23 research outputs found


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    Obiectivul este de a stabili factorii de risc şi prevalenţa formelor clinice de AJI cu evidenţierea difi cultăţilor de încadrare la debut şi în evoluţie luând în studiu un lot semnifi cativ de bolnavi (169 cazuri). Formele clinice conturate (în ordinea frecvenţei) au fost: oligoarticulară (44, 17%), poliarticulară cu FR negativ (33,13), entezită (11,24%), sistemică (5,91%), poliarticulară cu FR pozitiv (2,95%) şi psoriazică (2,36%). Analiza individualizată a cazuisticii a scos în evidenţă durata de la debutul real al bolii până la diagnostic, cât şi factorii de risc pentru AJI (în ordinea frecvenţei): traumatici (9,46%), antecedente familiale pozitive (5,32%) şi infecţioşi (2,36%). De asemenea, a fost evidenţiată posibilitatea transformării unei forme clinice în alta chiar sub tratament adecvat

    Voltammetric studies on mercury behavior in different aqueous solutions for further development of a warning system designed for environmental monitoring

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    This article presents some results concerning the electrochemical detection of mercury in different aqueous solutions, using the following electrodes: platinum-disk electrode (PDE), carbon paste electrode (CPE) and glass carbon electrode (GCE). Using the voltam­metric technique applied on the above mentioned electrodes, the experimental conditi­ons were established in order to obtain the maximum current peaks, in terms of the best analytical characteristics for mercury analyses. The dependence equations of cathodic current intensity on the scan rate were established in the case of mercury ion discharge in each prepared solution of 0.984 mM HgCl2 in different electrolyte background: 0.1 M KCl, 0.1 M H2SO4 and 0.9 % NaCl. Among the three investigated electrodes, the carbon paste electrode presented the highest detection sensitivity toward mercury ions in the aqueous solution. It was observed that, at a low scanning rate, the pH had an in­si­gnificant influence over the current peak intensity; however, the quantification of this in­fluence was achieved using a quadratic polynomial equation, which could prevent the er­rors in mercury detection in case of industrial waste stream pH changes. The calibration curves for mercury in 0.9 % NaCl solution and in the tap water respectively were carried out

    Evoluţia principalilor parametrii fizico-chimici din vinul de fetească neagră în urma tratării vinului cu compuşi cu structură azaheterociclică

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    The present study describes the evolution of the main phisico- chemical parameters from Fetească neagră wine after treatment with azaheterocycles compounds. The physical and chemical analysis emphasizes the wine peculiarities. In our work were analyzed: free SO2 and total SO2, volatile acidity, total acidity, density, alcoholic concentration, remanent sugars, pH. For each parameter the study was performed according to the methods and regulations of the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV)


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    Statusul infl amator sistemic este implicat în leziunile vasculare incipiente. Artrita indusă de adjuvant la şobolan este un model de artrită experimentală frecvent utilizat, datorită caracteristicilor comune cu artrita reumatoidă. Obiectiv: Studiu experimental privind afectarea relaxării endotelio-dependente la şobolani cu AIA şi efectul terapiei imunomodulatoare cu etanercept. Material şi metodă: Am utilizat şobolani Wistar masculi, cu greutatea variind între 250-300 g. Artrita a fost indusă printr-o singură injectare intradermică de 0,1 ml adjuvant complet Freund la nivelul suprafeţei plantare a lăbuţei drepte. Severitatea artritei a fost cuantifi cată prin metoda pletismometrică. Injectarea subcutanată de etanercept s-a efectuat de două ori pe săptămână, începând cu ziua 22 postimunizare, timp de 21 de zile. Reactivitatea vasculară a fost determinată la nivelul arterei poplitee. După precontractarea cu fenilefrină, am determinat răspunsul vasodilatator la acetilcolină. Rezultate: Vasodilataţia indusă de acetilcolină la nivelul inelelor de arteră poplitee este semnifi cativ mai mică în loturile de şobolani cu AIA, comparativ cu loturile de control. Etanerceptul reduce disfuncţia endotelială la şobolanii cu AIA. Concluzii: Statusul infl amator cauzează o disfuncţie endotelială semnifi cativă la şobolanii cu AIA. Terapia imunomodulatoare cu etanercept a îmbunătăţit semnifi cativ disfuncţia endotelială

    Applications of Ionic Liquids in Carboxylic Acids Separation

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) are considered a green viable organic solvent substitute for use in the extraction and purification of biosynthetic products (derived from biomass—solid/liquid extraction, or obtained through fermentation—liquid/liquid extraction). In this review, we analyzed the ionic liquids (greener alternative for volatile organic media in chemical separation processes) as solvents for extraction (physical and reactive) and pertraction (extraction and transport through liquid membranes) in the downstream part of organic acids production, focusing on current advances and future trends of ILs in the fields of promoting environmentally friendly products separation


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    Air pollution is one of the domains in which the European Union has been most active by controlling the emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Although it has one of the world’s highest environmental standards, European Union is still far from achieving levels of air quality that is acceptable to humans and the environment. The effect of air pollution on health has considerable economic impacts, cutting lives short, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity through working days. This study analyzes the air quality legislation that Member States have to implement in order to maintain the best environmental conditions and presents Iasi County’s air quality monitoring system as a part of the national and European monitoring network

    Derivați de piridazină cu activitate antimicrobiană

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    Twenty nine pyridazine derivatives (3 salts and 25 pyrrolopyridazine cycloadducts) were prepared and tested in vitro as antimicrobial compounds. Some of them have proved to have a remarkable activity against different microorganisms (germs and fungi)

    Pyridazinic Bioisosteres with Potential Applications in Medicinal Chemistry and Agriculture

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    Bioisosteres are substituents or groups (atoms, ions, or molecules) with similar chemical or physical properties, and which usually have similar biological properties. Pyridazine and its derivatives are invaluable scaffolds in medicinal chemistry, having a large variety of activities such as antibacterial, antifungal, antimalarial, anticancer, antituberculosis, antihypertensive, etc. Also, the pyridazine core is of high interest in agriculture, being used as a growth factor for plants, herbicides, etc. This study aims to review our previous contributions related to antimicrobials and the germination and seedling capabilities of some seeds and plants of some pyridazine classical and nonclassical bioisosteres. So, we present herein the synthesis (under conventional thermal heating and microwave irradiation) and spectral characterization of seven series of pyridazine bioisosteres, the in vitro antimicrobial activity (against different strains of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi), and the biologic effect on wheat germination and seedling growth. Some pyridazine bioisosteres proved to have very good activity against pathogenic bacterial strains, with some spectacular results. Overall, nonclassical bioisosteres prove to have better antibacterial and antifungal activity compared with classical bioisosteres. The pyridazine bioisosteres may influence the wheat germination rate, seedling growth, height, and weight of the plantlets. Feasible explanations for this behaviour were furnished