35 research outputs found
Experimental Evidence for a Structural-Dynamical Transition in Trajectory Space
Among the key insights into the glass transition has been the identification
of a non-equilibrium phase transition in trajectory space which reveals phase
coexistence between the normal supercooled liquid (active phase) and a glassy
state (inactive phase). Here we present evidence that such a transition occurs
in experiment. In colloidal hard spheres we find a non-Gaussian distribution of
trajectories leaning towards those rich in locally favoured structures (LFS),
associated with the emergence of slow dynamics. This we interpret as evidence
for an non-equilibrium transition to an inactive LFS-rich phase. Reweighting
trajectories reveals a first-order phase transition in trajectory space between
a normal liquid and a LFS-rich phase. We further find evidence of a purely
dynamical transition in trajectory space.Comment: 5 page
A UAS System for Observing Volacanoes and Natural Hazards
Fixed or rotary wing manned aircraft are currently the most commonly used platforms for airborne reconnaissance in response to natural hazards, such as volcanic eruptions, oil spills, wild fires, earthquakes. Such flights are very often undertaken in hazardous flying conditions (e.g., turbulence, downdrafts, reduced visibility, close proximity to dangerous terrain) and can be expensive. To mitigate these two fundamental issues--safety and cost--we are exploring the use of small (<100kg), relatively inexpensive, but effective, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for this purpose. As an operational test, in 2004 we flew a small autonomous UAV in the airspace above and around Stromboli Volcano. Based in part on this experience, we are adapting the RAVEN- INGV system for such natural hazard surveillance missions. RAVEN- INGV has a 50km range, with a 3.5m wingspan, main fuselage length of 4.60m, and maximum weight of 56kg. It has autonomous flight capability and a ground control station for mission planning and control. It will carry a variety of imaging devices, including a visible camera, and an IR camera.
Such flexible, capable, and easy-to-deploy UAV systems may significantly shorten the time necessary to characterize the nature and scale of the natural hazard threats if used from the outset of, and systematically during, natural hazard events. When appropriately utilized, such UAVs can provide a powerful new hazard mitigation and documentation tool for civil protection hazard responders. This research was carried out under the auspices of the Italian government, and, in part, under contract to NASA at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
I diritti dei passeggeri a mobilit\ue0 ridotta: tutele attuali e prospettive di riforma tra Italia e UE
Attraverso l\u2019analisi della normativa italiana, europea ed internazionale in mate- ria di tutela del passeggero, e di non discriminazione dei disabili e degli anziani, l\u2019articolo mira a individuare le tutele offerte dall\u2019ordinamento nazionale e sovranazionale alla particolare figura del passeggero a mobilit\ue0 ridotta, ponendo in luce i limiti del- l\u2019attuale assetto normativo in materia, come evidenziati dalla pratica del trasporto passeggeri, ed interrogandosi a proposito delle sue prospettive di riforma, con un\u2019attenzione particolare alle specifiche necessit\ue0 richieste dal crescente sviluppo del tra- sporto multimodale
Drawing inspiration form the innovations contained in the recent reform of the Brazilian Civil Code, the essay traces the essential moments of the doctrinal debate \u2013 now of a renewed to topicality in light
of the express mention of the topic in the project of reform of the Civil Code as well as of the impact on contracts of duration, of the regulations adopted after the spread of the Covid-19 virus \u2013 regarding the existence, in the Italian legal system, of the affirmed duty of renegotiation of the contract; of its nature and its content
Basta la meritevolezza? I trust nella vita reale.
Un terzetto di recenti decisioni di merito si segnala come valido spunto per una riflessione a proposito dei rimedi efficacemente esperibili dai creditori avverso un trust interno non preordinato al perseguimento di interessi meritevoli di tutela e, anzi, teso ad eludere la garanzia patrimoniale del debitore prevista dall\u2019art. 2740 c.c.
Tale riflessione prende le sue mosse dall\u2019analisi delle operazioni oggetto dei rispettivi casi e dalla ricerca di possibili elementi ricorrenti nella casistica giurisprudenziale, procede soffermandosi sull\u2019idoneit\ue0 dei beni vincolati in
trust a perseguirne la finalit\ue0; sulla legittimazione del trustee; sulle ipotesi di nullit\ue0 dell\u2019atto istitutivo di trust; e sulla revocabilit\ue0 di trust non immeritevole
Il danno non patrimoniale subito dalle persone giuridiche: diritti tutelati, accertamento della lesione e quantificazione del risarcimento.
L\u2019articolato percorso interpretativo che ha portato all\u2019affermazione della capacit\ue0 delle persone giuridiche di essere titolari di situazioni giuridiche a contenuto non patrimoniale e al riconoscimento, in capo ad esse, delle correlate tutele sul piano risarcitorio, si \ue8 intrecciata e sovrapposta con le principali evoluzioni del sistema della responsabilit\ue0 civile tracciate dalla giurisprudenza costituzionale e di legittimit\ue0, per culminare in un assetto che, pur scontando alcune forzature, si presenta coerente con la propria funzione di tutela.The articulated interpretative process that has led to the acknowledgement of corporations\u2019 capacity to be holders of non-material rights and the granting of the relevant protection in terms of compensation, has been closely intertwined and overlapped with the major changes in the system of civil liability traced by the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, resulting in an approach that, despite a few strains, is consistent with its own protective function