29 research outputs found

    Сформированные наночастицами сплавы V–Cd: получение, фазовый состав и структура

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    The results of the study of targeted sputtering and deposition of ultrafine vanadium and cadmium particles on substrates that are not heated and shifted with respect to the substrate plasma currents are revealed. As a result of the conducted studies, coatings were obtained in the range with a concentration of cadmium from 9.6 to 88.6 at.%. The critical size of vanadium particles capable of forming alloys with cadmium is 0.6 nm. The concentration limit for the presence of solid solutions of cadmium in vanadium is the cadmium content of ~37 at.%, at a higher cadmium content the film coating is represented by a mixture of cadmium phases and a solid solution of cadmium in vanadium. The dependence of the lattice parameter of α-vanadium on the content of cadmium in it corresponds to the expression: а [nm] = 8·10–4СCd + 0.3707, where СCd is the concentration of cadmium, at.%. On the surface of the sample in the region of solid solutions (31.6 at.% Cd), the presence of threadlike crystals of cadmium was found, the reason for the appearance of which is the lattice pressure of the matrix metal. Annealing of films rich in cadmium (69.5 at.%) in vacuum is accompanied by cracking of the coating and the formation of pores. The latter can be used as a method for obtaining porous vanadium.Приведены результаты исследований распыления и осаждения ультрадисперсных частиц ванадия и кадмия на необогреваемые и перемещаемые относительно потоков плазмы подложки. Были получены покрытия в интервале концентраций кадмия от 9,6 до 88,6 ат.%. Критическим размером частиц ванадия, способных к образованию сплавов с кадмием, определена величина 0,6 нм. Концентрационной границей существования твердых растворов кадмия в ванадии является содержание кадмия ~37 ат.%, при большей его доли пленочное покрытие представлено смесью фаз кадмия и твердого раствора кадмия в ванадии. Зависимость параметра решетки α-ванадия от содержания кадмия в нем соответствует следующему выражению: а [нм] = 8·10–4СCd + + 0,3707, где СCd – концентрация кадмия, ат.%. На поверхности образца в области твердых растворов (31,6 ат.% Cd) обнаружено наличие нитевидных кристаллов кадмия, причиной появления которых является решеточное давление матричного металла. Отжиг богатых по содержанию кадмия пленок (69,5 ат.%) в вакууме сопровождается растрескиванием покрытия и образованием пор. Последнее может быть использовано как метод получения пористого ванадия

    Some Insights into Cluster Structure of 9Be from 3He + 9Be Reaction

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    The study of inelastic scattering and multi-nucleon transfer reactions was performed by bombarding a 9Be target with a 3He beam at the incident energy of 30 MeV. Angular distributions for 9Be(3He, 3He) 9Be, 9Be (3He, 3He) 8Be, 9Be (3He, 7Be) 5He, 9Be (3He, 6Li) 6Li and 9Be (3He, 7Li) 5Li reaction channels were measured. Experimental angular distributions for the corresponding ground states (g.s.) were analyzed within the framework of the optical model, the coupled-channel approach and the distorted-wave Born approximation. Cross sections for channels leading to unbound 5Heg.s., 5Lig.s. and 8Be systems were obtained from singles measurements where the relationship between the energy and the scattering angle of the observed stable ejectile was constrained by two-body kinematics. Information on the cluster structure of 9Be was obtained from the transfer channels. It was concluded that cluster transfer was an important mechanism in the investigated nuclear reaction channels. In the present work an attempt was made to estimate the relative strengths of the interesting (n + 8Be) and (α + 5He) cluster configurations in 9Be. The contributions of different exit channels have been determined confirming that the (α + 5He) configuration plays an important role. The configuration of 8Be consisting of two bound helium clusters (5He + 6He) is significantly suppressed, whereas the two-body configurations (n + 8Be) and (α + 5He) including unbound 8Be and 5He are found more probable