5 research outputs found

    The correlation of choroidal thickness and ocular pulse amplitude in non-exudatıve age-related macular degeneration

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    Introduction: The choroid is involved in the pathogenesis of various retinal diseases, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) gives useful information about intraocular blood flow and is an indirect indicator of choroidal perfusion. In this study, we aimed to assess the correlation between the OPA and choroidal thickness (CT) in the eyes of healthy individuals and of individuals with non-exudative early stage AMD. Materials and Method: Fourty-four eyes of 44 non-exudative AMD patients and 41 age-matched eyes of 41 healthy individuals were included in the study. All eyes underwent a detailed ophthalmic evaluation, including axial length (AL) and ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) measurements. The CT was measured using optical coherence tomography. Parameters were compared between the two groups and correlation between OPA and CT was assessed. Results: The mean subfoveal, foveal, and parafoveal CT were 245.82 +/- 24.29 mu m, 230.66 +/- 23.44 mu m, 219.55 +/- 25.39 mu m in AMD group, respectively. The corresponding values were 278.44 +/- 34.18 mu m, 263.76 +/- 32.45 mu m, and 253.79 +/- 34.81 mu m in control group, respectively. The mean ages of groups were 69.6 +/- 8.97 years, and 65.0 +/- 5.89 years, respectively. The mean OPA was 3.43 +/- 1.14mmHg and 3.49 +/- 1.12mmHg, respectively. The average CT in AMD patients were significantly lower than the control group in all three regions (subfoveal- foveal- parafoveal) (all p<0,001). In controls, there was a moderate positive correlation between the OPA and CT in the three segments (p=0.002, 0.009, and 0.003; respectively). However only the foveal CT showed significant positive correlation with the OPA in AMD group (p=0.047). Conclusion: Our results showed a considerable correlation between ocular pulse amplitude and choroidal thickness in healthy subject. In non-exudative AMD group, there was a weak correlation between them. It can be hypothesized that; in patients with AMD, degeneration and/or thinning of choroidal pattern is a reason for this result

    Rare congenital retinal vascular anomalies

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    Amaç: Konjenital retina damar anomalisi (KRDA) olan hastaların klinik ve demografik bulgularını tanımlamak ve ayırıcı tanıda kullanılan karakteristik özelliklerini gözden geçirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kliniğimizde KRDA tespit edilen hastalar detaylı oftalmolojik muayene, renkli fundus fotografisi ve floresein anjiografi ile değerlendirildi, eşlik eden sistemik hastalıklar açısından araştırıldı. Bulgular: Toplam 15 hastanın 25 gözünde sistemik araştırmaları tamamlanmış KRDA saptandı ve çalışma kapsamına alındı. Beş hastada konjenital retina arter tortuositesi, 4 hastada prepapiller vasküler halka, 1 hastada maküler makrodamar, 5 hastada idiopatik genel tortuosite tespit edildi. İdiopatik genel tortuosite görülen bir hastada saptanan ven dal tıkanıklığı ve konjenital arter tortuositesi olan bir hastadaki bilateral makülopati haricinde hastaların hiçbirinde görülen bu anomalilerle ilişkilendirilebilecek bir komplikasyon izlenmedi. Sonuç: Konjenital retina arter tortuositesi, prepapiller vasküler halka, maküler makrodamar ve idiopatik genel vasküler tortuosite genellikle iyi seyirli, nadiren komplikasyona yol açan konjenital retina damar anomalilerindendir. Bunların benzer tablolara yol açan sistemik ve oküler hastalıklardan ayırıcı tanısının yapılması bu hastaların takip ve tedavisinde yararlı olacaktır.Purpose: To define clinical and demographic findings of congenital retinal vascular anomalies and to review the characteristic signs useful to make differential diagnosis. Materials and Methods: Cases with detected congenital retinal vascular anomalies were evaluated via detailed ophthalmic examination, fundus photography, flouresceine angiography and also associated systemic diseases were investigated. Results: The study comprised 25 eyes of 15 patients with congenital retinal vascular anomalies that had complete systemic examinations. Congenital retinal arterial tortuosity was found in 5 cases, prepapillary vascular loops was observed in 4 eyes, macular macro-vessel was discovered in 1 eye, idiopathic generalized tortuosity was detected in 5 cases. No complications that could be pertained to vascular anomalies was observed except two patients in whom one eye with idiopathic generalized tortuosity had associated branch retinal vein occlusion and both eyes of a patient with bilateral congenital retinal arterial tortuosity was accompanied by maculopathy. Conclusion: Congenital retinal arterial tortuosity, prepapillary vascular loops, macular macro-vessels and idiopathic generalized tortuosity are among congenital retinal vascular anomalies that have favorable prognosis and infrequent complications. Differentiating these anomalies from systemic and ocular conditions that may lead to similar findings is useful in diagnosis and follow-up of these patients