66 research outputs found
Some Observations on Definitions of Legal Terms
Legal terminology is a specialized lexical unit used in legal language. Thus, the terminology of the legal field should be rational, clear and understandable. In this article, we aimed to analyze the grammatical and stylistic errors in the definitions of 1368 terms (249 laws) in the “Legal Terms” menu of the Mongolian legal database www.legalinfo.mn, and whether the requirements of the definition of the term are met the standard, whether the concepts are fully expressed from the cognitive point of view, whether it is concise, clear and understandable from the user’s point of view, and to give opinions on the issues to be considered in the future. According to the results of the study, the definition of terms in the unified database of legal terms has orthographic and stylistic errors, concepts are incorrectly expressed, and the terms do not meet the international standard requirements with no fixed models.
Keywords: Legislation, legal terms, definitions, concepts, cognition, terminology standards.
Хуулийн нэр томьёоны тодорхойлолтод хийсэн зарим ажиглалт
Хураангуй: Хуулийн нэр томьёо хууль зүйн хэм хэмжээг боловсруулахад хэрэглэдэг мэргэжлийн онцлог бүхий үгийн сангийн нэгж тул оновчтой, тодорхой, ойлгомжтой байх ёстой. Иймээс Монгол Улсын эрх зүйн мэдээллийн нэгдсэн сан www.legalinfo.mn-ийн “Хуулийн нэр томьёо” цэсийн 1368 нэр томьёоны тодорхойлолт (249 хуулийн)-ыг хэлний талаас зөв бичих дүрмийн болон найруулгын алдаа буй эсэх, танин мэдэхүйн талаас ухагдахууныг бүрэн илэрхийлсэн эсэх, стандартын талаас нэр томьёоны тодорхойлолтын шаардлага хангасан эсэх, хэрэглэгчид товч, тодорхой, ойлгомжтой эсэхэд задлан шинжилгээ хийж, цаашид анхаарах асуудлын талаар санал дүгнэлт өгөхийг зорилоо. Судалгааны дүнгээс үзэхэд, хуулийн нэр томьёоны нэгдсэн санд буй нэр томьёоны тодорхойлолт нь хэлний талаас зөв бичих дүрмийн болон найруулгын алдаатай, танин мэдэхүйн талаас зарим нэр томьёоны тодорхойлолт ухагдахууныг буруу томьёолж алдаа гаргасан, стандартын талаас тогтсон нэг загваргүй, шаардлагад нийцээгүй, хэрэглээний талаас ойлгомжгүй зэрэг алдаа дутагдалтай байна. Түлхүүр үг: хууль тогтоомж, хуулийн нэр томьёо, тодорхойлолт, ухагдахуун, танин мэдэхүй, нэр томьёоны стандар
Local understanding of hydro-climate changes in Mongolia
2012 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Air temperatures have increased more in semi-arid regions than in many other parts of the world. Mongolia has an arid/semi-arid climate where much of the population is dependent upon the limited water resources, especially herders. This paper combines herder observations of changes in water availability in streams and from groundwater with an analysis of climatic and hydrologic change from station data to illustrate the degree of change of Mongolian water resources. We find that herders' local knowledge of hydro-climatic changes is similar to the station based analysis. However, station data are spatially limited, so local knowledge can provide finer scale information on climate and hydrology. We focus on two regions in central Mongolia: the Jinst soum in Bayankhongor aimag in the desert steppe region and the Ikh-Tamir soum in Arkhangai aimag in the mountain steppe. As the temperatures have increased significantly (more in Ikh-Tamir than Jinst), precipitation amounts have decreased in Ikh-Tamir which corresponds to a decrease in streamflow, in particular, the average annual streamflow and the annual peak discharge. At Erdenemandal (Ikh-Tamir) the number of days with precipitation has decreased while at Horiult (Jinst) it has increased. Herders observed that the amount of precipitation has decreased (71% in Jinst; 100% in Ikh-Tamir) in recent years. The long-term average streamflow of the Tuin River at Jinst has not changed significantly while the herders have seen a depletion of water resources (73% of respondents). The Khoid Tamir River at Ikh-Tamir has seen a statistically significant decline in the average annual streamflow and the annual maximum daily discharge, which was also observed by all herders surveyed
Since the 2000s, small satellite launches have increased rapidly each year and the number of players in this field is strongly linked to the popularity of the CubeSat standard around the globe. Highlights of its achievements are often the compatibility of launches via a standardized deployer (i.e. POD), shorter development times and lower costs than conventional large satellites. CubeSats are not just popular instruments for educating students in space research and engineering, but also enable us to demonstrate challenging technologies in a cheaper and quicker way and carry out scientific research in the field. But the success of CubeSat\u27s mission often fails. Improvements in reliability and prevent poor workmanship are necessary. The CubeSat standard enabled the small satellite market to expand enormously. In fact, a modular spacecraft deployer which can be attached to many different launch vehicles as a secondary payload was the key technology for the CubeSat Standard. To date, only external CubeSat interfaces, especially the mechanical interface, have been standardized. CubeSat needs a standardized internal interface to take advantage of the modularity. It will contribute to cost reduction and development time. One key to cutting costs and delivery time is a standardized internal interface for different CubeSat missions. In three CubeSat projects at the Kyushu Institute of Technology in Kyutech, a backplane interface approach, proposed as UWE-3 by the University of Würzburg in Germany, has been implemented to reduce the time for development and assembly. The backplane approach also helped to reduce the risk of harnessing faults. In order to satisfy the mission requirements, however, modifications to the proposed standard interface board were necessary for each CubeSat project. The thesis proposes a new idea of a Software-Configurable Bus Interface (SoftCIB) with a backplane board to obtain more flexibility, particularly for data connections. Instead of hardware routing, a Complex Programmable Logical Device (CPLD) was used to reprogram the bus interface on the PCB. The following advantages will be offered by the standardized backplane interface board: (1) less harness, (2) ease of assembly and disassembly (3) compatible with different CubeSat projects and (4) flexible for routings. We can use the SoftCIB again to reduce the cost and development of the interface boards, rather than designing and making new interface boards for new CubeSat projects. Various projects have various payloads for missions and interface requirements. The high flexibility of SoftCIB\u27s interface allows one to select either the same or a different subsystem board such as an OBC or EPS. A functional test with a breadboard module validated the concept. A radiation test has shown that the selected CPLD is strong enough to maintain total ionization doses in low Earth orbit of more than 2 years. The system level verification has been carried out in the engineering model of the BIRDS-3 project at Kyutech.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:工博甲第485号 学位授与年月日:令和元年9月20日1. Introduction|2. Background|3. Implementation of Backplane approach for CubeSats|4. Purposed interface – The SoftCIB|5. Testing campaign|6. On-orbit demonstration|7. Conclusions九州工業大学令和元年
Trifocal Intraocular Lens Implantation to Treat Visual Demands in Mongolian Patients
Objective: Intraocular lens (IOL) implants are artificial lenses which helps to clear up the vision after cataract surgery. In this work, we aimed to compare the monofocal and trifocal IOL implantation during phacoemulsification. Methods: 60 eyes of 60 patients were divided into 2 equal groups. Postoperative astigmatism and UCVA were measured and compared during week 1, week 2 and month. Results: The mean preoperative UCVA was 6.83 ± 4.61 in the monofocal IOL group, and 17.5 ± 17.55 in the trifocal IOL group. At the first week: The mean postoperative UCVA at one week was 35.46 ± 19.45 and 58.64 ± 20.77, in each group respectively. The mean postoperative BCVA in the first week was 42.71 ± 20.63 and 65.91 ± 20.85, in each group respectively. The mean postoperative UCVA at 1 month was 46.57 ± 24.37 and 76.36 ± 23.61, in each group, while BCVA was 63.14 ± 24.94 and 89.54 ± 14.63. There was a highly significant statistical difference between the result of UCVA preoperative and the results of UCVA at the early and last postoperative follow up. Conclusion: From our results, it is evident that post-operative near UCVA and BCVA was statistically significant at monofocal and trifocal groups
九州工業大学博士学位論文(要旨)学位記番号:工博甲第485号 学位授与年月日:令和元年9月20
Programmable CubeSat Interface Board to Reduce Costs and Delivery Time
A standardized interface for different CubeSat missions is one of the keys to reduce costs and delivery time. A backplane interface approach, proposed by the University of Wuerzburg in Germany as UWE-3, was implemented in three CubeSat projects at the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) in Japan to shorten the development and assembly times. The backplane approach also helped to reduce the risk of workmanship errors associated with the harness. The proposed standard interface board, however, needed changes in every CubeSat project to comply with the mission requirements. To obtain more flexibility especially for data connections, this work introduces a novel idea of a software-configurable bus interface with the backplane board. A Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) was used instead of the hardware routing so that we can reconfigure the bus interface by reprogramming the CPLD. The concept was validated by a functional test with a breadboard module. A radiation test verified that the selected CPLD has enough strength to survive total ionization dozes of more than 2 years in low Earth orbit. A new backplane board with CPLD have been integrated with Engineering Model and Flight Model of the fourth CubeSat project at Kyutech, BIRDS-3 project, and system level verification was conducted. The flight model is now ready for delivery to JAXA in February 2019 for a planned launch to International Space Station in April 2019. The initial on-orbit data will be obtained by the time of the conference in August 2019 and will be presented to the audience
Cesarean Scar Defect: A Silent and Growing Complication
No abstract in Englis
Practical Epidemiology Using Epidemiology to Support Primary Health Care
No abstract in Englis
Embedded workbench application of GPS sensor for agricultural tractor.
This paper presents a design of an embedded workbench application of Global Positioning System (GPS) for agricultural tractor. Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is Global Positioning System (GPS) sensor using IAR (IAR Embedded Workbench) and an open source library which follows the most important characteristics of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 11783 communication protocol in the serial communication network of agricultural vehicles. These applications are written in C/C++ programming methods. We explain some test connection configuration between working Personal Computer (PC) and test board for studying the application program and GPS sensor working status. This research work mainly describes the system architecture and programming methodology of an application program which follows some standards for agricultural machinery
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