132 research outputs found

    Haemophilia, the journey in search of a cure. 1960–2020

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    The single most important step on the path to our modern understanding of blood coagulation and haemophilia in the 20th century was taken by British pathologist Robert Gwyn Macfarlane with his 1964 publication ‘An enzyme cascade in the blood clotting mechanism, and its function as a biochemical amplifier’. In the same year, Ratnoff and Davie in the USA reached the same conclusion. Macfarlane and Rosemary Biggs had previously, in 1952, discovered factor IX as the factor deficient in haemophilia B. In 1973, Arthur Bloom defined the distinct role of Factor VIII and von Willebrand factor in haemophilia A and von Willebrand’s disease respectively. This inspired the efforts of Tuddenham and his group towards the purification of Factor VIII which reached homogeneity in 1982, leading to the cloning of the Factor VIII gene in 1984 in collaboration with US scientists at Genentech, which in turn enabled development of safe recombinant factor concentrates for patients with haemophilia. Brownlee cloned the factor IX gene in 1982 at the Sir William Dunn Institute of Pathology in Oxford. This led eventually to the first successful trial of gene therapy for haemophilia B in 2011 by the Nathwani group at UCL, which built on pioneering work of US groups and was partnered with St Jude in Memphis where Nathwani started the project. This trial has fuelled the current quest for a functional cure of haemophilia A and B. The UK has, therefore, made a rich contribution to advances in haemostasis over the last 60 years, often in partnership with other groups across the world

    Advances in Gene Therapy for Haemophilia.

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    Gene therapy provides hope for a cure for patients with haemophilia by establishing continuous endogenous expression of factor VIII or factor IX following transfer of a functional gene copy to replace the haemophilic patient's own defective gene. Haemophilia may be considered a 'low hanging fruit' for gene therapy because a small increment in blood factor levels (≥2% of normal) significantly improves the bleeding tendency from severe to moderate, eliminating most spontaneous bleeds. After decades of research, the first trial to provide clear evidence of efficiency after gene transfer in patients with haemophilia B using adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors was reported by our group in 2011. This has been followed by unprecedented activity in this area with the commencement of 7 new early Phase trials involving over 55 patients with haemophilia A or haemophilia B. These studies have, in large part, generated promising clinical data that lay a strong foundation for gene therapy to move forward rapidly to market authorisation. In this review, we discuss the data from our studies and emerging results from other gene therapy trials in both haemophilia A and B

    Interaction Between the a3 Region of Factor VIII and the TIL'E’ Domains of the von Willebrand Factor

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    The von Willebrand factor (VWF) and coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) are intricately involved in hemostasis. A tight, noncovalent complex between VWF and FVIII prolongs the half-life of FVIII in plasma, and failure to form this complex leads to rapid clearance of FVIII and bleeding diatheses such as hemophilia A and von Willebrand disease (VWD) type 2N. High-resolution insight into the complex between VWF and FVIII has so far been strikingly lacking. This is particularly the case for the flexible a3 region of FVIII, which is imperative for high-affinity binding. Here, a structural and biophysical characterization of the interaction between VWF and FVIII is presented with focus on two of the domains that have been proven pivotal for mediating the interaction, namely the a3 region of FVIII and the TIL’E’ domains of VWF. Binding between the FVIII a3 region and VWF TIL’E’ was here observed using NMR spectroscopy, where chemical shift changes were localized to two β-sheet regions on the edge of TIL’E’ upon FVIII a3 region binding. Isothermal titration calorimetry and NMR spectroscopy were used to characterize the interaction between FVIII and TIL’E’ as well as mutants of TIL’E’, which further highlights the importance of the β-sheet region of TIL’E’ for high-affinity binding. Overall, the results presented provide new insight into the role the FVIII a3 region plays for complex formation between VWF and FVIII and the β-sheet region of TIL’E’ is shown to be important for FVIII binding. Thus, the results pave the way for further high-resolution insights into this imperative complex

    Genetic analysis of haemophilia A in Bulgaria

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    BACKGROUND: Haemophilias are the most common hereditary severe disorders of blood clotting. In families afflicted with heamophilia, genetic analysis provides opportunities to prevent recurrence of the disease. This study establishes a diagnostical strategy for carriership determination and prenatal diagnostics of haemophilia A in Bulgarian haemophilic population. METHODS: A diagnostical strategy consisting of screening for most common mutations in the factor VIII gene and analysis of a panel of eight linked to the factor VIII gene locus polymorphisms was established. RESULTS: Polymorphic analysis for carrier status determination of haemophilia A was successful in 30 families out of 32 (94%). Carrier status was determined in 25 of a total of 28 women at risk (89%). Fourteen prenatal diagnoses in women at high risk of having a haemophilia A – affected child were performed, resulting in 6 healthy boys and 5 girls. CONCLUSION: The compound approach proves to be a highly informative and cost-effective strategy for prevention of recurrence of haemophilia A in Bulgaria. DNA analysis facilitates carriership determination and subsequent prenatal diagnosis in the majority of Bulgarian families affected by haemophilia A

    Normal Haemostasis

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    Normal Haemostasis

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