78 research outputs found
The space-clamped Hodgkin-Huxley system with random synaptic input: inhibition of spiking by weak noise and analysis with moment equations
We consider a classical space-clamped Hodgkin-Huxley model neuron stimulated
by synaptic excitation and inhibition with conductances represented by
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Using numerical solutions of the stochastic model
system obtained by an Euler method, it is found that with excitation only there
is a critical value of the steady state excitatory conductance for repetitive
spiking without noise and for values of the conductance near the critical value
small noise has a powerfully inhibitory effect. For a given level of inhibition
there is also a critical value of the steady state excitatory conductance for
repetitive firing and it is demonstrated that noise either in the excitatory or
inhibitory processes or both can powerfully inhibit spiking. Furthermore, near
the critical value, inverse stochastic resonance was observed when noise was
present only in the inhibitory input process.
The system of 27 coupled deterministic differential equations for the
approximate first and second order moments of the 6-dimensional model is
derived. The moment differential equations are solved using Runge-Kutta methods
and the solutions are compared with the results obtained by simulation for
various sets of parameters including some with conductances obtained by
experiment on pyramidal cells of rat prefrontal cortex. The mean and variance
obtained from simulation are in good agreement when there is spiking induced by
strong stimulation and relatively small noise or when the voltage is
fluctuating at subthreshold levels. In the occasional spike mode sometimes
exhibited by spinal motoneurons and cortical pyramidal cells the assunptions
underlying the moment equation approach are not satisfied
Computational modeling of spike generation in serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleu
We consider here a single-compartment model of these neurons which is capable
of describing many of the known features of spike generation, particularly the
slow rhythmic pacemaking activity often observed in these cells in a variety of
species. Included in the model are ten kinds of voltage dependent ion channels
as well as calcium-dependent potassium current. Calcium dynamics includes
buffering and pumping. In sections 3-9, each component is considered in detail
and parameters estimated from voltage clamp data where possible. In the next
two sections simplified versions of some components are employed to explore the
effects of various parameters on spiking, using a systematic approach, ending
up with the following eleven components: a fast sodium current , a
delayed rectifier potassium current , a transient potassium current
, a low-threshold calcium current , two high threshold calcium
currents and , small and large conductance potassium currents
and , a hyperpolarization-activated cation current , a
leak current and intracellular calcium ion concentration .
Attention is focused on the properties usually associated with these neurons,
particularly long duration of action potential, pacemaker-like spiking and the
ramp-like return to threshold after a spike. In some cases the membrane
potential trajectories display doublets or have kinks or notches as have been
reported in some experimental studies. The computed time courses of and
during the interspike interval support the generally held view of a
competition between them in influencing the frequency of spiking. Spontaneous
spiking could be obtained with small changes in a few parameters from their
values with driven spiking.Comment: The abstract has been truncate
Random fluctuations at an equilibrium of a nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation
AbstractThe expectation of a dynamical variable satisfying a general nonlinear diffusion equation with small random fluctuations about an equilibrium point is found to order ϵ2. The dependence of the magnitude and direction of shift of the mean from the equilibrium on the properties of the nonlinear term is established
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