4 research outputs found

    A Bioenergetic Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) Approach in the Secondary Montane Humid Forest-Oxapampa, Peru

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    Forests are capable of sequestering carbon through tree biomass and it is important to predict their storage potential given the increase in CO2 from deforestation and illegal mining. The objective of this research was to evaluate the storage of carbon and calorific value based on the aerial biomass of the forest diversity located between 2358 to 2450 masl of the Montane Humid Forest (Bh mo) in the buffer zone of San Alberto-Quilla in the Biosphere Reserve. The forest was located on the eastern Andean flank of Oxapampa in Cerro de Pasco (Peru). Four forest plots with an area of 900 m2 each were evaluated, using the destructive method for trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) equal to or greater than 10 cm. Species richness, density, diameter at breast height, and aerial biomass (AGB) were determined

    Capture and Storage of Carbon in the Dry Forests of Pomac (Lambayeque, Peru) to Improve the Focus of Reforestation on New Ecosystem Services

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    The estimation of aerial forest carbon storage and capacity (CCS) is a fundamental instrument to evaluate the application of forest management measures and soil recovery under the approach of use in new ecosystem services (CCUS). The research has aimed to evaluate the capture and storage of carbon in the dry forests of Pomac (Lambayeque, Peru) to improve the approach of reforestation in new ecosystem services. For this, the non-destructive method was used, 15 random plots were selected, the tree species were identified, counted and measured, taking into account the diameter at breast height (DBH), the results indicated a total accumulation of aerial biomass ( dry) of 75.09 t/ha and a mass of stored carbon of 37,545 t/ha. The highest contribution of aerial biomass was dominated by three species: Prosopis pallida H.B.K. for Arnata ferreyra (carob tree) (90.99%) > Capparis ovalifolia (Vichayo) (6.13 %) > Capparis scabrida (Sapote) (2.02 %). The quadratic models to estimate the aerial biomass (AGB) of each species and of the plots studied based on the DBH were robust (R2>0.7) and significant and demonstrated a great payment potential in relation to the carbon credit in the Voluntary Market of Carbon. These results can be used to improve forest management and the recovery of degraded soils under the approach of new ecosystem uses that include the CCUS approach

    Carater铆sticas anat贸micas y propiedades f铆sico-mec谩nicas del cedro (Cedrela odorata L.) proveniente de Satipo

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Acad茅mico de Industrias ForestalesLa finalidad de la presente 1 investigaci贸n fue determinar las caracter铆sticas anat贸micas y propiedades f铆sico mec谩nicas del Cedro proveniente de Satipo, y compararlas con el Cedro de Pucallpa para proponerle usos, as铆 como identificar relaciones gue puedan asociar las propiedades f铆sicas, espec铆fic ament e la densidad basica y las principales propiedades me c谩ni c as en condici贸n saturada. La colecci贸n, preparacion de muestras para el estudio anat贸mico y f铆sico - mec谩nico se realiz贸 en base a lo establecido por las Normas Tecnicas Peruanas y las determinaciones experimentales en el Laboratorio de Anatom铆a y Tecnolog铆a de la madera del departamento de Industrias Forestales de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Malina. Los resultados cuantitativos obtenidos en anatom铆a y propiedades f铆sico- mec谩nicas fueron analizados estad铆sticamente, verificando los valores permisibles de c oeficientes de variabilidad para las diferentes propiedades. Del anal铆sis de regresi贸n, se determin贸 una ecuaci贸n de regresi贸n lineal y c onjuntament e con un analisis de correlaci贸n han permitido est ablecer re l aciones lineales significativas entre la densidad y resistencia me c 谩nica que se pone de manifiesto por los valores de correlaci贸n y determinaci贸n obtenidos. En relaci贸n a la aptitud de usos probables para la especie se indican los siguientes: Laminado de chapas, carpinter铆a de obra (interiores, tabiquer铆a, zocal os).Tesi

    Las semillas forestales en el Per煤: desaf铆os y oportunidades

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    Describe el sistema nacional de semillas forestales a nivel de los actores de la producci贸n, se trabajo en base a encuestas, se hace una revisi贸n hist贸rica del sistema y se identifican desaf铆os y oportunidades para consolidar el sistema de semillas forestales en el Per煤