12 research outputs found
Black Panther and Blaxploitation: Intersections
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Voice of (Which?) Africa: Miriam Makeba in America
- Author
- Anderson Iain
- Ansell Gwen
- Appadurai Arjun
- April Sizemore-Barber
- Baraka Amiri (LeRoi Jones)
- Belafonte Harry
- Carmichael Stokely (Kwame Ture)
- Coplan David B
- Ebron Paulla
- Erlmann Veit
- Gates Henry Louis
- Gilroy Paul
- Ginsburg Allen
- Gunner Liz
- Makeba Miriam
- Makeba Miriam
- Masekela Hugh
- McGill Lisa D
- Radano Ronald
- Saunders Frances
- Thompson Emily
- Von Eschen Penny M.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Reggae, Rasta and the Role of the Deejay in the Black British Experience
- Author
- Alleyne Mervyn
- Back Les
- Barrett Leonard
- Beckford Robert
- Beckford Robert
- Besson Jean
- Bolinger Dwight
- Brake Mike
- Campbell Horace
- Cashmore Ernest
- Chevannes Barry
- Clarke Sebastian
- Cooper Carolyn
- Davis Stephen
- Davis-Palmer Yvonne
- Finnegan Ruth
- Fisher G.
- Garrison Leonard
- Gilroy Paul
- Gilroy Paul
- Gilroy Paul
- Gilroy Paul
- Hall Stuart
- Henry Lez
- Henry Lez
- James Winston
- Jones Simon
- Lea John
- Martin Tony
- Mintz Sydney
- Morris Mervyn
- Nettleford Rex
- Nketia Kwabena
- Pryce Ken
- Rex John
- Rodney Walter
- Small Christopher
- Solomos John
- Solomos John
- Spencer Jon Michael
- Staples Neville
- Ture Kwame
- William ‘Lez’ Henry
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Abolition of a National Paradigm
- Author
- Anderson Benedict.
- Applebaum Nancy
- Balibar Etienne.
- Bjelić Dušan I.
- Boia Lucian.
- Cox Oliver C.
- Du Bois W. E. B.
- Figureoa Monica Moreno.
- Foucault Michel.
- Foucault Michel.
- Gramsci Antonio.
- Imre Aniko.
- Kelley Robin.
- Knight Alan.
- Kundrus Birthe.
- Molmenti Pompeo.
- Promitzer Christian
- Promitzer Christian.
- Robinson Cedric J.
- Robinson Cedric J.
- Rénique Geraldo.
- Stepen Nancy Leys.
- Todorova Maria.
- Todorova Miglena S.
- Trubeta Sevasti.
- Turda Marius
- Turda Marius.
- Ture Kwame
- Vasconcelos Jose.
- Veltmeyer Henry
- Veltmeyer Henry.
- Verlinden C.
- Wilder Gary.
- Williams Eric.
- Yeomans Rory.
- Young Robert J. C.
- Young Robert J. C.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
W.E.B. Du Bois: Intellectual Forefather of Intersectionality?
- Author
- Alarcon Norma
- Ange-Marie Hancock
- Anzaldua Gloria
- Calhoun Craig
- Carby Hazel
- Carter Prudence
- Cohen Cathy J
- Cohen Cathy J
- Cohen Cathy J
- Collins Patricia Hill
- Crenshaw Kimberle Williams
- Crenshaw Kimberle Williams
- Cruz Jose
- Dawson Michael
- Du Bois W. E.B.
- Du Bois W. E.B.
- Du Bois W. E.B.
- Du Bois W. E.B.
- Guinier Lani
- Guy-Sheftall Beverly
- Hancock Ange-Marie
- Hancock Ange-Marie
- Hancock Ange-Marie
- hooks bell
- Horne Gerald
- Jacobs Susie
- Kelley Robin D.G.
- Levering Lewis David
- Levering Lewis David
- Mamdani Mahmood
- Marable Manning
- Martinez Elizabeth
- McCall Leslie
- Scott Joan
- Tate Katherine
- Ture Kwame
- Williams Melissa
- Wing Adrienne Katherine
- Wing Adrienne Katherine
- Wing Adrienne Katherine
- Wing Adrienne Katherine
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Adams Robert.
- Appiah Anthony.
- Appiah Anthony.
- Banton Michael
- Banton Michael.
- Blum Lawrence.
- Blum Lawrence.
- Carter Stephen.
- Cohen Marshall
- Ezorsky Gertrude.
- Flew Antony.
- Garcia J. L. A.
- Garcia J. L. A.
- Garcia J. L. A.
- Gilligan Carol.
- Goldberg David Theo.
- Goldberg David Theo.
- Goldberg David Theo.
- Green Judith.
- Hacker Andrew.
- Hursthouse Rosalind.
- Kamm F. M.
- Kirk Marshall
- Larrabee Mary Jane
- Lichtenberg Judith.
- Loury Glenn.
- Loury Glenn.
- Lukes Stephen.
- Lyas Colin
- MacIntyre Alasdair.
- May Larry
- McDowell John.
- Miles Robert.
- Murphy Jeffrie
- Nathanson Stephen.
- Noddings Nell.
- Okin Susan Miller.
- Palmer Frank
- Piper Adrian M.
- Rothenberg Paula.
- Schaefer Richard.
- Simon Thomas.
- Skillen Anthony.
- Slote Michael.
- Ture Kwame
- West Comel.
- Wiggins David.
- Williams Patricia.
- Wistrich Robert.
- Young Iris.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
'The Harvest Is Plenty, but the Laborers Are Few': A Joint Social Action White Paper
- Author
- Ann Arnett
- Ann Morning
- Audrey Smedley &
- Black Greek-Letter Organizations
- Carter A Wilson
- Charles Ogletree
- Cornell &
- Critical Race Realism
- Daniel P Moynihan
- David
- David A Thomas &
- David R Roediger
- David T Wellman
- Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
- F James Davis
- Frank Wu
- Gregory Scott Parks
- Haki R
- Ira Katznelson
- James Kilgore
- Jean C Accius
- Jessica Harris
- Jill Quadagno
- Joanna Dreby
- Joe A Feagin
- Joe A Feagin
- Joe R Feagin
- Joel Kovel
- Joseph L Graves
- Julius William
- Julius William Wilson
- Kenji Yoshino
- Kenneth A Neubeck &
- Kwame Ture (formerly Known As Carmichel Stokley) &
- Lani Guinier
- Leisy J Abrego
- Leland T Saito
- Luis Mario
- Mary Romero
- Mary Waters
- Marybeth Gasman
- Matthew Hughey
- Meizhu
- Melvin Oliver &
- Mia Tuan
- Michael Banton &
- Miri Song
- Noel A Cazenave
- Pedro A Noguera
- Philip Kasinitz
- Pierre Van Den
- Quincy T Mills
- R Banaji
- Randall Kennedy
- Richard D Alba
- Richard D Racism Within The Ethnicity
- Robert E Weems
- Roger Daniels
- Slim&apos
- Stephen Steinberg
- Steven L. Jones
- The Brendan O&apos
- Thomas Gossett
- Twelve
- Voter Rights
- White Attitudes
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Theorizing Ethnic and Racial Movements in the Global Age
- Author
- Araujo Ana Lucia
- Araujo Ana Lucia
- Bailey Anne C.
- Barnouw Erik
- Barthel-Bouchier Diane L.
- Bell Derrick A.
- Berg Manfred
- Bloom Joshua
- Bobo Lawrence D.
- Bonilla-Silva Eduardo
- Brasell R. Bruce
- Braxton Joanne M.
- Brown Vincent
- Carmichael Stokely
- Carmichael Stokley
- Carson Clayborne
- Castells Manuel
- Chadwick Andrew
- Collins Patrica
- Combahee River Collective
- Conley Dalton
- Cottias Myriam
- Countryman Matthew
- Daniels Jessie
- DuBois W. E. B.
- DuBois W. E. B.
- Duggan Maeve
- D’emilio John
- Evans Sarah
- Fanelli Doris Devine
- Fanon Franz
- Fanon Franz
- Feimster Crystal Nicole
- Finley Cheryl
- Fleming Crystal M.
- Fleming Crystal Marie
- Franklin John Hope
- Ganz Marshall
- Giddings Paula
- Gitlin Todd
- Hamilton Douglas J.
- Hartman Saidiya V.
- Hartman Saidiya V.
- Hobsbawm Eric. J.
- Holsey Bayo
- Howard Philip N.
- Irwin-Zarecka Iwona
- Joseph Peniel E.
- King Martin Luther
- Klinker Phillips A.
- Lelyveld Joseph
- Lopez Mark H.
- McAdam Doug
- McGuire Danielle L.
- Mills Charles W.
- Morris Aldon D.
- Morris Aldon D.
- Morris Aldon D.
- Morris Aldon D.
- Morris Aldon D.
- Murch Donna Jean
- National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
- Nimako Kwame
- O’Reilly T.
- Payne Charles
- Pennebaker James W.
- Pierre Jemima
- Piven Frances Fox
- Roberts Gene
- Robnett Belinda
- Romano Renee
- Rosenzweig Roy
- Said Edward W.
- Smith Aaron
- Snow David A.
- Tilly Charles
- Ture Kwame
- Twine France Winddance
- Verdun Vincene
- Weber Max
- Wynter Sylvia
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Historicizing White Supremacist Terrorism with Ida B. Wells
- Author
- Addams Jane
- Addams Jane
- Beydoun Khaled A
- Bhatia Michael
- Bravin Jess
- Butler Judith
- Butler Judith
- Butler Judith
- Carby Hazel V.
- Cardyn Lisa
- Clay C.M.
- Clymer Jeffory A.
- Corbin Caroline
- Delany Martin Robison
- Douglass Frederick
- Douglass Frederick
- Fellman Michael
- Foner Eric
- Foucault Michel
- Foucault Michel
- Foucault Michel
- Foucault Michel
- Foucault Michel
- Gallaher Carolyn
- Gilbert Olive
- Gilpin R. Blakeslee
- Grandin Greg
- Hartman Saidiya V.
- hooks bell
- Hunt Krista
- Ifill Sherrilyn A.
- Jennings Matthew
- Johnson Daryl
- Law Randall D.
- Li Darryl
- Mamdani Mahmood
- Mills Charles W.
- Mills Charles W.
- Puar Jasbir K.
- Raphael Sam
- Sampaio Anna
- Sheth Falguni A.
- Silva Neluka
- Slahi Mohamedou Ould
- Ture Kwame
- Volpp Leti
- Walker David
- Wells Ida B.
- Wells Ida B.
- Wells Ida B.
- Wells Ida B.
- Wells Ida B.
- Wells Ida B.
- Wells Ida B.
- Wells Ida B.
- Wells-Barnett Ida B.
- White Herbert L.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Black Lives Matter and Bridge Building
- Author
- Alexander Michelle
- Arnold Rick
- Baldwin Bridgette
- Beckett Katherine
- Bonilla-Silva Eduardo
- Brecher Jeremy
- Brown Kimberly Freeman
- Burack Cynthia
- Burke Bev
- Cacho Lisa Marie
- Childs Dennis
- Combahee River Collective
- Crain Marion
- Crenshaw Kimberlé W.
- Davis Adrienne
- Davis Angela
- Du Bois W. E. B
- Dyson Michael Eric
- Feagin Joe
- Fletcher Bill
- Fletcher Bill
- Garland David
- Hancock Ange-Marie
- Hartman Saidiya V.
- Heckscher Charles
- Herivel Tara
- Hill Collins Patricia
- Hine Darlene Clark
- Hodes Martha
- Jackson George
- Jones Alethia
- Kelley Robin D. G.
- Kofman Yelizavetta
- Lipsitz George
- Lorde Audre
- Lorde Audre
- Lumpkins Charles L.
- McGuire Danielle L.
- Moraga CherrÃe
- Moraga CherrÃe
- Murakawa Naomi
- Nadasen Premilla
- Nadasen Premilla
- Nissen Bruce
- Ordower Jeff
- Oshinsky David
- Painter Nell Irvin
- Parenti Christian
- Rameau Max
- Ransby Barbara
- Reagon Bernice Johnson
- Ritchie Andrea
- Ritchie Beth E.
- Robnett Belinda
- Rose Fred
- Smith Barbara
- Taibbi Matt
- Tattershall Amanda
- Ture Kwame
- Western Bruce
- Woods Tryon
- Wright Richard
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study