69 research outputs found

    VIVAā€“ A NEW RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense L.) CULTIVAR

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    Sorta crvene djeteline Viva stvorena je na Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek nakon pet ciklusa fenotipske rekurentne selekcije. Viva je srednje rana diploidna sorta, tolerantna na niske temperature, polijeganje i ekonomski najznačajnije bolesti. Ova sorta posjeduje visok genetski potencijal za prinos i kvalitetu krme, a odlikuje se brzom regeneracijom biljaka nakon koÅ”nje. Visoku agronomsku vrijednost ove sorte potvrdili su i službeni rezultati ispitivanja gospodarski važnih svojstava Povjerenstva za priznavanje sorti Republike Hrvatske. S obzirom na sve navedeno očekuje se da će sorta Viva potvrditi visoku proizvodnu vrijednost i u Å”irokoj proizvodnji, doprinijeti popularizaciji i Å”irenju ove krmne kulture u naÅ”oj zemlji te unaprijediti daljnji oplemenjivački program crvene djeteline na Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek.Viva red clover cultivar was developed at the Agricultural Institute Osijek after five cycles of phenotypic recurrent selection. Viva is a medium-early flowering diploid cultivar, tolerant to low temperatures, lodging and economically important diseases. This cultivar has a high genetic potential for forage yield and quality, and is characterized by rapid regeneration after cutting. The official test results of the economically important traits of the Commission for Varieties Recognition of Republic of Croatia have confirmed high agronomic value of this cultivar. In accordance with this, it is expected confirmation of the high production values in wide production, contribution to the popularization and propagation of this fodder crop in our country and improvement of further breeding program of red clover at the Agricultural Institute Osijek


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    Ozimi stočni graÅ”ak (Pisum arvense L.) sve se viÅ”e sije u Hrvatskoj i njenom okruženju za proizvodnju kvalitetne voluminozne krme. Sjemenska proizvodnja ozimog stočnog graÅ”ka vrlo je složena, a time i neizvjesna najviÅ”e radi same građe i visine stabljike. Stabljika na kraju vegetacije je visine između 1,5 i 2 metra i pod težinom mahuna poliježe Å”to znatno otežava žetvu i povećava gubitke sjemena. U poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji ostvarivanje većeg ili manjeg prinosa, osim genetike sijane sorte ili hibrida, najčeŔće se povezuje s okolinskim uvjetima tijekom vegetacije, a prije svih s količinom oborina. U radu je napravljena analiza sjemenske proizvodnje ozimog stočnog graÅ”ka, sorte Osječki zeleni na povrÅ”inama Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek za devetogodiÅ”nje razdoblje (2004.-2012. godina) i klimatskih prilika te je utvrđeno veliko variranje kako u prinosu, klijavosti i masi 1000 sjemenki tako i u količini oborina tijekom vegetacijskog perioda ozimog graÅ”ka u analiziranim godinama. Korelacijska analiza po Pearsonu pokazala je nepostojanje veze između prinosa, klijavosti i mase 1000 sjemena te analiziranih parametara i ukupne količine oborina u vegetacijskom periodu graÅ”ka, ali niti s količinom oborina po mjesecima, iz čega se može zaključiti da su promatrani parametri pod znatnim utjecajem drugih čimbenika.Forage pea (Pisum arvense L.), is increasingly being planted in Croatia and its environment to produce high-quality forage. Seed production of pea is very complex process, mostly because of the plant structure and plant height. Plant height at the end of the growing season varied between 1.5 to 2 meters due to which lodging can occur because of the weight of the pod, which significantly complicates harvest. In agricultural production the yield is under the influence of plant genetic potential and environmental factors especially of the amount of precipitation during the growing season. In the work an analysis of seed pea production of variety Osječki zeleni at the Agricultural Institute Osijek depending of climatic conditions for the nine year period (2004-2012) were made. Analyses showed the large fluctuations in sin yield, germination and 1000 seed weight and oscillations in the amount of precipitation during the growing period of winter peas in the analysed years. Pearson correlation analysis showed a lack of relation between yield, germination and 1000 seed weight. There was no correlation observed between tested parameters and the total amount of precipitation during the growing period, and between analysed parameters and the amount of precipitation per month, from which it can be concluded that the observed parameters were substantially influenced by other environmental factors


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate phenotypic diversity in the alfalfa germplasm collections using multivariate analysis to examine the extent of genetic diversity and contribution of selected characters to the total diversity and finally to select the most promising clusters/populations for further breeding work. Forty alfalfa populations/cultivars of different geographical origin were evaluated for 12 agro-morphological characters during two consecutive years. The populations/ cultivars were grouped into six clusters. In most cases populations/cultivars within clusters were not associated with their geographical origin. Intercluster distances were larger than the intracluster ones. This research revealed a broad phenotypic diversity within and between the alfalfa germplasm collections. The following characters contributed most to the total phenotypic diversity: dry matter yield in the first production year, plant height and length of central leaflet. Based on the mean value of the evaluated characters and determined distances between clusters, the most promising populations/cultivars belong to the clusters IV and V. Selected populations/cultivars could be considered as a valuable genetic material for the yield and quality improvement of alfalfa in our breeding programme.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti fenotipsku raznolikost u kolekciji germplazme lucerne pomoću multivarijatne analize, utvrditi doprinos izabranih svojstava u ukupnoj raznolikosti i izabrati najzanimljivije grupe/populacije za daljnji oplemenjivački rad. Tijekom dvogodiÅ”njega razdoblja analizirano je 12 agromorfoloÅ”kih svojstava kod 40 populacija/sorti lucerne različitoga geografskoga porijekla. Proučavane populacije/sorte bile su grupirane unutar Å”est grupa. U najvećem broju slučajeva grupiranje populacija/sorti nije bilo povezano s njihovim geografskim porijeklom. Udaljenost između grupa bila je veća u odnosu na udaljenost između populacija/sorti unutar grupe. U provedenom istraživanju otkrivena je velika fenotipska raznolikost u proučavanoj kolekciji germplazme lucerne. Najveći doprinos u ukupnoj fenotipskoj raznolikosti imala su svojstva prinos suhe tvari u prvoj vegetacijskoj godini, visina biljaka i dužina srednjeg listića. Na osnovi ostvarenih prosječnih vrijednosti ispitivanih svojstava te utvrđene udaljenosti između grupa, najperspektivnije populacije/sorte pripadaju grupama IV i V. Izabrane populacije/sorte predstavljaju vrijedan genetski materijal za poboljÅ”anje prinosa i kvalitete lucerne u okviru naÅ”ega oplemenjivačkoga programa


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    Cilj je istraživanja bio procijeniti varijabilnost 10 fenotipskih svojstava unutar i između 21 oplemenjivačke populacije lucerne te izabrati najzanimljivije populacije, s obzirom na visoke vrijednosti značajnih agronomskih svojstava, u svrhu razvoja novih sintetičkih kultivara. Istraživanje je provedeno na selekcijskome polju Poljoprivrednoga instituta Osijek tijekom dvije godine (2008.-2009.). Poljski je pokus postavljen po shemi randomiziranoga bloka u tri ponavljanja. Proučavane oplemenjivačke populacije lucerne značajno su se razlikovale u prinosu zelene mase i suhe tvari, broju stabljika, visini i regeneraciji biljaka, broju i dužini internodija, debljini stabljike te Å”irini srednjega listića. Statističkom analizom također je utvrđena značajna varijabilnost u svim proučavanim svojstvima unutar i između populacija lucerne, osim za dužinu srednjega listića. Oplemenjivačkim populacijama OPL-10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 20 i 21 ostvarene su visoke vrijednosti prinosa i najvažnijih komponenti prinosa (broj stabljika, visina i regeneracija biljaka) te poželjne vrijednosti ostalih ispitivanih svojstava. Utvrđene superiorne biljke unutar najboljih populacija predstavljaju potencijalne roditeljske komponente za razvoj novih sintetičkih kultivara.The objectives of this research were to assess the variability of 10 phenotypic traits within and among of 21 alfalfa breeding populations, and to select the most promising populations regarding high values of important agronomic traits in order to develop new synthetic cultivars. The investigation was conducted at the experimental field of the Agricultural Institute Osijek. Field trial was arranged according to the randomized block design in three replications in two consecutive years (2008-2009). Studied alfalfa breeding populations were significantly different in yields of green mass and dry matter, number of stems, height and regeneration of plants, number and length of internodes, stem thickness and width of central leaflet. Significant variability was determined within and among populations for all observed traits, except for length of central leaflet. High yields and major yield components (number of stems, height and plant regeneration), as well as favorable values for other studied traits were found for breeding populations OPL-10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 21. Determined superior plants within the best populations are potential parental components for a new synthetic cultivars development

    Agronomic Evaluation and Utilization of Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.) Germplasm

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    Germplasm collection as a source of variability and genetic diversity must be evaluated for an efficient management and effective utilization. This research was aimed to evaluate the agronomic value of red clover germplasm collection, to group the cultivars and population according to their morpho-agronomical traits, and to select valuable materials for future breeding programs. Thirty red clover cultivars and populations of different geographical origin were included in the study. Investigation was carried out at the experimental field of the Agricultural Institute Osijek in Croatia. The field trial was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. Each plot included twenty spaced plants (50 x 50 cm) of each cultivar/population. During two consecutive years (2006, 2007) the following data were collected: yields of green mass, dry matter and seed (g/plant), plant height (cm), dry matter content (%), persistence (%), flowering time. The analysis of variance was carried out for all the traits, with the exception of seed yield and flowering time (which were not recorded as replicated data), using PROC GLM of SAS 9.1. Differences among cultivars/populations were highly significant for all analyzed traits. Hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward method) based on the seven morpho-agronomic traits allowed the identification of six groups of red clover cultivars/populations. This research shows that there is a great genetic variability in the investigated germplasm collection. The most promising materials were selected to form a new breeding gene pool that could be helpful for the improvement of our red clover breeding programme
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