3 research outputs found

    Endocervical polyps in high risk human papillomavirus infections

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    Objectives: Human papillomavirus (HPV) positive patients with and without endocervical polyps is compared with respect to HPV genotypes and presence of pre-invasive diseases. To our knowledge, this is the first and largest report in the literature examining the endocervical polyps in HPV positive cases. Material and methods: Clinicopathological data for the first one million screening patients (n = 1 060 992) from around the entire country during 2015 and 2016 were targeted for this research. Colposcopy, colposcopic surgical diagnostic procedures and final pathology results of 3499 patients with high-risk (HR) HPV-positive were obtained from reference colposcopy centers. Patients with endocervical polyps (n = 243 [6.9 %]) were accepted as experimental arm while patients without any endocervical polyp (n = 3256 [93.1%]) were regarded as the control group. Age, HPV genotype, Pap smear abnormality, and final pathological results were compared between two groups using Student’s t-test and cross-tabulation chi-square test. Results: The incidence of endocervical polyp was found to be 6.9 % in HR HPV-positive women. The most common HPV genotypes observed in both groups were HPV 16 or 18. Abnormal cytology reports (≄ ASC-US) were not significantly different between both groups. However, with respect to final pathological diagnosis, patients with endocervical polyp had significantly lower numbers of pre-invasive diseases (31.3% vs 44.2%; p < 0.10). Conclusions: Endocervical polyps may be more common in patients with HR HPV infections. HPV 18 is observed significantly more, in the HR HPV positive endocervical polyp group. Patients with endocervical polyps do not have increased risk for preinvasive cervical diseases

    Evaluation of colposcopy after the addition of human papillomavirus testing to the Turkish cervical cancer screening program

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    Abstract Objective To evaluate colposcopy performance following the human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA screening program in Turkey. Methods Women aged 30–65 years are screened for cervical cancer every 5 years, with individuals positive for HPV 16 and/or 18 or other high‐risk HPV types with abnormal cytology referred for colposcopy. Both HPV test and cytology are obtained at the same visit. If HPV is negative, cytology will not be assessed. However, if HPV is positive, both cytology and HPV genotyping will be performed. Colposcopy‐require was defined as HPV 16/18 positivity or abnormal smear results with any hrHPV positivity, and the remaining patients (normal smear with hrHPV positivity other than HPV 16/18) were grouped as colposcopy non‐required. National data on colposcopy outcomes and unnecessary performance rates in February 2018–2019 were evaluated via a questionnaire. Results A total of 9808 patients were included, divided based on colposcopy requirement: 5751 (58.6%) patients required colposcopy and 4057 (41.4%) did not. Unnecessary colposcopy was performed on 90.1% of the non‐required group (3657 of 4057 patients). In the colposcopy‐required group, 4455 patients (79.9%) underwent punch biopsy; 3194 (57.1%), endocervical curettage (ECC); and 421 (7.5%), “see and treat” in the non‐required group, the results were 2790 (76.3%), 1957 (53.2%), and 211 (5.7%), respectively. A total of 746 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)‐3 isolates were detected, including 702 using existing screening and triage with 94.1% sensitivity (702/746). Multiple biopsies were taken in 69.8% (n = 3110) of patients from the colposcopy‐required group and 63.7% (n = 1777) from the non‐required group. The ECC samples included 19 cervical cancers and 212 ≄CIN‐3 lesions in the colposcopy‐required group, and four cancers and 41 ≄CIN‐3 lesions in the non‐required group. The proportion of ≄CIN‐3 lesions detected by ECC only was 4.7% (35 of 746 ≄CIN‐3 lesions). Conclusion Our results showed high rates of unnecessary colposcopies, and a high percentage of multiple and random punch biopsies and ECC