3 research outputs found

    Ethnobioconservation with a Predict, Observe, Explain (POE) Strategy Against Student Cooperative Skills

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    Student cooperative skills are an internal representation of the conceptual understanding of Maluku's natural resource conservation biology. Currently, students still have difficulty explaining the relationship between biological conservation and biological, physical and chemical conditions of a natural resource phenomenon, at a concrete level. These difficulties require research, through Predict, Observe, Explain (POE) Strategy, Ethnobioconservation Development of Maluku Natural Resources. This study aimed to reveal the development and differences in students' cooperative skills after learning Bioconservation with POE and conventional learning. Indicators of students' cooperative skills were adapted from Johnson, & Holubec, (2002). The topic of Maluku Natural Resources Ethnobioconservation combined with the POE Strategy consists of five topics, namely 1) Burning rocks in Maluku Tenggara Barat Indonesia; 2) Sasi Lompa Opening Ceremony in Haruku Village, Maluku Indonesia; 3) Timba Laor, Latuhalat Village, Ambon Maluku Indonesia; 4) Meti Kei Ceremony in Southeast Maluku Indonesia; and 5) The Opening Ceremony of Sasi Teripang in Noloth Village, Saparua Island, Maluku Indonesia. The findings indicated that the POE strategy resulted in better student cooperative skills. The N-Gain scores of students in the class using the POE and conventional strategies were found to be 71.43 and 47.73, respectively. Meanwhile, the value of coopetarif skills was higher (36.67%) compared to conventional learning. Thus, it can be concluded that POE Strategy learning is effective in increasing the cooperative skills of students. This research recommends that POE is very important and useful for use in biology learning. because the POE strategy facilitates student concept chang


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    This research aims to determine the phenetic diversity of seagrass species in the coastal waters of Poka Village based on morphometrics. This research is a type of descriptive research, in which morphometric measurements are carried out to determine the phenetic diversity of seagrass species. Meanwhile, for kinship relationships between seagrasses. Software is used past 4.0. The results of this research were that four types of seagrass were found, namely Thalasssia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Halophila pinifolia and Halophila ovalis. This indicates that the Poka Village beach has a high phenetic diversity of seagrass species with varying morphometrics for each character and type, which is influenced by the type of substrate and environmental parameters. Seagrasses that are closely related, namely, Thalasssia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides are in one monophyletic group (ingroup) and are very closely related. Likewise with Halodule pinifolia and Halophila ovalis


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    Background: Seagrass is the only flowering plant (angiosperm) that has true root and leaf rhizomes that live submerged in the sea. There are 60 species of seagrass scattered in the world's coastal waters, one type of seagrass that can be used by humans is the seagrass Enhalus acoroides. The economic advantage of Enhalus acoroides leaves can be used as a food ingredient because it has a complete and relatively high nutritional content. Enhalus acoroides leaves can be used as raw material for herbal teas. Herbal teas have a high carbohydrate content, for example in Camellia sinensis tea of ​​0.286%, carbohydrates are one of the chemicals that are needed by the human body. Methods: This study was a descriptive study to determine the value of carbohydrate content in seagrass (Enhalus acoroides) leaf teabags. The research was carried out in March 2022. Sampling of seagrass leaves was carried out in Suli Village, Salahutu District, Central Maluku Regency. The stage of making seagrass teabags was carried out at the Basic Biology Laboratory of FKIP Pattimura University. And the analysis of carbohydrate content was carried out at the Biochemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Pattimura University, Ambon with the type of experimental research. Results: Based on the observations that have been made, the results showed that the carbohydrate content of TL U1 was 5.148%, TL U2 was 5.211%l, TL U3 was 5.165%. With an average carbohydrate of 5.174%. Conclusion: Seagrass leaf teabags (Enhalus acoroides) have a high carbohydrate content and can be a new product that is rich in nutrients