45 research outputs found

    CT enterography as a powerful tool for the evaluation of inflammatory activity in Crohn's disease: relationship of CT findings with CDAI and acute-phase reactants

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    Few studies have correlated computed tomography enterography (CTE) findings with Crohn's disease (CD) clinical and biochemical activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate correlations between CTE findings with CD activity.The CTE datasets from 62 patients were retrospectively reviewed for different parameters: bowel wall thickening and hyperenhancement, mesenteric alterations, abdominal free fluid and complications related to the disease (fistulas, strictures, abscesses). Activity was assessed using the Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and some biochemical markers (C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, alpha 2-globulins, fibrinogen, platelets, haemoglobin). Correlations between CTE parameters, clinical activity score and laboratory parameters were assessed by logistic regression.CDAI was significantly correlated with increased fat density (p = 0.03) and intestinal strictures (p = 0.04). Platelet counts were elevated in patients with enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes (p = 0.009) and the comb sign (p = 0.05). Serum alpha 2-globulins were higher in the presence of the comb sign (p = 0.03).The CTE finding of perienteric inflammation (increased fat density) and vascular engorgement of the vasa recta in CD patients suggest that the disease is clinically active and that these patients may require more aggressive treatment than patients without these findings

    Swallowing disorders after thyroidectomy: What we know and where we are. A systematic review

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    Introduction Dysphagia and hoarseness are possible complications that can be observed in patients undergoing thyroidectomy or other neck surgery procedures. These complaints are usually related to superior and inferior laryngeal nerves dysfunction, but these can appear even after uncomplicated surgical procedure. Methods We reviewed the current literature available on MEDLINE database, concerning the swallowing disorders appearing after the thyroidectomy. The articles included in the review reported pathophysiology and diagnostic concerns. Results Twenty articles were selected for inclusion in the review. Depends on the possible causes of the difficulty swallowing (related to nerve damage or appearing after uncomplicated thyroidectomy), different types of diagnostic procedures could be used to study patient discomfort, as well as intraoperative nerve monitoring, fiber optic laryngoscopy, endoscopy, pH monitoring, esophageal manometry and videofluorography. Among all these procedures, videofluorography is considered the gold standard to evaluate the entire swallowing process, since that allows a real-time study of all the three phases of swallowing: oral phase, pharyngeal phase and esophageal phase. Conclusion The diagnostic procedures described can help to identify the mechanisms involved in swallowing disorders, with the aim to choose the best therapeutic option. More studies are needed for understanding the causes of the dysphagia appearing after thyroidectomy

    Swallowing evaluation with videofluoroscopy in the paediatric population

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    Paediatric swallowing disorders can have several causes, from prematurity and congenital anomalies to gastro-oesophageal reflux and infective or inflammatory pathologies of the upper digestive tract. In neonates, the swallowing process is reflexive and involuntary. Later in infancy, the oral phase comes under voluntary control, while the pharyngeal phase and oesophageal phases remain involuntary. Swallowing difficulties can severely compromise pulmonary health and nutritional intake of paediatric patients. Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS) is a radiographic procedure that provides a dynamic view of the swallowing process and is frequently considered to be definitive evaluation for objective assessment of dysphagia in paediatric patients. This review focuses on the different possible aetiologies of paediatric swallowing disorders and related videofluoroscopic swallowing study procedures and appearances

    A comparison of Bayesian and non-linear regression methods for robust estimation of pharmacokinetics in DCE-MRI and how it affects cancer diagnosis

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    The aim of this work is to compare Bayesian Inference for nonlinear models with commonly used traditional non-linear regression (NR) algorithms for estimating tracer kinetics in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI). The algorithms are compared in terms of accuracy, and reproducibility under different initialization settings. Further it is investigated how a more robust estimation of tracer kinetics affects cancer diagnosis. The derived tracer kinetics from the Bayesian algorithm were validated against traditional NR algorithms (i.e. Levenberg-Marquardt, simplex) in terms of accuracy on a digital DCE phantom and in terms of goodness-of-fit (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) on ROI-based concentration time courses from two different patient cohorts. The first cohort consisted of 76 men, 20 of whom had significant peripheral zone prostate cancer (any cancer-core-length (CCL) with Gleason>3+3 or any-grade with CCL>=4mm) following transperineal template prostate mapping biopsy. The second cohort consisted of 9 healthy volunteers and 24 patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. The diagnostic ability of the derived tracer kinetics was assessed with receiver operating characteristic area under curve (ROC AUC) analysis. The Bayesian algorithm accurately recovered the ground-truth tracer kinetics for the digital DCE phantom consistently improving the Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) across the 50 different initializations compared to NR. For optimized initialization, Bayesian did not improve significantly the fitting accuracy on both patient cohorts, and it only significantly improved the ve ROC AUC on the HN population from ROC AUC=0.56 for the simplex to ROC AUC=0.76. For both cohorts, the values and the diagnostic ability of tracer kinetic parameters estimated with the Bayesian algorithm weren't affected by their initialization. To conclude, the Bayesian algorithm led to a more accurate and reproducible quantification of tracer kinetic parameters in DCE-MRI, improving their ROC-AUC and decreasing their dependence on initialization settings

    Usefulness of SonoVue in the identification of sentinel nodes in patients with breast cancer

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    Purpose Preoperative lymphoscintigraphy, introduced accordingly to sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), is considered the gold standard for accurate axillary lymph node staging for breast cancer [4-9]. The technique, for the low radiation doses used (average absorbed doses of 0.5-1 mGy), is considered the almost devoid of carcinogenic potential. However lymphoscintigraphy has limitations such as the need of specialized medical and technician personnel and having to follow the strict and precise protectionist rules. Lymphatic imaging after intraparenchymal microbubble injection has been reported in animal models, and only few papers report human use. The aim of our study was to investigate the dynamics of intradermal injection of microbubbles as they travel to draining SLNs and to identify and localize SLNs before surgery in patients with breast cancer. Methods and Materials 14 consecutive consenting women (mean age 61 years, range 39-70), with primary breast cancer were subjected to periareolar intradermal injection of of 0.5 ml of SonoVue (Bracco Imaging, Milan, Italy), of the upper outer quadrant for the identification of the sentinel lymph node. A IU 22 scanner (Philips Ultrasound,Bothell,WA,USA), with a 3-9 MHz linear transducer and Pulse-inversion harmonic imaging tool were used to image the progression of CEUS (contrast enhancement ultra sound). After introduction of the contrast agent the patients were monitored ultrasonographically for 120 minutes, performing a dermal massage. Results In all patients were identified lymphatic pathways that were followed only for few centimeters from the injection site of microbubbles. In no patient was identified the sentinel node. Conclusion The echo scintigraphy with SonoVue in our experience does not seem to be a reproducible method for the study of the sentinel lymph node. The few studies in the literature seem to confirm the reduced reliability of the method that needs to be improved

    Imaging assessment of paediatric Crohn's disease: A literature review

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    Owing to the frequent absence of specific symptoms, diagnosis of Crohn's disease may be delayed, potentially leading to important patient morbidity, growth failure, pubertal delay, or a complicated form of the disease. In paediatric patients with Crohn's disease, radiation protection requires special consideration, and choosing the most appropriate imaging modality is crucial. All radiologists should be familiar with the main imaging characteristics of Crohn's disease. Therefore, the present study reviews the current literature on imaging modalities and main imaging characteristics of Crohn's disease. Magnetic resonance imaging is recommended for diagnosis of Crohn's disease in paediatric patients because it is able to precisely define the presence, the extent, the grade of activity, and the principal complications of the disease without any radiation exposure

    Barotraumatic blowout fracture of the orbit after sneezing: Cone beam CT demonstration

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    A 40-year-old man with no history of trauma or previous sinus surgery complained sudden right diplopia after vigorous sneezing. The patient was submitted elsewhere to a MRI study for persisting diplopia, with inconclusive findings. One week later the patient was submitted to a maxillofacial cone beam CT (CBCT) in our Institution. A blowout fracture of the right orbital floor and lateral orbital wall with an intact orbital rim and a ipsilateral maxillary sinus effusion with an air liquid level, were detected at the CBCT study. Our conclusion, confirmed by the clinician, was the patient had a barotraumatic, isolated, pure blowout fracture of the right orbit consequence of the episode of vigorous sneezing. The patient was treated by steroid and antibiotic therapy and diplopia resolved after two weeks. Clinicians and radiologists should be aware that a barotraumatic blowout fracture of the orbit after sneezing should be included among the unusual causes of sudden diplopia

    Unusual case of continuous urinary dribbling in a young female due to unknown complex urogenital malformation: Magnetic resonance features

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    Congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) occur in up to 3.2% of infants, and in almost one third of cases they are associated to genital aberrations. DMSA renal scintigraphy is considered the gold standard in CAKUT patients, to assess renal function, depict and locate ectopic kidney and to guide eventual surgical management. Recent cases have shown the noticeable limit of scintigraphy in detecting poorly functional renal moieties and associated genital anomalies; thus leading to a substantial delay in therapy, and, in females, to severe uro-gynecological complications. We herein describe a case of a young girl with unusual urinary dribbling, where DSMA scintigraphy was not diriment. MRI provided correct diagnosis of both CAKUT and IHVIRA syndrome, being crucial for patient’s management and short and long-term outcome. This preliminary experience suggests that MR can be fully feasible for detecting congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract along with associated genital malformations, and that it can be a better alternative to DSMA scintigraphy, especially in such a vulnerable population, and when delay in diagnosis of gynecological associated aberrations could be life-threatening or could attempt to future fertility

    Firing technique characterization of black-slipped pottery in Praeneste by low field 2D NMR relaxometry

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    This study was aimed at individuating characteristics related to the pottery's firing technique of Classical Roman producers, through the low field single-sided NMR relaxometry. The approach is based on a recent method of analysis, the correlation of the longitudinal and transverse NMR relaxation times of a liquid probe (in this case distilled water) filling the porous system of ceramics. The analyzed findings form two homogeneous classes with dating and place of production well established through the producer trademarks. Pottery findings belong to the black-slipped pottery productions of the Latin ancient city of Praeneste between third and second century B.C. and have been attributed to two different " patriziae" production families: gens Samiaria and gens Trebonia. A further fragment with Greek kylix style, found in the same archaeological area, has also been analyzed, in order to understand if it had been imported from Greece, or made in Praeneste in imitation of the Greek style