27 research outputs found
EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL VALUE OF COMPLETE FEED BASED ON CORN COB AND MIXED GRASS ON PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF ONGOLE. This study was aimed to obtain the feed formula, which is effective on the productivity of beef cattle (PO). This study consisted of two experimental stages, namely: 1). In vitro experiment, and 2). Biological (in vivo) experiment. t-test two sample assuming unequal variance was used as the statistical analysis on both experiments. The treatments of this research consisted of RA feed = 50% concentrate + 50% corn forage and RB feed = 50% concentrate + 50% mixed grass, and it was repeated 10 times. In vitro test was used to measure dry matter and organic matter digestibility and NH3 concentration (NH3). The biological experiment (in vivo) was used 20 PO cattles, 12-18 months of ages, with 120 - 180 kg of body weight to measure feed intake, nutrients digestibility DMD, OMD, Protein and energy digestibility, live weight gain (LWG) and feed conversion (FCR). The results showed DMD and OMD in vitro of RA were 67.88% dan 66.06%, respectively, lower than the DMD and OMD obtained in RB, i.e 71.15% dan 69.08%, respectively. Meanwhile, NH3 of RA was higher than RB, i.e: 3.20 vs 2.50 mM/L. The biological experiment showed the DMD, OMD, CPD, and DE (in vivo) of RA were 77.05%, 78.64%, 82.13%, and 83.48%, respectively, while the results obtained at RB were higher, i.e. 80.15%, 83.44%, 85.55%, and 87.46%, respectively. On the liveweight gain (LWG) of PO cattle, the RA ration produces 0.60 kg per head per day, lower than RB which produces 0.65 kg per head per day. The FCR of both ration was 0.11. It is concluded, complete feed based on forage corn and mixed grass can be used as standard feed for fattening of local beef cattle because it is able to give high nutrient digestibility and good feed conversion value Keywords: Complete feed, in vitro and in vivo digestibility, liveweight gain, feed conversio
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS APPRAISAL OF LOCAL AND IMPORTED RACE HORSES FEED IN MINAHASA The present study was conducted to determine the physical characteristics and nutrient content of racehorse diets both local and imported feed used mostly by race horse breeders in Minahasa region. Race horse breeding management in Indonesia fully adopts methods used in developed countries. Race horse breeders in Minahasa have been practicing of using oats as an imported ingredient to replace local feed rice. This is due to the lack of further testing of local feed, so that race horse breeders practice and rely on using imported feed ingredients to feed their horses just before the horse racing. Â A survey method was used to collect data, using interviews and direct observations on several race horses breeding farms. Types and amount of feed (forage and concentrates) both local and imported given to race horse were taken about 500gr for samples analysis. Data were statistically analyzed using t-test. The results showed that the nutrient content of imported feed ingredients significantly higher (P <0.05) compared with local feed. Physical characteristics (color, flavour, shape, and texture) of local food (rice) was significantly different (P <0.05) from that of imported feed (oats). It can be concluded that the nutrient content of imports feed is higher than that of local feed, and physical characteristics of oat and rice, different in colour, shape, aroma, and texture, on the other hand, oat and rice have the same physical shape. Keywords: Physical characteristics, Chemistry, Race horse, Local Feed, Imported Feed
Studi Parameter Pemesinan Proses EDM Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan, Laju Pembuangan Geram Dan Keausan Elektroda Pada Baja Perkakas
Material removal rate, surface roughness, and electrode wear are correlated with machining parameters such as pulse on time, discharge current, and polarity. Usually, the selection of the process parameters was based on trial and error, which produced inconsistent machining performance and more setting time. The research aims to investigate the influence of machining parameters of EDM i.e., current, arc on time and polarity on the material removal rate and electrode (tool) wear. JS EDM NC60A was used in electro discharge machining of tool steel. Coppers (Cu) electrodes with dimension 24 mm x 24 mm x 8 mm. dielectric fluid was used ESSO Lector 35. Each machining test was performed at current setting of 6 A, 9 A, 12 A, 15A with variation of ton60 µs, 90 µS,120 µs and 150µ. The material removal rate of the workpiece and the wear of the electrode were obtained based on the calculation of the mass loss per machining time. Whereas the surface roughness were measured using surface roughness tester Surf Corder SE 1700 Fowler.It was found that the surface roughness, the material removal rate and the electrode wear rate were affected by machining parameters. The best result of material removal rate (MRR) at 15 A with ton 150 µs is 33 mm3/menit for positive polarity. The best surface roughness with value of Ra = 2.1 pm achieved at 6 A, ton90 μs for negative polarity
THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FIBER SOURCES IN THE FEED TO DIGESTIBILITY OF CRUDE FIBER AND HEMICELLULOSE IN COBB STRAIN OF BROILERS. This research was carried out with the aim to determine the effect of providing different sources of fiber in feed on the apparent digestibility of crude fiber and hemicellulose in cobb strain of broilers. This study used 20 cobb strain of broilers 35-day-old. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with the treatment of 4 different fiber sources in the feed which was repeated 5 times. The treatments consisted of: R0 (commercial feed),R1 (commercial feed with coffe skin), R2 (commercial feed with rice bran), R3 (commercial feed with coconut pilp). Variables measured were: apparent digestibility of crude fiber and hemicellulose. Apparent-digestibility measurements using the total collection method. Data were analyzed using general linear model (MINITAB version 16), then differences between treatments were tested with Tukey’s simultaneous test. Apparent digestibility of crude fiber feed has a very different (P<0,01) with treatment R2 and R1. The treatment of R2 was not significantly different (P>0,05) from R1. Apparent digestibility test for hemicellulose shows that R3 is the same as R0, but it is significantly different (P<0,01) with treatment R2 and R1. The treatment od R2 was not significantly different (P>0,05) from the treatment of R1. It was concluded that coconut pilp as a source of fiber in the feed of strain cobb of broilers provides better digestibility of coarse and hemicellulose fibers than coffe huks and coffe branKeywords: Apparent digestion of crude fiber, Apparent digestion of hemicellulose, strain cobb of broile
ABSTRACTTHE EFDFECT OF CONCENTRATE UTILIZATION IN GUINEA GRASS( Panicum maximum) FEED ON NDF AND ADF DIGESTIBILITYIN LOCAL GOATS. A research was conducted to evaluate the effects of concentrate utilization in Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) ration on NDF and ADF digestibility. Twelve male local goats were used in this experiment and located in individual pens. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and three replication was used. The treatments were R1 = 100 % guinea grass, R2 = 75 % guinea grass + 25 % concentrate, R3 = 50 % guinea grass + 50 % concentrate, and 25 % guinea grass + 75 % concentrate. The results showed that the effect on NDF digestibility was highly significantly different among treatments (P < 0.01), and significantly different (P <0.05) on ADF digestibility. The conclusion was concentrate could be utilized up to 75%, however, the utilization of 50% concentrate was the best for NDF digestibility and 25% concentrate for ADF digestibility.Key words: Guinea Grass, Concentrate, Digestibilities, NDF, ADF, and local goats
Rancang Bangun Pompa Air Tenaga Angin Untuk Pengairan Sawah Menggunakan Vertical Wind Turbine Tipe Savonius
Pompa air sangat efektif untuk pengairan sawah terutama untuk daerah yang ketersediaan air tidak tercukupi sepanjang tahun, tetapi penggunakan pompa air juga mempunyai dampak ekonomi terhadap petani karena petani harus mengeluarkan biaya lebih untuk pembelian bahan bakar dan sewa pompa air tersebut. Sehingga diperlukan suatu alat yang dapat menjadi pompa air tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya dalam penggunaannya. Di sisi lain, sawah sebagai salah satu lahan terbuka, memberikan perpindahan udara yang cukup untuk membantu terjadinya angin. Angin jika dimanfaatkan secara tepat bisa dijadikan sebagai energi alternatif penggerak pompa air. Dari analisa lapangan didapatkan kondisi lahan pertanian terbuka di daerah itu mempunyai laju kecepatan angin yang termasuk kategori rendah, yaitu berkisar 2 – 3 m/detik. Dengan kondisi ini memerlukan perancangan turbin angin yang mampu bekerja pada kondisi kecepatan angin yang rendah. Maka pemilihan turbin angin vertikal (VAWT) menjadi alternative terbaik. Tipe VAWT yang dipakai adalah tipe Savonius banyak tingkat untuk memungkinkan mendapatkan torsi yang tinggi. Pompa air tenaga angin dengan mekanisme pompa tali seal karet dapat digunakan untuk membantu sistem pengairan sawah. Hasil pengujian skala laboratorium dengan bantuan blower sebagai sumber energi angin adalah pada putaran turbin 30.8 rpm dan putaran poros output 55 rpm debit yang dihasilkan 2,6 liter/menit. Pada putaran turbin 39 rpm dan putaran poros output 68 rpm debit yang dihasilkan 3,4 liter/menit. Sedangkan pada putaran turbin 39.5 rpm dan putaran poros output 71,7 rpm debit yang dihasilkan 4,2 liter/menit.Keywords : “Pompa Air Tenaga Angin”, “Vertical Axis Wind Turbine”, “Rotor Savonius”, “Pengairan Sawah
Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan praktek politik uang di Kecamatan Kawangkoan Utara Kabupaten Minahasa pada pemilihan Gubernur Sulawesi Utara tahun 2020 dan juga Untuk mengetahui faktor–faktor penyebab terjadinya Money Politic pada saat pemilihan Gubernur Sulawesi Utara tahun 2020 di Kecamatan Kawangkoan Utara, Kabupaten MinahasaDemokrasi adalah sebuah rangkaian sistem yang memposisikan pemerintahan itu berasal dari rakyat, oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat. Sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa para pemegang kekuasaan yang tertinggi pada suatu sistem demokrasi tersebut yakni kekuasaan di rakyat dan rakyat yang mempunyai hak, kesempatan dan suara yang sama untuk dapat mengatur dan mengontrol segala kebijakan yang ada di pemerintahan melalui keputusan mayoritas. Keberadaan praktek money politik yang massif dapat merusak sendi-sendi demokrasi itu sendiri dimana suara rakyat tidak lagi murni dari hati melainkan atas dasar uang, sehingga menghasilkan pemimpin yang tidak berkualitas dan cenderung korup mengingat biaya yang dikeluarkan saat pemilihan sangat besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan Praktek money politic terjadi dalam pelaksanaan pemilihan gubernur tahun 2020 di kecamatan Kawangkoan Utara kabupaten Minahasa bahwa masyarakat mudah terpengaruh dengan adanya money politic. Masyarakat tidak menggunakan logika dalam menghadapi hal yang sebenarnya tidak boleh dan tidak baik di lakukan. Hal tersebut dikarenakan masyarakat kurang paham tentang pengetahuan akan politik tersebut sehingga mudah terpengaruh dalam hal yang tidak baik dalam pemilihan umum.  Kata Kunci : Money Politik, Pemilihan, Kepala Daera
ABSTRAKPemilu merupakan langkah awal partai politik dalam bersaing untuk merebutkan kekuasaan untuk menduduki kursi eksekutif dan/atau legislatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan strategi yang digunakan Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) untuk memenangkan calon yang diusungnya pada pemilu legislative tahun 2019 di Bolaang Mongondow Timur (Boltim). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan beberapa strategi yang digunakan Partai PDIP dalam pemenangan pemilu legislatif 2019 di Boltim. Strategi dimaksud antara lain menggunakan jaringan partai tingkat lokal, sosialisasi, melakukan berbagai event, kampanye, pencitraan figur, citra partai, bahkan melakukan money politic. Strategi yang dimainkan PDIP cukup berhasil dibuktikan dengan perolehan suara partai PDIP di daerah pemilihan 1 yang meliputi Kecamatan Modayag bersatu berhasil memperoleh suara 3,419 suara. Di samping itu ada perolehan suara partai lain yaitu PKB 1,301, GERINDRA 1,734, GOLKAR 3,081, NASDEM 3,978, GARUDA 15, BERKARYA 354, PKS 631, PERINDO 1,327, PPP 563, PSI 112, PAN 6.065, HANURA 758, DEMOKRAT 3,553, PBB 6, PKPI 178. Sedangkan perolehan suara di daerah pemilihan 2 yang meliputi Kecamatan Kotabunan, Tutuyan dan Nuangan. Partai PDIP memperoleh 3,195 suara. Dengan perolehan suara partai lain yaitu PKB 376, GERINDRA 347, GOLKAR 291, NASDEM 2,814, GARUDA 22, BERKARYA 76, PKS 1,319, PERINDO 926, PPP 17, PSI 103, PAN 4,798, HANURA 786, DEMOKRAT 1,746, PBB 968, PKPI 4. Dengan strategi yang di terapkan tersebut partai PDIP berhasil mendapatkan suara terbanyak ke enam di dapil 1 (daerah pemilihan 1) dan partai PDIP juga mendapatkan suara terbanyak ke dua di dapil 2 (daerah pemilihan 2 Kata Kunci : Strategi; Calon Legislatif; PDIP    ABSTRACTElection is the first step for political parties in competing for power to occupy the executive and / or legislative seats. The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the strategies used by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) to win the candidates it carries in the 2019 legislative elections in East Bolaang Mongondow (Boltim). This study used a qualitative method. Based on the results of the study, it was found that several strategies were used by the PDIP Party in winning the 2019 legislative elections in Boltim. The strategies referred to include using local level party networks, socialization, conducting various events, campaigns, image image, party image, and even conducting money politics. The strategy played by the PDIP was quite successful as evidenced by the vote acquisition of the PDIP party in electoral district 1 which includes the united Modayag District, which succeeded in getting 3,419 votes. In addition, there were other party votes, namely PKB 1.301, GERINDRA 1,734, GOLKAR 3.081, NASDEM 3,978, GARUDA 15, BERKARYA 354, PKS 631, PERINDO 1,327, PPP 563, PSI 112, PAN 6,065, HANURA 758, DEMOKRAT 3,553, PBB 6 , PKPI 178. Meanwhile, the vote acquisition was in the 2 electoral districts covering Kotabunan, Tutuyan and Nuangan Districts. The PDIP party received 3,195 votes. With the votes acquired by other parties, namely PKB 376, GERINDRA 347, GOLKAR 291, NASDEM 2,814, GARUDA 22, BERKARYA 76, PKS 1,319, PERINDO 926, PPP 17, PSI 103, PAN 4,798, HANURA 786, DEMOCRAT 1,746, PBB 968, PKPI 4 With the strategy implemented, the PDIP party managed to get the sixth most votes in electoral district 1 (electoral district 1) and the PDIP party also received the second most votes in electoral district 2 (electoral district 2). Keywords: Strategy; Legislative candidates; PDI