5 research outputs found


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    The estimation of the present day tectonic movement and tectonic gradient (strain rate) has an important practical signification in the assessment of active fault and seismic hazards for the selection of Ninh Thuan nuclear power plant. Based on the three campaigns of GPS measurement between 2012 - 2013, we used BERNESE 5.0 software to determine present day slip rates of 13 stations in ITRF08 frame. The GPS stations move eastwards at the slip rates of 22 - 25 mm/yr, southwards at the velocities of 5 - 10 mm/yr. The standard errors in latitudinal and longitudinal directions are 1.2 mm/yr and 0.9 mm/yr, respectively. Combined with GPS data from the project of the study on actual geodynamics in Tay Nguyen TN3/06, we determined the strain rate ranging from 50 to 100 nanostrains with the standard error of 50 nanostrains. The direction of  maximum compressive strain rate is from northwest - southeast to east - west.Đánh giá vận tốc chuyển động kiến tạo hiện đại và gradient kiến tạo hiện đại có ý nghĩa thực tiễn quan trọng trong việc đánh giá đứt gãy hoạt động nguy hiểm động đất phục vụ xây dụng nhà máy điện hạt nhân Ninh Thuận. Trên cơ sở đo 3 chu kỳ GPS vào các năm 2012 - 2013, sử dụng phần mềm BERNESE 5.0, chúng tôi đã xác lập được vận tốc chuyển động kiến tạo hiện đại tại 13 điểm đo GPS trong khu vực lân cận bao gồm kéo dài từ Nha Trang tới đảo Phú Quý. Vận tốc chuyển dịch kiến tạo hiện đại về phía đông thay đổi từ 22 - 25 mm/năm và chuyển dịch về phía nam với vận tốc giao động từ 5 - 10 mm/năm trên hệ tọa độ toàn cầu ITRF08. Sai số vận tốc chuyển dịch kiến tạo về phía đông giao động trong khoảng 1,2 - 1,5 mm/năm và về phía nam giao động trong khoảng 0,9 - 1,2 mm/năm. Liên kết với giá trị đo GPS từ đề tài nghiên cứu địa động lực hiện đại khu vực Tây Nguyên mã số TN3/T06, chúng tôi đã xác định được giá trị vận tốc biến dạng giao động từ 50 nano tới 100 nano biến dạng với sai số giao động trong khoảng 50 nano biến dạng. Trục biến dạng nén cực đại giao động theo phương thay đổi từ bắc nam sang đông bắc - tây nam. Trục biến dạng căng cực đại có phương thay đổi từ tây bắc - đông nam sang phương đông - tây


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    This paper presents velocities of present-day tectonic movement and strain rate in the East Vietnam Sea (South China Sea) and surroundings determined from GPS campaigns between 2007 and 2010. We determine absolute velocities of GPS stations in the ITRF05 frame. The result indicates that GPS stations in the North of East Vietnam Sea move eastwards with the slip rate of 30 - 39 mm/yr, southwards at the velocities of 8 - 11 mm/yr. Song Tu Tay offshore moves eastwards at the rate of ~24 mm/yr and southwards at ~9 mm/yr. GPS stations in the South of East Vietnam Sea move to the east at the rate of ~22 mm/yr and to the south at the velocities of 7 - 11 mm/yr. The effect of relative movement shows that the Western Margin Fault Zone activates as left lateral fault zone at the slip rate less than 4 mm/year.In Western plateau, the first result from 2012 - 2013 GPS measurement shows that the velocities to the east vary from 21.5 mm/yr to 24.7 mm/year. The velocities to the south vary from 10.5 mm/yr to 14.6 mm/year. GPS solutions determined from our campaigns are combined with data from various authors and international projects to determine the strain rate in the East Vietnam Sea. Principal strain rate changes from 15 nanostrain/yr to 9 nanostrain/yr in the East Vietnam Sea. Principal strain rate and maximum shear strain rate along the Red River Fault Zone are in order of 10 nanostrain/year. East Vietnam Sea is considered to belong to the Sunda block

    Baseline seasonal investigation of nutrients and trace metals in surface waters and sediments along the Saigon River basin impacted by the megacity of Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)

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    International audienceThe Saigon River, Southern Vietnam, crosses one of the most dynamic developing Megacity in Southeast Asia: Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). The increased economic, industrial, and domestic developments may affect the environmental quality of water and halieutic resources. In this study, we evaluated the seasonal (dry and wet seasons) biogeochemical state of the Saigon River during two snapshot campaigns conducted along the river basin upstream from HCMC; the Saigon River was characterized by slightly acidic (pH 5.7-7.7) and oxygen-depleted water (dissolved oxygen (DO), 0.36-5.18 mg l −1). Nutrients (N-NH 4 = 0.01-2.41, N-NO 3 = 0.14-2.72, and P-PO 4 =~0-0.42 mg l −1), DOC (2.2-8.0 mg l −1), POC, and trace metal(oid) (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, and Hg) concentrations were low showing a good quality of the upstream river. In the urban center area, DO dropped to 0.03 mg l −1 accompanied with a rise of nutrient concentrations (e.g., N-NH 4 , up to 17.7 mg l −1) likely originating from wastewater discharges. Trace metal concentrations also rose sharply (e.g., Cr and Hg rose up to 10-fold higher) in both water and sediments but remained under the World Health Organization (WHO) and Vietnamese concentration guidelines. In the downstream estuarine area, the intrusion of marine waters diluted water flowing from HCMC, leading water quality to return close to the state observed upstream from HCMC. In general, levels of nutrient and metal contaminations along the Saigon River during both seasons appear moderate regarding to Vietnamese and WHO guidelines although the urban area is highlighted as the major contributor for metal(oid) emissions. Finally, we showed that apart from wastewater and industrial discharges that affect the river quality, metal(oid) partitioning between solid and solution is controlled by the change in water geochemistry along the continuum during both seasons, such as DO (e.g., for As and Cr) and pH (e.g., for Pb) which drives their sorption/dissolution dynamics