663 research outputs found

    Motor units as tools to evaluate profile of human Renshaw inhibition

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    Although Renshaw inhibition (RI) has been extensively studied for decades, its precise role in motor control is yet to be discovered. One of the main handicaps is a lack of reliable methods for studying RI in conscious human subjects. We stimulated the lowest electrical threshold motor axons (thickest axons) in the tibial nerve and analysed the stimulus‐correlated changes in discharge of voluntarily recruited low‐threshold single motor units (SMUs) from the soleus muscle. In total, 54 distinct SMUs from 12 subjects were analysed. Stimuli that generated only the direct motor response (M‐only) on surface electromyography induced an inhibitory response in the low‐threshold SMUs. Because the properties of RI had to be estimated indirectly using the background discharge rate of SMUs, its profile varied with the discharge rate of the SMU. The duration of RI was found to be inversely proportional to the discharge rate of SMUs. Using this important finding, we have developed a method of extrapolation for estimating RI as it develops on motoneurons in the spinal cord. The frequency methods indicated that the duration of RI was between 30 and 40 ms depending on the background firing rate of the units, and the extrapolation indicated that RI on silent motoneurons was ∼55 ms. The present study establishes a novel methodology for studying RI in human subjects and hence may serve as a tool for improving our understanding of the involvement of RI in human motor control

    Grating coupler integrated photodiodes for plasmon resonance based sensing

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this work, we demonstrate an integrated sensor combining a grating-coupled plasmon resonance surface with a planar photodiode. Plasmon enhanced transmission is employed as a sensitive refractive index (RI) sensing mechanism. Enhanced transmission of light is monitored via the integrated photodiode by tuning the angle of incidence of a collimated beam near the sharp plasmon resonance condition. Slight changes of the effective refractive index (RI) shift the resonance angle, resulting in a change in the photocurrent. Owing to the planar sensing mechanism, the design permits a high areal density of sensing spots. In the design, absence of holes that facilitate resonant transmission of light, allows an easy-to-implement fabrication procedure and relative insensitivity to fabrication errors. Theoretical and experimental results agree well. An equivalent long-term RI noise of 6.3 x 10(-6) RIU/root Hz is obtained by using an 8 mW He-Ne laser, compared to a shot-noise limited theoretical sensitivity of 5.61 x 10(-9) RIU/root Hz. The device features full benefits of grating-coupled plasmon resonance, such as enhancement of sensitivity for non-zero azimuthal angle of incidence. Further sensitivity enhancement using balanced detection and optimal plasmon coupling conditions are discussed

    Raman Enhancement on a Broadband Meta-Surface

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Plasmonic metamaterials allow confinement of light to deep subwavelength dimensions, while allowing for the tailoring of dispersion and electromagnetic mode density to enhance specific photonic properties. Optical resonances of plasmonic molecules have been extensively investigated; however, benefits of strong coupling of dimers have been overlooked. Here, we construct a plasmonic meta-surface through coupling of diatomic plasmonic molecules which contain a heavy and light meta-atom. Presence and coupling of two distinct types of localized modes in the plasmonic molecule allow formation and engineering of a rich band structure in a seemingly simple and common geometry, resulting in a broadband and quasi-omni-directional meta-surface. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering benefits from the simultaneous presence of plasmonic resonances at the excitation and scattering frequencies, and by proper design of the band structure to satisfy this condition, highly repeatable and spatially uniform Raman enhancement is demonstrated. On the basis of calculations of the field enhancement distribution within a unit cell, spatial uniformity of the enhancement at the nanoscale is discussed. Raman scattering constitutes an example of nonlinear optical processes, where the wavelength conversion during scattering may be viewed as a photonic transition between the bands of the meta-material

    Joinability of Particulate Reinforced Alumix 231 Based Composite Materials Produced by Powder Metallurgy Route

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    In the present study, weldability of Alumix 231 based composite materials reinforced with Al₂O₃ and B₄C and produced by powder metallurgy route is investigated. Various amounts of (0, 5, 10, and 15% wt.)Al₂O₃ and B₄C powders are added to the pre-alloyed Alumix 231 (Al—2.5% Cu—0.5% Mg—14% Si) powders separately and then mixed in a three-dimensional mixer for 45 min. Powders are compacted and sintered in an argon atmosphere at 640°C for 4 h. Produced blocks are welded by the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding at 25 V, 197 A and 14 l/min shielded gas flow in commercially pure argon atmosphere. Macro- and microexamination together with some mechanical properties of the welded area are studied. The results show that, although high amount of particles resulted in a decrease in the density, these composite materials can still be welded by the TIG welding method successfully.Исследуется свариваемость произведённых методом порошковой металлургии композитных материалов на основе Alumix 231, армированных Al₂O₃ и B₄C. Различные количества (0, 5, 10 и 15 масс.%) порошков Al₂O₃ и B₄C по отдельности добавлялись в предварительно сплавленные порошки Alumix 231 (Al—2,5% Cu—0,5% Mg—14% Si), а затем перемешивались в трёхмерном миксере в течение 45 минут. Затем порошки прессовались и спекались в атмосфере аргона при 640°C в течение 4 часов. Полученные блоки сваривались вольфрамовой сваркой в атмосфере инертного газа при 25 В, 197 А и потоке инертного газа в 14 л/мин в атмосфере технически чистого аргона. Были проведены макро- и микроисследования некоторых механических свойств сварной зоны. Их результаты показали, что, хотя оказалось большое количество частиц с пониженной плотностью, эти композитные материалы могут быть успешно сварены методом вольфрамовой сварки в атмосфере инертного газа.Досліджується зварюваність вироблених методою порошкової металургії композитних матеріялів на основі Alumix 231, армованих Al₂O₃ і B₄C. Різні кількості (0, 5, 10 і 15 мас.% ) порошків Al₂O₃ і B₄C окремо додавалися у попередньо стоплені порошки Alumix 231 (Al—2,5% Cu—0,5% Mg—14% Si), а потім перемішувалися в тривимірному міксері впродовж 45 хвилин. Потім порошки пресувалися та спікалися в атмосфері арґону при 640°C впродовж 4 годин. Одержані блоки зварювалися вольфрамовим зваренням в атмосфері інертного газу при 25 В, 197 А та потоці інертного газу у 14 л/хв. в атмосфері технічно чистого арґону. Було виконано макро- та мікродослідження деяких механічних властивостей зварної зони. їх результати показали, що, хоча виявилася велика кількість частинок зі зниженою густиною, ці композитні матеріяли можуть бути успішно зварені методою вольфрамового зварювання в атмосфері інертного газу

    Plasmonic absorbers for multispectral and broadband absorption

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    We present polarization dependent multispectral and broadband plasmonic absorbers in the visible spectrum. The spectral characteristics of these structures are tunable over a broad spectrum. Experimental results are verified with the FDTD and RCWA analysis methods. These structures are used as surface enhanced raman spectroscopy(SERS) substrates. Designed structures have resonances that span the Raman Stokes and excitation wavelength. Such structures can be used for energy, LED and other spectroscopy applications. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

    Investigation of Changes in Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Mild Steel Joint by Oxy-Hydrogen Welding

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    In this paper, in order to see weldability behaviour of mild steels joint by the oxy-hydrogen welding technique, an investigation of changes in mechanical properties and microstructures of mild steel is carried out. The specimens with 1.5 mm thickness and 125 mm length are welded by using both the oxyhydrogen and oxy-acetylene gases. Microstructural analysis is carried out on the cross sectional area of the welding zone in order to compare the changes in weld metals and the heat affected zones in terms of the welding gases. Experimental results of the tensile strength and microhardness obtained with mechanical tests show that samples welded with oxy-acetylene exhibited 10% higher yield strength than that of the samples welded with oxy-hydrogen. However, the oxy-hydrogen welding technique can be used as an alternative to the oxy-acetylene welding, since it has advantageous of being clean and economic.С целью выяснения качества сварного шва на малоуглеродистой стали, полученного водород-кислородной сваркой, проведено исследование изменений механических свойств и микроструктуры данного типа стали. Образцы толщиной 1,5 мм и длиной 125 мм сваривались как водород-кислородной, так и ацетиленокислородной сваркой. Был проведён микроструктурный анализ поперечного сечения зоны сварки с целью сравнения изменений в металле шва и зоне термического влияния в зависимости от сварочного газа. Экспериментальные результаты по пределу прочности при растяжении и микротвёрдости, полученные при механических испытаниях, показали, что образцы, сваренные ацетиленокислородной сваркой, имеют прочность при растяжении на 10% выше, чем водород-кислородной. Однако водород-кислородная сварка может быть использована как альтернатива ацетиленокислородной сварке, так как она имеет преимущества по чистоте и экономичности.З метою з’ясування якости зварюваного шва на маловуглецевій сталі, виробленого водневокисневим зварюванням, виконано дослідження змін механічних властивостей і мікроструктури даного типу сталі. Зразки товщиною у 1,5 мм та довжиною у 125 мм зварювалися як водневокисневим, так і ацетиленокисневим зварюванням. Виконано мікроструктурну аналізу поперечного перерізу зони зварювання з метою порівняння змін у металі шва та зоні термічного впливу в залежності від зварювального газу. Експериментальні результати стосовно границі міцности при розтягу та мікротвердости, одержані під час механічних випробувань, показали, що зразки, зварені ацетиленокисневим зварюванням, мають міцність при розтягу, на 10% вищу, ніж зварені водневокисневою газовою сумішшю. Однак водневокисневе зварювання може бути використано як альтернатива ацетиленокисневому зварюванню завдяки його перевазі за чистотою та економічністю

    Grating coupler integrated photodiodes for plasmon resonance based sensing

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    In this work, we demonstrate an integrated sensor combining a grating-coupled plasmon resonance surface with a planar photodiode. Plasmon enhanced transmission is employed as a sensitive refractive index (RI) sensing mechanism. Enhanced transmission of light is monitored via the integrated photodiode by tuning the angle of incidence of a collimated beam near the sharp plasmon resonance condition. Slight changes of the effective refractive index (RI) shift the resonance angle, resulting in a change in the photocurrent. Owing to the planar sensing mechanism, the design permits a high areal density of sensing spots. In the design, absence of holes that facilitate resonant transmission of light, allows an easy-to-implement fabrication procedure and relative insensitivity to fabrication errors. Theoretical and experimental results agree well. An equivalent long-term RI noise of 6.3 × 10 -6 is obtained by using an 8 mW He-Ne laser, compared to a shot-noise limited theoretical sensitivity of 5.61 × 10-9. The device features full benefits of grating-coupled plasmon resonance, such as enhancement of sensitivity for non-zero azimuthal angle of incidence. Further sensitivity enhancement using balanced detection and optimal plasmon coupling conditions are discussed. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Measuring vertebrate telomeres: applications and limitations

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    Telomeres are short tandem repeated sequences of DNA found at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes that function in stabilizing chromosomal end integrity. In vivo studies of somatic tissue of mammals and birds have shown a correlation between telomere length and organismal age within species, and correlations between telomere shortening rate and lifespan among species. This result presents the tantalizing possibility that telomere length could be used to provide much needed information on age, ageing and survival in natural populations where longitudinal studies are lacking. Here we review methods available for measuring telomere length and discuss the potential uses and limitations of telomeres as age and ageing estimators in the fields of vertebrate ecology, evolution and conservation

    Grating coupler integrated photodiodes for plasmon resonance based sensing in fluidic systems

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    We demonstrate an integrated sensor combining a grating-coupled plasmon resonance surface with a planar photodiode. Plasmon enhanced transmission is employed as a sensitive refractive index (RI) sensing mechanism and monitored via the integrated photodiode. © 2011 OSA

    Portable Microfluidic Integrated Plasmonic Platform for Pathogen Detection

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    Timely detection of infectious agents is critical in early diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Conventional pathogen detection methods, such as enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), culturing or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) require long assay times, and complex and expensive instruments, which are not adaptable to point-of-care (POC) needs at resource-constrained as well as primary care settings. Therefore, there is an unmet need to develop simple, rapid, and accurate methods for detection of pathogens at the POC. Here, we present a portable, multiplex, inexpensive microfluidic-integrated surface plasmon resonance (SPR) platform that detects and quantifies bacteria, i.e., Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) rapidly. The platform presented reliable capture and detection of E. coli at concentrations ranging from ∼105 to 3.2 × 107 CFUs/mL in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluid. The multiplexing and specificity capability of the platform was also tested with S. aureus samples. The presented platform technology could potentially be applicable to capture and detect other pathogens at the POC and primary care settings. © 2015, Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved