2 research outputs found

    Cooperation between police and public prosecutor: Law and practice in Serbia

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    Considering conceptual changes in by now not-so-new Criminal Procedure Code, the authors analyze relations between the prosecutor and police from the angle of law provisions but also in their implementation in practice. The paper is divided in two main parts. After introductory remarks, the authors consider a number of theoretical issues related to fair trial in the context of balancing roles, competences and powers of various procedural subjects with focus on relations and cooperation between police and the public prosecutor. The second part of the paper includes presentation of the results arising from empirical research dedicated to implementation of the novelties in the Serbian Criminal Procedure Code related to cooperation between prosecutors and the police


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    The authors in this paper deal with special investigative actions in Baltic countries. Special investigative measures today represent one of the most important measures in the fight against serious criminal offences, but its improper use endangers fundamental human rights, especially the right to privacy and the right to a fair trial. The article is divided into three main parts. After the introductory remarks, the authors elaborate the Lithuanian criminal procedure legislation, which influenced development of the European Court of Human Rights’s jurisprudence in the field of the undercover investigator. Latvian solutions are explained in the next part and its main characteristic are numerous special investigative measures. Finally, the authors explain Estonian legislation. The authors specifically consider and analyse the positions of the European Court of Human Rights through judgments rendered in this field. A wide range of special investigative actions indicates their diversity, but mostly the solutions of all three legal frameworks are in line with the standards of the European Court of Human Rights.U radu autori se bave posebnim dokaznim radnjama u baltičkim zemljama. Posebne dokazne radnje danas predstavljaju jednu od nezaobilaznih dokaznih mera u istragama teških krivičnih dela. Istovremeno, posebne dokazne radnje znatno više zadiru u ljudska prava u poređenju sa drugim, redovnim dokaznim radnjama. Njihova nepravilna upotreba ugrožava ljudska prava, a naročito pravo na privatnost i pravo na pravično suđenje. Rad je podeljen na tri dela. Nakon uvodnih razmatranja autori objašnjavaju litvansko zakonodavstvo, koje je u značajnoj meri uticalo na razvoj judikature Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u području prikrivenog islednika. Letonsko zakonodavstvo je obrađeno u drugom delu, a karakteriše ga veći broj posebnih dokaznih radnji. Na kraju, autori razrađuju zakonodavstvo Estonije u pogledu posebnih dokaznih radnji i daju zaključna razmatranja. Autori naročito ističu stavove Evropskog suda za ljudska prava koji su na ovom polju doneti protiv baltičkih zemalja. Širok dijapazon posebnih dokaznih radnji ukazuje na njihovu različitost, ali se može izvesti zaključak da su zakonski tekstovi pretežno u skladu sa standardima Evropskog suda za ljudska prava