3 research outputs found
Cinematograph to Cinema
- Author
- Arbastani C.F.
- Arbastani C.F.
- Blackton J. Stuart
- Brabin Charles
- Bratton J.
- Brenon Herbert
- Brown R.
- Butler Alexander
- Chabria S.
- Charney L.
- Colby A.E.
- Diqui B.
- Divekar Vishnupant
- Divekar Vishnupant
- Dotiwala Rustomji
- Duncan William
- Dwan Allan
- Edwardes S.M.
- Edwards J. Gordon
- Elvey Maurice
- Federico A.R.
- Gasnier Louis
- Grand Camille de
- Grandon Francis J.
- Guazzoni Enrico
- Hampton R.K.
- Hansell Howell
- Hansell Howell
- Harvey Harry
- Henley Hobart
- Julian Rupert
- Kenton Erle C.
- Laemmle Edward
- Lahue K.C.
- Lee L.O.
- Liabel André
- MacRae Henry
- Maltby R.
- Master Homi
- May L.
- McGowan J.P.
- Mudaliar Nataraja
- Nash Percy
- Naylor D.
- Negroni Baldassarre
- Nollen S.A.
- Pandya V.
- Pastrone Giovanni
- Patankar S.N.
- Patankar S.N.
- Paton Stuart
- Paton Stuart
- Phalke D.G.
- Phalke D.G.
- Phalke D.G.
- Phalke D.G.
- Pouctal Henri
- Rajadhyaksha A.
- Sane Gajanan V.
- Sane Gajanan V.
- Sane Gajanan V.
- Seitz George B.
- Shah C.V.
- Singer B.
- Singh Suchet
- Singh Suchet
- Sullivan Fredrick
- Thomson Fredrick A.
- Tucker George Loane
- Waller G.A.
- Worne Duke
- Yajnik R.K.
- Young James
- Zhang Y.
- Zhen Z.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Damaged Goods
- Author
- Alan Brant
- Although these two films are named in the article an exhaustive search conducted of MPW and online has offered no tangible results for the years, directors, or production companies for God’s Good Man, aside from a 1919 British production.
- Barnum remains famous for his advertising techniques that hinged on offering all style and little substance.
- Cassel
- Cassel
- Cassel
- Cassel
- Cassel
- D. W. Johnson
- Films dealing with the white slave trade are perhaps the most famous of the social problem films to be released in the transitional era. Titles such as Traffic in Souls (George Loane Tucker 1913) and Inside of the White Slave Traffic (Frank Beal, 1913) were controversial and popular in American cities.
- For example film historians Paul Moore, Ben Singer, Miriam Bratu Hansen, Tom Gunning, and Michael Aronson have all placed significant emphasis on the connections between modernity and cinema in the context of early film exhibition and social anxiety in metropolitan America. In these works, a direct correlation between the development of a conception of modernity in a community and the rise of public amusements, as highlighted by the establishment of motion-picture theatres, can be recognized
- For more on the public conception of VD infection in Canada and the United States
- For more recent research in “useful” films and the movement toward an educative cinema
- George Potamianos
- Jay Cassel
- John F. Kasson
- Loren Lerner
- Richardson was initially motivated to tour the region because his wife was born in Digby
- Robert M. Seiler
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Seiler
- Shelly Stamp
- Sinclair
- The contrast to this film would be the white slave trade films that had been the subject of a censorship battle in the United States.
- The play was novelized by Upton Sinclair in 1913 with the permission of Brieux. It is this version of the story from which I have garnered the summary of the plot. Although there were differences between the novel play, and film, these will be accounted for using reviews of the film published at the time of its initial release in 1915.
- This group is present in the pages of MPW in 1916 and 1917 (though absent in 1918 and 1919) but does not appear in any of the local newspapers that have been surveyed. Although from an industry standpoint this was an important development in the Maritime film industry, the public appear to have been generally unaware of the group’s existence.
- W. Stephen Bush
- Publication venue
- 'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
From carotenoid intake to carotenoid blood and tissue concentrations – implications for dietary intake recommendations
- Author
- Adams
- Agata Wawrzyniak
- Aguilar
- Akuffo
- Akuffo
- Al-Delaimy
- Al-Delaimy
- Alaluf
- Albanes
- Alien
- Andersen
- Angel R de Lera
- Anlasik
- Arab
- Asai
- Asai
- Aust
- Bauernfeind
- Begoña Olmedilla-Alonso
- Beltran-de-Miguel
- Berendschot
- Bernstein
- Bernstein
- Biehler
- Biehler
- Biesalski
- Bjelakovic
- Blot
- Boerwinkle
- Bohm
- Bohn
- Bohn
- Bohn
- Bohn
- Bohn
- Bone
- Borel
- Borel
- Borel
- Borel
- Borel
- Borel
- Brady
- Brigitte M Winklhofer-Roob
- Broekmans
- Bruzzone
- Bub
- Buhr
- Buijsse
- Burke
- Burri
- Burri
- Canfield
- Cardinault
- Carpenter K Harper
- Carrol
- Charles Desmarchelier
- Chew
- Chung
- Clark
- Clinton
- Collins
- Cooperstone
- Cooperstone
- Coral-Hinostroza
- Corte-Real
- Corte-Real
- Craft
- Crosby-Nwaobi
- Curran-Celentano
- Czeczuga-Semeniuk
- Czeczuga-Semeniuk
- Czeczuga-Semeniuk
- Czeczuga-Semeniuk
- David Phelan
- de Azeredo
- de Pee
- de Pee
- de Ridder
- Desmarchelier
- Deuel
- Diana Bánati
- Dietzel
- Diwadkar-Navsariwala
- Donaldson
- Dwyer
- El-Sohemy
- Elisavet Valanou
- Emmanuelle Reboul
- Erdman
- Ermakov
- Ermakov
- Estevez-Santiago
- Estevez-Santiago
- Estévez-Santiago
- Ferrari
- Flynn
- Forman
- Franke
- Fraser
- Fröhlich
- Gabriel
- Gamboa-Pinto
- Ge
- Georg Lietz
- George
- Gilbert
- Gollnick
- Goralczyk
- Gossage
- Goulinet
- Granado
- Granado-Lorencio
- Green
- Grolier
- Grolier
- Grosso
- Grune
- Guerin
- Guri
- Hamer
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Handelman
- Hashimoto
- Haskell
- Hennekens
- Herbeth
- Hiscock
- Hitoe
- Hodge
- Horvath
- Hozawa
- Huang
- Irina Milisav
- Jahns
- Jaworowska
- Jean-Francois Landrier
- Jenab
- Jenab
- Joana Corte-Real
- Joanna Dulinska-Litewka
- Johannes M Roob
- John Nolan
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Junqueira
- Kabagambe
- Kaplan
- Kardinaal
- Karppi
- Kaulmann
- Keaney
- Kelly
- Khachik
- Kim
- Kirby
- Kirby
- Korobelnik
- Kostic
- Kotake-Nara
- Kraemer
- Kregel
- Krinsky
- Latscha
- Lecomte
- Lee
- Leermakers
- Leo
- Li
- Li
- Lietz
- Lietz
- Lima
- Lin
- Lipkie
- Loane
- Loughman
- Lucarini
- Lyle
- Ma
- Macdonald
- Maeda
- Magnone
- Maharshak
- Maoka
- Mapelli-Brahm
- Mares
- Marisa Porrini
- Massenti
- Mathews-Roth
- Mayen
- Mayne
- McClure
- Melendez-Martinez
- Mercke
- Micozzi
- Miyashita
- Moran
- Moran
- Moran
- Mortensen
- Moussa
- MĂĽller
- Naguib
- Neuringer
- Nolan
- Nolan
- Nolan
- Nolan
- Nolan
- Nolan
- Nolan
- Nolan
- Novotny
- Olmedilla
- Olmedilla
- Olmedilla
- Olmedilla
- Olmedilla
- Olmedilla-Alonso
- Olson
- Omenn
- Osth
- O’Neill
- Paetau
- Palan
- Palli
- Pappalardo
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Patrick Borel
- Patrizia Riso
- Peirce
- Pezdirc
- Pipis
- Porrini
- Porrini
- Prentice
- Ralph RĂĽhl
- Ranard
- Rapp
- Reboul
- Reifen
- Rios
- Riso
- Rosenthal
- Rust
- RĂĽhl
- Sachindra
- Satia
- Sauberlich
- Schierle
- Schmitz
- Schwarz
- Sette
- Shao
- Shardell
- Skeie
- Snodderly
- Snodderly
- Sommerburg
- Song
- Stahl
- Stahl
- Stahl
- Stringham
- Su
- Sugawara
- Sugiura
- Sy
- Talegawkar
- Talegawkar
- Tang
- Tangney
- Tanumihardjo
- Tariq
- Torsten Bohn
- Trieschmann
- Trobs
- Tucker
- Umigai
- van der Made
- van het Hof
- Van Loo-Bouwman
- van Vliet
- Virtanen
- Vishwanathan
- Volker Böhm
- von Lintig
- Vrieling
- Walfisch
- Wallstrom
- Walmsley
- Wang
- Wang
- Watzl
- Wawrzyniak
- Wei
- West
- Willers
- Wood
- Wu
- Yang
- Yeum
- Yonekura
- Yong
- Zareparsi
- Zhao
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study