1 research outputs found

    Özet: Depresyon ve anksiyete dĂŒzeylerinin idiyopatik ani sensorinöral iflitme kaybâ€ș olan hastalarâ€șn iyileflme durumlarâ€șna etkileri The effects of depression and anxiety levels on the status of recovery in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hear

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    Amaç: Çalâ€șflmanâ€șn amacâ€ș ani idiyopatik sensorinöral iflitme kaybâ€ș olup iyileflen (n=33) ve iyileflmeyen (n=17) hastalarda ve sa€lâ€șklâ€ș kontrollerde anksiyete ve depresyon semptomlarâ€șnâ€șn fliddet derecesini karflâ€șlafltâ€șrmaktâ€șr. Yöntem: Bu çalâ€șflma hastanede yatan sensorinöral iflitme kayâ€șplâ€ș hastalarla (n=50), sa€lâ€șklâ€ș kontrol grubunda (n=52) gerçeklefltirildi. Anksiyete ve depresyon semptomlarâ€șnâ€șn fliddet derecesi hastaneye kabul sâ€șrasâ€șnda uygulanan Durumsal SĂŒrekli Kaygâ€ș Envanteri (STAI) ve Beck Depresyon Envanteri (BDI) ile de€erlendirildi. Bafllangâ€șçta ve tedavi sonrasâ€șnda (4. haftanâ€șn sonunda) her bir hastanâ€șn odyolojik de€erlendirme formundan 50 olgunun tĂŒm iflitme verileri elde edildi. Bulgular: ISSHL hastalarâ€șnâ€șn %66'sâ€ș iyileflmifl, %34'ĂŒ iyileflmemiflti. ISSHL hastalarâ€șnâ€șn ve kontrol deneklerin ortalama BDI ve STAI-II skorlarâ€ș sâ€șrasâ€șyla 11.4±8.6 vs. 6.8±4.3 ve 41.6±7.3 vs. 36.7±8.4 (p<0.05) olup, ISSHL hastalarâ€șnâ€șn de€erleri kontrol grubundan anlamlâ€ș derecede daha yĂŒksek idi. ISSHL hastalarâ€șnda BDI ve STSI-II skorlarâ€ș arasâ€șnda orta derecede ve anlamlâ€ș pozitif korelasyon mevcuttu. (r=0.617, p<0.05). Kontrol grubunun ortalama BDI, STAI-I ve STA-I-II skorlarâ€ș, iyileflen ve hiç iyileflmeyen gruplara göre anlamlâ€ș derecede daha dĂŒflĂŒktĂŒ (p<0.05). Ancak iyileflmifl ve hiç iyileflmemifl gruplar arasâ€șnda ortalama BDI, STAI-I ve STAI-II skorlarâ€ș açâ€șsâ€șndan anlamlâ€ș farklâ€șlâ€șk gözlemlenmedi (p>0.05). Sonuç: Sa€lâ€șklâ€ș kontrollere göre ISSHL hastalarâ€ș daha depresif ve endifleli bir ruh hali içindeydi. Ancak anksiyete ve depresif ruh hali ISSHL hastalarâ€șnâ€șn iyileflme durumunu hiçbir flekilde etkilememifltir. Doktorlar ISSHL hastalarâ€șnâ€șn anksiyete ve depresif semptomlarâ€șna da dikkat etmelidir. Anahtar sözcĂŒkler: â€čdiyopatik ani sensorinöral iflitme kaybâ€ș, anksiyete, depresyon. Abstract Objective: To compare the severity of anxiety and depression symptoms in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL) patients with (n=33) and without (n=17) recovery, and healthy control group. Methods: This study was conducted on ISSHL inpatients (n=50) and a healthy control group (n=52). Severity of the anxiety and depression symptoms was assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) during admission. Hearing data of all 50 cases obtained at baseline and after the treatment (at the end of the 4th week) were gathered from the audiological evaluation form of each patient. Results: The rates of ISSHL patients with and without recovery were 66% and 34%, respectively. The mean BDI and STAI-II scores of the patients with ISSHL were significantly higher than those of the control group (11.4±8.6 vs. 6.8±4.3 and 41.6±7.3 vs. 36.7±8.4, respectively; p<0.05). Among the ISSHL patients, there was a moderate and significant positive correlation between the BDI and STSI-II scores (r=0.617, p<0.05). The mean BDI, STAI-I, and STAI-II scores of the control group were significantly lower than those of the recovery and no recovery groups (p<0.05). However, the recovery and no-recovery groups did not show any difference in terms of mean BDI, STAI-I and STAI-II scores (p>0.05). Conclusion: ISSHL patients had a more depressive and anxious mood compared to the healthy controls. However, anxiety and depressive mood had no effect on the recovery status of the ISSHL patients. Physicians also need to pay attention to the status of anxiety and depressive symptoms in patients with ISSHL