith B.W.
- Smith P.C.
- Smith P.C.
- Smith T.B.
- Software Age
- Spaniol R.D.
- Taylor R.S.
- Teichroew D.
- Trocchi R.F.
- Turnburke V.P. Jr.
- University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Canada, College of Commerce.
- Walden B.V.
- Whitfield A.
- Young D.E.
- Zadeh
- Publication venue
- 'Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)'
- Publication date
- Field of study